Hmmm. They say every question that arises within us , has an answer within us as well and surfaces when we are ready to learn its message. Let 's see what I am ready to integrate.
(At the suggestion of another, I have adjusted the discussion question to include the word "unconditional". Unconditional is defined as "' love that presupposes no conditions upon willingness to love regardless of how self or other responds because there is no expectation of return of that love.)
Uncondtionally loving self shows up when I can hold a space of non judgement that I can draw upon when I've stepped out of my roles , taken off the masks that I or other expect me to wear, stepped back from all the responsiblities.,the shoulds, the coulds. Its just me standing alone
in the truth of the moment. This is what I am . Just me. Just me. checking out what I truly feel in this moment about some aspect of my walk on planet earth.. How am I doing? Do I accept who I am? Are there any ..".but u are like this" and "if u do this , I can accept u ", or "when u are this way I can accept u, u will be okay."
I have witnessed how much discipline it takes, how much will it takes to to be in acceptance of self and other no matter what. It is not such a generous quality in this 3rd dimension of being and doing.
It is acknowledging and giving audience to what matters in one's life. .. the heart is the door , the gateway to full self acceptance.there is no measuring or comparing.
One's first response from this seat of compassion is to love all that is. How would it be to be like that in all moments. ?
Our choices determine how our lives will go. Yes there are consequences. Would we learn which direction to go any other way?
So how I express unconditional love for self is to discipline myself to notice what I send out and receive energetically.In this way, I am responsble for the thougths and feelings that I entertain .
Otherwise, to be drifting thru ife as I once did, basically at the mercy of every projection others sent my way , at the mercy of my own projections toward self and others., I was ismply spinning the same stories to live thru over an d over. Experience,.... judgement of it cause more experience ... then more judgement .
The most loving thing for me to do for self is to stop the fast descent into negativity .Learning to co-create my reality ,to raise a feeling from its lowest form to higher resonances is to experience a purposeful joyous life. It is a conscious generous act that expands exponentially ..