Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

September 21st is the UN International Day of Peace, and GetZooks along with, Culture of Peace, Unity Foundation, and others are planning on a 24 Global Broadcast for television, Radio, and Internet live stream ~ A Global Multi-Media Event.

You are encouraged to hold Peace Day Parties, they may even be a part of the broadcast heard around the world! where will you be, or will YOU holst a Party? If you're holding a Peace Party register it at

 Post your peace events and activities on CPI's Global Events Calendar, which includes worldwide events on the International Day of Peace (September 21). Now more than ever, Peace Day is every day! You can also add your stories, photos, and video from your 2008 Peace Day events to be included in CPI's Annual Report.


The Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a co-operative Peacebuilding Initiative to unite the strengths of existing organizations, projects and peoples in building a Culture of Peace for future generations. CPI serves as a vehicle for bringing to light the previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working towards Peace along diverse pathways.


Established in 1983, CPI enables global Peacebuilders to instantly network, share inspiration, discuss ideas, and collaborate on projects and events. Working in partnership with the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, local communities, grassroots organizers, and individuals, CPI unites our voices into a powerful worldwide movement for peace.


As Paul Hawken has described in "Blessed Unrest", there are hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world already working to bring about peace and social justice. It's the largest movement in history. (More...)

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