Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



Please share the experiences that you have about the meditation. It's the place to share this information. You are very welcomed, thank you!

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

Thank you for all your ideas and sharing the benefits that you've gained with it.
Feel free to explain whatever you feel about it. I'm truly grateful for even just finding you here.
*****Start a discussion about the subject you'd be interested in. There are so many ways for practicing and I'd really love you to share them with all of us.
*****Love and harmony for you. Feel blessed by your life and embraced with the love.

Discussion Forum

Do Nothing for Two Minutes 1 Reply

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Steve H Mar 6, 2012.

Hard lesson - combining Ho'oponopono with Meditation 8 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Feb 8, 2010.

Winter feast for the Soul invitation

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 14, 2010.

Encouragement to practice meditation daily 9 Replies

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr.. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 3, 2010.

Morning Meditation "Just for Today" 9 Replies

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre Oct 21, 2009.

Mantra meditation 3 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Oct 16, 2009.


Started by Jesse Andrews Oct 9, 2009.

Ten Days of Silence for Peace of Mind 9 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Sep 23, 2009.

Planetary Healing Meditation 6 Replies

Started by Linda Lawson. Last reply by Linda Lawson Sep 20, 2009.

Deep breathing~mechanism~pavlov method 2 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by Jesse Andrews Sep 17, 2009.

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Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on April 25, 2009 at 10:20am
The life can give us ups and downs, but inside of us there is a place we can count on. It can be entered at any time we want just by feeling our own love and by showing and spreading it we can stay in this place and must never let go of it. We can do all we can to stay connected with it or to do anything just to stay out, but the place is always waiting for us. The key is inside of our own heart.
Thank you all for this continuous showing the how beautiful is this place of yours. Thank you so much.

Thank you Candice for sharing this beautiful video! The great message and the beautiful nature.
Thank you for your wonderful comments.
Comment by Ron Alexander on April 24, 2009 at 12:00pm
From Unity Christ Church:

We join together in prayer and send our blessings for all of the families affected by the wildfires and all of the people involved - firefighters, food service, shelters. We vision peace and well being for all, including the animals, birds, trees and land. Peace, Peace, Peace.

If you know of someone from our Unity congregation who has been affected by the fires and needs shelter or support, please contact Rev. Margaret
Thank you, Rev. Margaret, you are such a loving one! Ron has also been a great blessing to me.

I was just sent this: " I love myself the way I am there is nothing I need change. and I love you the way you are .this keeps running through my light filled day.... the more I love the more I am love , . Blessings Ginny
Previously, I had been reminded of the "Be a love finder not a love finder" from the Center for Attitudinal Healing by Violetta, and I have added both of these to my "praying without ceasing/mindfulness/meditation."
a cosmos of Bliss, Ron
Comment by Candice Wilmore on April 24, 2009 at 10:47am

A sweet voice and a powerful reminder about the most important relationship we will ever have in this existence.

"You are so important..." he says.
Comment by desmond green on April 21, 2009 at 2:06pm
We are truly very fortunate to have one another to love and hug and embrace at this time. In truth this is just what the universe has empowered us to do with and for each other. Eye love just simply sharing our energies and our company and all that we mean to each other, our openess to ourselves, each other and others in our world is what our new dawn communicationis are all about. We have one another to confide in and trust fully and accept as our family circle by choice.
Thanks again for all of us and our decisions to become all that we can be.
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on April 21, 2009 at 1:34pm
Thank you Candice! I guess I know what you mean. Sometimes doing the what we want the most is the hardest thing to do, even if it is simple. Whenever feeling bad it seams to be hard to go out and to see how beautifully the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. We can give the millions of excuses for not to go and just enjoy it. But when realizing the fact that we're been playing this cat and mouse within ourselves then there are no reasons good enough for the excuse. Sometimes it takes step by step for staying longer in the full sunlight not to get burned.
Somehow it always makes me feel happy to see the stars shining in the night and the same with the sunny day. It can heal the pain also, whenever we've caused it to ourselves. The sun needs our love too, as our brightest feelings reach everywhere. But the sun shines on everyone.
Comment by Candice Wilmore on April 21, 2009 at 1:12pm
Just thinking and writing here:

The sun's warmth is a gift to me. I don't have to take it. I can hide, turn away, I can reject it in so many ways. It's not like I did something to deserve it. It's a gift I can either accept or not; enjoy or not. Whichever I choose is not about me being a good person or bad person, right or wrong.

Same thing with the feeling inside each human being. It's there for everyone, just like the sun, but I can acknowledge and accept or I can reject the presence of that feeling, in so many ways. I can reject it with my beliefs, ideas, concepts, definitions, desires, my own need to have it "my way."

Whether I accept or not does not make me good/bad/right/wrong. I can live with or without that feeling, it's not like breath will leave me if I don't discover that feeling and accept and embrace it. It's not like when I die anyone will know whether I accepted or rejected, right?

That's amazing to me. This incredible thing is placed as a gift to each human being but never forces itself on any of us, just as the sun never forces us to enjoy it.

Sounds simple but think about it. Isn't that beyond humility, beyond kindness, that we're given so much but never judged if we reject it?
Comment by desmond green on April 21, 2009 at 1:03pm
accpting all of what we are and how we feel completely is our key to all of the treasues of heaven wthin and the bounties of earth wihout. Let us simply enoy doing that one conscios eep breath at a time.
lots of joyfullove now and forever.
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on April 21, 2009 at 7:39am
*One day of feeling totally happy gives more than the whole life in a struggle of trying to be perfect and not succeeding in it. Feeling happy also helps to give the best and grows us for the better.
So whenever someone tries to ruin our feelings with saying that we should be much more and do much better just take a look at that someone. Can you see the happiness in this person's eye? If not, then maybe it is not you that needs the help... But when that someone is really happy then maybe there is something to learn for more, just don't lose the feeling.*
I'm so grateful for feeling the love inside and for finding the reasons of being happy even when facing difficulties. Even when feeling down, we can still get back up and feel good again, when realizing that we have the key. We are the ones to create our thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes I feel that there is absolutely nothing that I could say about the meditation, but yet I know all the benefits that I gain from it. I just use it all the time when I choose or need it but still don't know what to say about it. It feels just as natural as eating or sleeping, it's not like some kind of a ritual for me. Each time is different, there are different intentions, but the love remains the same.
I love you all. I love to see the birds singing around our house, it is just so amazing. We can always go to the nature and it takes away all the pains created by the illusions. That is beautiful.
Comment by desmond green on April 20, 2009 at 2:38pm
It continues to satisfy and uplift my soul every time eye feast on the insights and wisdom of our community members, We are truly creators of the new dawn and the first fruits of the new understandings of life. It feels wonderful to be among warm and loving beings who have fearlesly accepted ourselves completely and the rest of life unconditionally.Let us joyfully continue to flood our space with joy and happiness one conscious deep breath at a time.
Comment by Ron Alexander on April 20, 2009 at 9:17am
As I silently listen to Spirit within:

here is my new post inspired mostly by Ernest Holmes and his Daily Wisdom, and by the Oneness Movement and it wonderfully deep Deeksha (blessing) givers -

The Realization of Oneness

The Realization of Oneness Lifts Us to Heaven on Earth

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a who realizes this goes forth with joy, sells all of their things, and buyeth the field. Matthew 13:44

Because I am One with God, I am One with all people.
Because I am One with Life, I am One with everything that lives.
I feel my union with people and with nature.
I feel that I belong to Life.

I love life and I enter into the joy of living. I enter into the companionship with others, into cooperation with them. And I know that something within me reaches out and embraces the whole world. Something with me blesses everything it touches, brings life and happiness and joy to everyone. Something within me acts as a healing balm, restoring everything to its natural and fruitive Perfection.

As I silently listen to Spirit within me and think of Its Perfection, I know that I am being born into joy and hope and gladness, born into love and faith and assurance.

Silently I release every negative thought from my mind, I release it and let it go. And I, too. pray "that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may be one in us."

Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes' Daily Wisdom (all above)

Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love. Tagore

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