Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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People all over the world are joining together to bring peace to our hearts and our planet through the prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth.

This prayer for world peace carries a message of great hope and healing. It transcends barriers of nationality, race and religion to unite humanity in a call for the common good of all life on Earth.


The World Peace Prayer Ceremony is a global celebration of the oneness of humanity. The Ceremony invites people from every race, religion and background to pray jointly for the peace of the lands and people of the world. During the Ceremony, a prayer is recited for peace and happiness to prevail in every nation of the world.

  As all assembled voice their prayers, the national flag of each country is gracefully presented, acting as a spiritual symbol through which the loving wishes for all life on earth are expressed toward every region of the world.

The World Peace Prayer Ceremony is a moving ritual of prayer for world peace. It can be a beautiful opening or closing ceremony for a large conference or gathering at a university or place of worship. A Ceremony can celebrate special occasions such as the International Day of Peace or an important date in history. It can be done in great majesty in a large hall or as a small meeting of dedicated friends of peace, with or without flags. The important thing is simply to pray for peace for everyone in the world.

Children and young people love to participate in the World Peace Prayer Ceremony, especially as flag bearers. They can also make flags by copying from a book. They also like to dress up in the national costume of the countries being prayed for. This can make an absorbing project for a classroom or a club.

There are currently 191 independent countries in the United Nations.
You may obtain a country list by downloading:
The World Peace Prayer Ceremony booklet (alphabetical)
Country List – By Region, Color-Coded
Country List - Alphabetical

Please let us know about your World Peace Prayer Ceremony. If you send us a photo, we will try to include it in the Global Link Newsletter. If you are planning a major Ceremony and would like our help, please contact the World Peace Prayer Society Office or Peace Representative nearest you.

The Great Invocation (in English): Prayer for World Peace

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