If we do not understand our Self, and the universe in which our Self experiences creation, then personal peace will elude us. It is the age old question, "Who Am I" & what is my relationship to God (Source), Creation (the Universe), and Humanity.
Peace comes by aligning in harmony all of our various dimensional aspects, often called bodies.
I've made a short video to explain this further, based on the "Bio-Spiritual Being" page on Peace Portal.
To be at peace with our Self, the appropriate question may be "What is my relationship to un-Reality, or fiction - my "Legal Body" through which I engage corporations, governments, community, even a spouse since marriages are between legal people, and can be dissolved legally.
Part of the reason people are out of balance with the self is they think of marriage as a "relationship" - the energy between the individuals involved - not the legal things that exist only on paper for purposes of jurisprudence, If you look carefully, you'll find many of the things that keep you from peace are illusions created by agreement; take debt, it causes more stress and suffering for families than any other pressure, In nature as Reality exists there is no debt, there is what there is in any given moment. You can't borrow next years crop from nature, or go into debt to nature, debt is a legal fiction created for society to function in an industrial society.
Yet this fiction creates a fear of Lack, of "what will happen if," and causes people to act outside their moral inherent character to grab the buck to feed the family. No wonder a person may not be at peace. Nature as it is, are no longer the predominant the rules of the game of life - they have been replaced with the Game Of Countries where pieces called citizens enforce their laws by gunpoint, military hegemony, and continuation of Fear designed to keep the individual ingratiated and grateful for the law givers leadership.
To be at Peace with your Self, you must be your own Leader, own Law-Giver, and Source of Authority. If you take your god given place as kings and queens of your castles in a responsible way; you will change the world! It all starts with enough of us changing our Self, starting with our Self Perception. The universe is a virtual information field, you're at the center of it, we are all our center, acting as sovereign co-creative powers whose inherent character is Love. When you find peace within by balancing your perspective of Self in relation to all the varying dimensions of creation, the outcome will be a felt LOVE of creation itself, all it's parts, and your SELF as the center.
The following video explains the full mechanics of the universal system described in the above video, and explained on the Peace Portal site.