Architects of a New Dawn

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Please share the experiences that you have about the meditation. It's the place to share this information. You are very welcomed, thank you!

Members: 146
Latest Activity: Dec 24, 2021

Thank you for all your ideas and sharing the benefits that you've gained with it.
Feel free to explain whatever you feel about it. I'm truly grateful for even just finding you here.
*****Start a discussion about the subject you'd be interested in. There are so many ways for practicing and I'd really love you to share them with all of us.
*****Love and harmony for you. Feel blessed by your life and embraced with the love.

Discussion Forum

Do Nothing for Two Minutes 1 Reply

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Steve H Mar 6, 2012.

Hard lesson - combining Ho'oponopono with Meditation 8 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Feb 8, 2010.

Winter feast for the Soul invitation

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 14, 2010.

Encouragement to practice meditation daily 9 Replies

Started by William L. Kimmel Jr.. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Jan 3, 2010.

Morning Meditation "Just for Today" 9 Replies

Started by LubovArt. Last reply by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre Oct 21, 2009.

Mantra meditation 3 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by William L. Kimmel Jr. Oct 16, 2009.


Started by Jesse Andrews Oct 9, 2009.

Ten Days of Silence for Peace of Mind 9 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Sep 23, 2009.

Planetary Healing Meditation 6 Replies

Started by Linda Lawson. Last reply by Linda Lawson Sep 20, 2009.

Deep breathing~mechanism~pavlov method 2 Replies

Started by Jesse Andrews. Last reply by Jesse Andrews Sep 17, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by desmond green on April 18, 2009 at 11:51am
Thank you Candice for your truly wonderful and fulfilling comment. It is in itself a reminder of how priceless we all are, and how much we are all hungering and thirsting for our own innermost "BREATH".In my own experiences eye have found conscious deep breathing to be the path to my withinness. As eye accept my breath as my God, my essence, and my only reality , eye am fed and satisfied completely.
Eye encourage everyone to practice and perfect that habit for themselves until they get the fullest hang of it. Living one conscious deep breath at a time is truly the greatest gift everyone of us can give to ourselves.
Lots of love and joy .
Comment by Candice Wilmore on April 18, 2009 at 10:03am
As I read all these posts and other information online, I am astounded at how many people on this Earth want to learn a way to go inside. I don't think we realize how amazing this is since we've never lived in other times. The technology, the thirst, the interest in knowing more about's all so lovely and powerful.

Who can even imagine where all this will lead but in my own life, it's lead to a fulfillment beyond my wildest imagination. I know no matter what happens, (and eventually "it" will happen and I'll no longer be here) that my life was complete, my heart was nurtured and filled in ways I did not know existed and all because of one simple thing: I was shown a way to go inside.

What happiness comes from that home within.

Love to all,
Comment by Ron Alexander on April 14, 2009 at 11:44am
Possibly the most transcendent meditation, that I have experienced is from a Deeksha (Oneness Blessing) Giver. We sit in a circle and chant, practice pranayama with each chakra while the deeply trained Deeksha provider gives us a oneness blessing. I call this "deeksha" - "brain reiki", as her hands are gently placed over your head.
For more information on this fast growing international blissful process, check out
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on April 9, 2009 at 12:54pm
Thank you Candice! These words are wonderful.
Sometimes I just think of how important it is to stay focused on what is the most important in our lives and to do the things we have the talent for. It ain't so important the what or when we get something from doing these things, but instead we feel when doing these things. To feel it is a blessing.

Comment by Candice Wilmore on April 8, 2009 at 8:42pm
Hi All,
I hope this note finds you well and enjoying, as much as possible.
Comment by Candice Wilmore on April 8, 2009 at 8:41pm

Comment by desmond green on March 23, 2009 at 8:35am
Thank you Silja,
Your passion is truly overwhelming and fulfilling. Eye celebrate your presence and essence all together now and am happy for our understanding. We are love in every way and just embracing ourselves as the one "BREATH"is pure wonder and beauty. Eye feel my love and your love and the love of the rest of our universe deep within me now and trust that you will do the same.
Lots of love and joy one conscious deep breath at a time.
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on March 23, 2009 at 2:56am

Be open when practicing the meditation. As each and every day is a whole new there can be the special and unique ways that work for today. Although the unconditional love is the same, there can be many ways to express it. Take this benefit, that we've gained to so-called "ordinary life" until seeing that each and every moment is special. See the new ways and opportunities in difficulties too. Feel, the what is eternal.

The every day is like a dream, yet all that seams and what is real.
Be whole of you and make the moves, no-one can steal
the who is REAL!
Loving harmony for your presence, my friends!
Comment by desmond green on March 22, 2009 at 7:05am
Thank you Silja,
Your truly inspiring spirit is a joy to experience. Eye love you as completely as eye love my own breath. With every conscious deep breath that eye take eye feel your essence and presence and wish that you do the same for yourself and for the rest of the world. It is so easy to love you because you are love in human form.
Continue to be and give yourself through your wonderful artistic expressions because they tell of your inner magical states.
Thanks again and lots of love and joy one conscious deep breath at a time.
Comment by Silja Saareoks-Kaldre on March 22, 2009 at 12:09am
Thank you Ancient One for the wonderful message!

Thank you Desmond for all the dedication of showing your techniques.
Blessings, Silja

Let's show the loving harmony in our presence and share the power of our hearts, thank you.

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