Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



Please share the experiences that you have about the meditation. It's the place to share this information. You are very welcomed, thank you!

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

Thank you for all your ideas and sharing the benefits that you've gained with it.
Feel free to explain whatever you feel about it. I'm truly grateful for even just finding you here.
*****Start a discussion about the subject you'd be interested in. There are so many ways for practicing and I'd really love you to share them with all of us.
*****Love and harmony for you. Feel blessed by your life and embraced with the love.

Discussion Forum

Do Nothing for Two Minutes 1 Reply

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Steve H Mar 6, 2012.

Hard lesson - combining Ho'oponopono with Meditation 8 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Feb 8, 2010.

Winter feast for the Soul invitation

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 14, 2010.

Encouragement to practice meditation daily 9 Replies

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr.. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 3, 2010.

Morning Meditation "Just for Today" 9 Replies

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre Oct 21, 2009.

Mantra meditation 3 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Oct 16, 2009.


Started by Jesse Andrews Oct 9, 2009.

Ten Days of Silence for Peace of Mind 9 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Sep 23, 2009.

Planetary Healing Meditation 6 Replies

Started by Linda Lawson. Last reply by Linda Lawson Sep 20, 2009.

Deep breathing~mechanism~pavlov method 2 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by Jesse Andrews Sep 17, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by desmond green on May 6, 2009 at 11:07am
Eye Love you Ron, Silja, And all of our other breath dancing team mates.
Comment by desmond green on May 6, 2009 at 11:04am
We are truly accepting our breath as our limitless potentials of joyfulness with every conscious deep breath that we take. As we surrender to our breath and find ourselves, we are now indeed set absolutely free to simply experience all of who and what we are and will always be. What a joyful time for all of us. What a richness and expansive love and bliss as we breathe together and shower the rest of our world with our loving passions!
Eye love you as eye love myself and know deep down that you feel the very same way within yourselves.
Thanks for all of us and our beauty.
Comment by Ron Alexander on May 6, 2009 at 6:11am
I enjoy a pranayama/chakra meditation called "Ananda Mandali" put out by a leader of the Oneness Movement (
Like Desmond and Silja below, I really get alot out of conscious breathing(pranayama) hence:
Wednesday, May. 6

The whole universe is breathing as our breath; we limit the process by our assumption that we are doing the breathing.

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Alchemical Wisdom
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on May 6, 2009 at 3:19am
Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful sites and also your experiences. I'd truly recommend to take a look at these sites suggested by Joel, there sure is what to read about.
Comment by Joel Levey on May 5, 2009 at 10:57pm
Aloha ))) It's heartening to explore the stream of inspirations and perspectives being offered her in this group. Over the past 40 years we've been blessed to study and practice intensively with many of the most revered contemplative teachers of our time including the Dalai Lama, Kalu Rinpoche, Krishnamurti, Vimila Thakar, Ram Dass, Pir Vilayat Khan, Goenka, Jack Kornfield, Dipama... and we have posted a website of essentialized guidelines for a wide variety of meditative practices, inspiring and affirming quotes, links, research, etc. for our friends, students, and colleagues around the globe. We invite you to explore these resources and hope they will inspire your own explorations and practice of these precious wisdom teachings.

May all beings awaken to their True Nature and Highest Potentials )))
Joel & MIchelle Levey and
Comment by desmond green on May 3, 2009 at 1:10pm
We are always much more lovable than we can ever choose to feel and be,
So open the wings of your imagination and feelings and set yourself free,
To express, explore and experience yourself as passionately as you can today,
Because all yesterdays and tomorrows are already your open fields of play...
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on May 3, 2009 at 12:54pm
Thank you Paula! In fact I do find meditating outside very powerful. I do practice it too. The nature has an incredible strong influence to our inner aspects as well. Being out in the sunshine and listening the sounds of the nature and breathing clean air gives so much more for the practice. So just do all those things that are feeling right inside of your heart and then try to keep this good feeling. I do the same, sometimes I do meditate for hours, sometimes just for a moment. Sometimes I compress the time with the feeling to get the stronger influence. We can always get the contact with our divine nature, just as long as we are not gonna start "searching for it". And for sure your words make sense!
Thank you.
Thank you Desmond. I do agree with you, that the too much thinking does no good. That is why we do need the meditation, to get ourselves deeper than the occupied mind keeps us in the everyday lives.
Comment by desmond green on May 3, 2009 at 6:40am
Welcome Paula. Please add the practice of paying attention to your breath by breathing consciously upon everything in your life. Breathe more on yourself and your affairs and think less. Breathing is adding fuel to your body while thinking mainly takes energy from your system.
Try it one conscious deep breath at a time and see how it feels.
Lots of joy and peace.
Comment by Paula Puddephatt on May 3, 2009 at 5:03am
Hi! Thank you to Silja for creating this wonderful group. I do find that meditation doesn't come easily for me, especially at the moment. I am very "on edge" lately. I sometimes find that it is easier to meditate outdoors, so maybe I will go into the garden later. I have been not far from housebound for a few months now with an ongoing illness, so it would really help me if I could meditate - and exercise - more. I believe in the power of meditation. It is amazing and life transforming. I remembering reading a quote, that was something like: "Prayer is when we talk to God. Meditation is when we listen to God". I can't recall the exact wording or where the quote came from, but it did ring true. I don't normally refer to "God" nowadays without adding "and Goddess", since I have come to believe in a female side to the Godhead - but anyway, I do like the fact that meditation and prayer are not associated exclusively with one particular faith - but with spirituality and a direct connection with The Divine. I hope that I'm making sense, and not just rambling. Sometimes it's hard to know!

Blessings to all,

Comment by desmond green on April 26, 2009 at 10:33am
Thank you Silja,
Eye love you and our family with all of myself. Eye have you all already as aspects of my own Spirit,mind, soul and body forever. Our entire universe is ourselves feeding us through one another and inviting us to celebrate ourselves consciously and fearlessly by accepting ourselves completely and one another unconditionally. It is so entirely freeing just to love and allow life to love us back.
Lots of love and Joy.

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