We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
I agree about not focusing on the problem but it must be acknowledged. I think there is a danger of 'the problem' becoming taboo; that which must not be uttered. If you drop a jar of mayonnaise and it smashes, it has to be cleaned up. We could try not focusing on the smashed jar and just focus on making the kitchen a nicer environment if we like. But I think this would just be playing some superstitious 'head game' with ourselves. The reality is that there is a smashed jar and mayonnaise all over the floor and it has to be cleaned up. We know this and nothing is to be achieved by telling ourselves that we are not cleaning up a mess. We are improving the kitchen.
If the kids are running riot in the living room and we have guests coming in ten minutes, the kids have got to take their play outside. We can approach this by suggesting an alternative and infinitely more fun game outside so we can positively enhance the feng shui of the living room but, if the kids don't go for that, we're going to have to point out that we have guests arriving in ten minutes and the kids have got to get the hell out of the living room because we've got to clean it up and we've already wasted ten minutes cleaning up mayonnaise off the kitchen floor.
Off-shore oil rigs are an environmental disaster waiting to happen and the BP rig just ran out of patience. If it takes a crisis to wake people up to the fact that we must now take a hand to change the direction of civilisation to one of creativity, fulfillment and respect for the earth and its inhabitants, then the disaster ceases to be a disaster immediately. It becomes the first step to a New Beginning. But hoping that those who hold power will willingly abandon their greed and fall in line is unrealistic in the extreme.
They have to be told that this is as far as it goes. We have all experienced a situation in which we have had to say "ENOUGH!" in one way or another if only to the kids when the play gets too rough. Did the Universe decide to send us more kids to make more mess or did the kids stop and take their play outside? Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we have a problem that needs to be addressed. Try telling however many million people are at risk in the Gulf that they should try not to focus on the problem.
The first stage in addressing a problem is acknowledging that there is a problem. If we don't, it doesn't get addressed. This isn't fear based. It's responsibility based. The next stage is deciding how we are going to address it, Again, this isn't fear based but responsibility based. Then we put our plans into action and, from that moment, there is no problem because the incident is the motivating factor that is moving us forward. It becomes a blessing. We are not getting 'rid' of the problem but responding to an event that has set us upon the right path. But it begins with drawing a line and saying "ENOUGH!"
Maybe I'm missing something here but, from what I can gather, the CIA have exercised an enormous power over other countries in the service of American interests (by that, of course, I don't mean in the interests of the American people but the US administration). They are able to infiltrate every organisation that may have some effect on the politics of the US. The same could be said about MI5 and probably every other intelligence agency on the globe. The drinking water throughout the Western world is contaminated with fluoride, which, contrary to claims, has no effect on dental health whatsoever. Actually, why would our governments be so concerned with dental health that they actually 'medicate' the water while other more serious conditions are largely ignored? Fluoride may not have any scientifically proven effect on teeth but it certainly has other scientifically proven effects on the human body... or, to be more precise, the brain. Fluoride toxicity reduces IQ, impairs memory and inhibits learning abilities.
Fluoride is just one of the many toxins being imposed on the masses against their will and even, unless you actually research the names of the mysterious ingredients added to our foods, without their knowledge.
Could it possibly be that a dumbed down, passive and compliant population is easier to control?
This is nothing new and there is ample information published on the Internet to indicate the level at which the people are being poisoned by those who are in control.
Another thing that isn't new and liberally documented on the web is 2012. This is such a significant date that all of the scholars of the 60s & 70s who had taken such a keen interest in all things esoteric........... said absolutely nothing about it at the time. Now it's everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the 'Ascension'. This requires 'looking inwardly' and focusing on love and the Spirit Light and so on. I do sincerely apologise if I come over as cynical and skeptical. However, this is because I am. My reasons will be explained shortly so please bear with me and suspend any objections for a moment.
Another current obsession is The Secret and the Law Of Attraction. The rule for success in getting anything you want is to focus on 'having' rather than 'wanting'. 'Do not focus on the problem. Focus on the desired outcome' we are told and this certainly seems to make sense.
But wait a minute... somewhere within this mass of New Age Philosophy must be the 'Red Herrings' inserted by the intelligence agencies. Every other movement has been infiltrated, why not this?
In an attempt to gather together ideas for addressing the dangerous level of power that a small minority of 'movers & Shakers' wield over six billion people, I am getting the following responses:
To stand in defiance of the illusory powers that can only be imposed on us with our consent, I am told, is confrontational and is focusing on the problem. The way forward is to look inward and focus on one's own state of balance and integrity. But, above all: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM.
In response to the BP oil leak, I am told that to make a stand and confront governments with the damage they are wreaking and to withdraw our consent for them to handle the situation is focusing on the problem. It's almost as if a subliminal tannoy is continually relaying: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER WANTED BY JUST LOOKING INWARDLY. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM. WE SHALL ALL ASCEND IN 2012. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM!
I'm afraid that this, to me sounds like the Wizard of Oz telling Dorothy to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I think we're being played.
If intelligence agencies were to infiltrate the whole of the New Age Movement and push forward a few more compliant philosophies, they would have the means at their disposal to ensure a viral take up of these ideas.
So, while our governments send our sons, daughters, husbands and wives to fight corporate wars on behalf of the petrochemical industries, it would certainly be in their interests that the 'intelligentcia' were not focusing on the problem. Suddenly the LoA has sprung from nowhere... allegedly a 'secret' that has been withheld from us until now... the path to untold riches. All we have to do is not focus on the problem.
Somewhere within current and popular philosophies are the 'red herrings' and this is something of which we must be wary. Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.
If we think that the main philosophies of the kind of groups that, in the 60s & 70s, would have been out in the streets protesting has been somehow overlooked by government security agencies, we are kidding ourselves Big Time!
There is no need to protest in the streets. That method is ineffectual anyway. There is no need to rise up in conflict as that would only result in tighter security controls. We need simply to stop believing the illusion that a handful of megalomanic control freaks actually have the power to treat the planet and its inhabitants as a personal larder. But we need to stand firm and withdraw our consent to their authority en mass. Peaceful, civil defiance. What Ghandi referred to as 'Passive Resistance'.
The Mexican Gulf oil leak is the worst environmental disaster in history. Our governments are sending soldiers to fight wars that serve only to enrich the giant multinational corporations and, in doing so, are illegally invading countries and oppressing the populations. Our governments are stoking the fires of resentment and ensuring that terrorism is a real enough threat to justify ever more stringent security controls. We are being mass medicated to dull any inclination to stand up and defy our governments. We are simply a commodity and nothing more. We are expendable and exploitable.
Only we can stop what is happening to us, to our children, our grandchildren and Humanity as a whole.
Thanks for your real and interesting posting.
Seems to me that we have all conditioned that we must focus on the problem if we are to solve it.
Saying “enough”---recognizing the problems---is a great first step beyond hopelessness/powerlessness. It is important. Optimally, it will be quite brief. Once you recognize the problem, focusing on it is counter-productive. The brain doesn’t get the negative of “I don’t want” but rather sees the envisioned problem and either perpetuates it or creates anxiety because of the mixed message.
You write: “Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.”
When we tell ourselves we “must” do something, we are generally setting ourselves up for disappointment. “Must” sets up an “accomplish or else” vision with generally severe consequences if we do not manifest the change. It is low power.
What we are being collectively called to do is to recognize our power to choose a loving response to EVERYTHING that we experience. As we grow that power, we create alliances: the more that are in agreement with your vision for what is wanted or envisioned, the more powerful is the vision.
Further responding to your posting excerpt above: When we feel compelled to “do something” in response to our governments and religions’ corrupt behavior, the “doing” is fruitless if we are not coming from a place of trust and loving power.
There are all kinds of well-intentioned folks that will incite anger by screaming into megaphones or telling us that we must righteously stand up in anger to the abuses of our institutions. Again, it may be a step beyond being asleep or in avoidance/powerlessness, but alone these things cannot propel us communally to any significant result. As long as fear, anger, despair, violence, indignance and such are a significant part of one’s basic mindset, one is weak.
And weak is how the money barons want us. That’s why we have poisons like aspartame and monosodium glutamate in our processed foods and why we have fluoride—a common ingredient in rat poison---in our water supplies in most cities in the U.S. It is why the media finds it so easy to create confusion and discord. It is why most of our religions feature a wrathful god that will damn us to eternal torture if we do not walk their line. It is why our government always seems to be fighting with itself and other countries. Their agenda is our confusion, division and powerlessness.
How many of us who have at least a general picture of what is going on with our governments, religion and media are willing to send loving energy to the ignorant corrupt elite? How many fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico who have had their livelihoods damaged by the oil spill are willing to send loving energy to the big wigs at BP? How many parents who have lost a military son in Iraq is willing to send love to those who killed him?
Doing comes out of being. Right now, how many people do you think there are in this country who would be willing and able to call the President and congressional representatives and calmly, lovingly, firmly tell them what is important for them to do if they want to get reelected? How many would be able to include in that call a short list: the abolishment of the Fed (a private bank that basically controls our money supply and bleeds us), the ending of the wars, and the removal of toxic poisons from our foods, higher tax rates for the rich along with the abolishment of many of the loopholes that allow so many of the money elite to pay no taxes at all? Could you make such a call without upset or attachment? If you can one such call means almost nothing. What if 100,000 such calls were placed every day? We’d be heard.
As long as one is in fear and powerlessness, such a call cannot be made. So it starts with the inside job of building your own power, then creating alliances to build communal power.
This exchange has inspired me to create a simple script for people to use if they are willing to make the kind of political representative call envisioned above. Will put it on my blog by the end of the week.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Ron Tocknell said:Maybe I'm missing something here but, from what I can gather, the CIA have exercised an enormous power over other countries in the service of American interests (by that, of course, I don't mean in the interests of the American people but the US administration). They are able to infiltrate every organisation that may have some effect on the politics of the US. The same could be said about MI5 and probably every other intelligence agency on the globe. The drinking water throughout the Western world is contaminated with fluoride, which, contrary to claims, has no effect on dental health whatsoever. Actually, why would our governments be so concerned with dental health that they actually 'medicate' the water while other more serious conditions are largely ignored? Fluoride may not have any scientifically proven effect on teeth but it certainly has other scientifically proven effects on the human body... or, to be more precise, the brain. Fluoride toxicity reduces IQ, impairs memory and inhibits learning abilities.
Fluoride is just one of the many toxins being imposed on the masses against their will and even, unless you actually research the names of the mysterious ingredients added to our foods, without their knowledge.
Could it possibly be that a dumbed down, passive and compliant population is easier to control?
This is nothing new and there is ample information published on the Internet to indicate the level at which the people are being poisoned by those who are in control.
Another thing that isn't new and liberally documented on the web is 2012. This is such a significant date that all of the scholars of the 60s & 70s who had taken such a keen interest in all things esoteric........... said absolutely nothing about it at the time. Now it's everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the 'Ascension'. This requires 'looking inwardly' and focusing on love and the Spirit Light and so on. I do sincerely apologise if I come over as cynical and skeptical. However, this is because I am. My reasons will be explained shortly so please bear with me and suspend any objections for a moment.
Another current obsession is The Secret and the Law Of Attraction. The rule for success in getting anything you want is to focus on 'having' rather than 'wanting'. 'Do not focus on the problem. Focus on the desired outcome' we are told and this certainly seems to make sense.
But wait a minute... somewhere within this mass of New Age Philosophy must be the 'Red Herrings' inserted by the intelligence agencies. Every other movement has been infiltrated, why not this?
In an attempt to gather together ideas for addressing the dangerous level of power that a small minority of 'movers & Shakers' wield over six billion people, I am getting the following responses:
To stand in defiance of the illusory powers that can only be imposed on us with our consent, I am told, is confrontational and is focusing on the problem. The way forward is to look inward and focus on one's own state of balance and integrity. But, above all: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM.
In response to the BP oil leak, I am told that to make a stand and confront governments with the damage they are wreaking and to withdraw our consent for them to handle the situation is focusing on the problem. It's almost as if a subliminal tannoy is continually relaying: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER WANTED BY JUST LOOKING INWARDLY. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM. WE SHALL ALL ASCEND IN 2012. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM!
I'm afraid that this, to me sounds like the Wizard of Oz telling Dorothy to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I think we're being played.
If intelligence agencies were to infiltrate the whole of the New Age Movement and push forward a few more compliant philosophies, they would have the means at their disposal to ensure a viral take up of these ideas.
So, while our governments send our sons, daughters, husbands and wives to fight corporate wars on behalf of the petrochemical industries, it would certainly be in their interests that the 'intelligentcia' were not focusing on the problem. Suddenly the LoA has sprung from nowhere... allegedly a 'secret' that has been withheld from us until now... the path to untold riches. All we have to do is not focus on the problem.
Somewhere within current and popular philosophies are the 'red herrings' and this is something of which we must be wary. Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.
If we think that the main philosophies of the kind of groups that, in the 60s & 70s, would have been out in the streets protesting has been somehow overlooked by government security agencies, we are kidding ourselves Big Time!
There is no need to protest in the streets. That method is ineffectual anyway. There is no need to rise up in conflict as that would only result in tighter security controls. We need simply to stop believing the illusion that a handful of megalomanic control freaks actually have the power to treat the planet and its inhabitants as a personal larder. But we need to stand firm and withdraw our consent to their authority en mass. Peaceful, civil defiance. What Ghandi referred to as 'Passive Resistance'.
The Mexican Gulf oil leak is the worst environmental disaster in history. Our governments are sending soldiers to fight wars that serve only to enrich the giant multinational corporations and, in doing so, are illegally invading countries and oppressing the populations. Our governments are stoking the fires of resentment and ensuring that terrorism is a real enough threat to justify ever more stringent security controls. We are being mass medicated to dull any inclination to stand up and defy our governments. We are simply a commodity and nothing more. We are expendable and exploitable.
Only we can stop what is happening to us, to our children, our grandchildren and Humanity as a whole.
Thank you Carlo. I'll look forward to the blog. Message me when it's done.
Many of your concerns are with the language used ("must" "enough!" etc.). Whilst I agree that language is very powerful and should be used with care, I think it is very important to question the validity of statements that discourage actual action. There are many... and they seem to be saying the same thing: that confrontation is always negative, that the only action we should take is to look within, that there is a shift in consciousness and that, come 2012, those who have prepared themselves will 'ascend' into the 'New Paradigm'.
When one reads the same thing being said repetitively, one could be forgiven for wondering if these are truly the thoughts of the writer. I am reminded of the phrase from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World: "62400 repetitions make one truth". I am reading comments that are almost becoming slogans and this troubles me.
We must be wary of the ideas we absorb as opposed to those that occur to us from observation. Question everything... even if it seems true. I've read numerous posts on AOAND and, while many are refreshingly original and thought-provoking, so many others are just repetitions of ideas I have read elsewhere. I feel almost as if somebody else were writing the rules of how we should think and, when that occurs, even if I see some truth and value in them, I feel it's important to question them.
"When we tell ourselves we “must” do something, we are generally setting ourselves up for disappointment. “Must” sets up an “accomplish or else” vision with generally severe consequences if we do not manifest the change. It is low power"
I have also read this with the same reasons given. However, I use the term "must" to stress imperative. There are things I can do and things I may do but this implies that there is no harm done if they are not done. However, we must feed our children. This is not an option but an obligation. I do understand what the original psychologist who initially came to this conclusion was getting at and I agree that we often use "must" unnecessarily (I must get a new iPhone). But I take care to use discretion. I don't see the requirement to affect inward changes and also outward changes as optional lifestyle choices. I see them as imperatives. The consequences of not doing so are no more acceptable than the consequences of not feeding our children. I'm sure that, when this point was first made, it was not intended to suggest that the word "must" should be obliterated from our vocabulary, but simply that it should be used mindfully and with consideration. In this instance, I think the consequences of not affecting outward change as well as inward change are indeed severe. I don't see how that makes it "low power". I think imperative actions have considerable power.
If we too readily take up the ideas of others without thoroughly thinking them through, we are in danger of being 'spoon-fed' ideas.
Carlo Ami said:Thanks for your real and interesting posting.
Seems to me that we have all conditioned that we must focus on the problem if we are to solve it.
Saying “enough”---recognizing the problems---is a great first step beyond hopelessness/powerlessness. It is important. Optimally, it will be quite brief. Once you recognize the problem, focusing on it is counter-productive. The brain doesn’t get the negative of “I don’t want” but rather sees the envisioned problem and either perpetuates it or creates anxiety because of the mixed message.
You write: “Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.”
When we tell ourselves we “must” do something, we are generally setting ourselves up for disappointment. “Must” sets up an “accomplish or else” vision with generally severe consequences if we do not manifest the change. It is low power.
What we are being collectively called to do is to recognize our power to choose a loving response to EVERYTHING that we experience. As we grow that power, we create alliances: the more that are in agreement with your vision for what is wanted or envisioned, the more powerful is the vision.
Further responding to your posting excerpt above: When we feel compelled to “do something” in response to our governments and religions’ corrupt behavior, the “doing” is fruitless if we are not coming from a place of trust and loving power.
There are all kinds of well-intentioned folks that will incite anger by screaming into megaphones or telling us that we must righteously stand up in anger to the abuses of our institutions. Again, it may be a step beyond being asleep or in avoidance/powerlessness, but alone these things cannot propel us communally to any significant result. As long as fear, anger, despair, violence, indignance and such are a significant part of one’s basic mindset, one is weak.
And weak is how the money barons want us. That’s why we have poisons like aspartame and monosodium glutamate in our processed foods and why we have fluoride—a common ingredient in rat poison---in our water supplies in most cities in the U.S. It is why the media finds it so easy to create confusion and discord. It is why most of our religions feature a wrathful god that will damn us to eternal torture if we do not walk their line. It is why our government always seems to be fighting with itself and other countries. Their agenda is our confusion, division and powerlessness.
How many of us who have at least a general picture of what is going on with our governments, religion and media are willing to send loving energy to the ignorant corrupt elite? How many fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico who have had their livelihoods damaged by the oil spill are willing to send loving energy to the big wigs at BP? How many parents who have lost a military son in Iraq is willing to send love to those who killed him?
Doing comes out of being. Right now, how many people do you think there are in this country who would be willing and able to call the President and congressional representatives and calmly, lovingly, firmly tell them what is important for them to do if they want to get reelected? How many would be able to include in that call a short list: the abolishment of the Fed (a private bank that basically controls our money supply and bleeds us), the ending of the wars, and the removal of toxic poisons from our foods, higher tax rates for the rich along with the abolishment of many of the loopholes that allow so many of the money elite to pay no taxes at all? Could you make such a call without upset or attachment? If you can one such call means almost nothing. What if 100,000 such calls were placed every day? We’d be heard.
As long as one is in fear and powerlessness, such a call cannot be made. So it starts with the inside job of building your own power, then creating alliances to build communal power.
This exchange has inspired me to create a simple script for people to use if they are willing to make the kind of political representative call envisioned above. Will put it on my blog by the end of the week.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Ron Tocknell said:Maybe I'm missing something here but, from what I can gather, the CIA have exercised an enormous power over other countries in the service of American interests (by that, of course, I don't mean in the interests of the American people but the US administration). They are able to infiltrate every organisation that may have some effect on the politics of the US. The same could be said about MI5 and probably every other intelligence agency on the globe. The drinking water throughout the Western world is contaminated with fluoride, which, contrary to claims, has no effect on dental health whatsoever. Actually, why would our governments be so concerned with dental health that they actually 'medicate' the water while other more serious conditions are largely ignored? Fluoride may not have any scientifically proven effect on teeth but it certainly has other scientifically proven effects on the human body... or, to be more precise, the brain. Fluoride toxicity reduces IQ, impairs memory and inhibits learning abilities.
Fluoride is just one of the many toxins being imposed on the masses against their will and even, unless you actually research the names of the mysterious ingredients added to our foods, without their knowledge.
Could it possibly be that a dumbed down, passive and compliant population is easier to control?
This is nothing new and there is ample information published on the Internet to indicate the level at which the people are being poisoned by those who are in control.
Another thing that isn't new and liberally documented on the web is 2012. This is such a significant date that all of the scholars of the 60s & 70s who had taken such a keen interest in all things esoteric........... said absolutely nothing about it at the time. Now it's everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the 'Ascension'. This requires 'looking inwardly' and focusing on love and the Spirit Light and so on. I do sincerely apologise if I come over as cynical and skeptical. However, this is because I am. My reasons will be explained shortly so please bear with me and suspend any objections for a moment.
Another current obsession is The Secret and the Law Of Attraction. The rule for success in getting anything you want is to focus on 'having' rather than 'wanting'. 'Do not focus on the problem. Focus on the desired outcome' we are told and this certainly seems to make sense.
But wait a minute... somewhere within this mass of New Age Philosophy must be the 'Red Herrings' inserted by the intelligence agencies. Every other movement has been infiltrated, why not this?
In an attempt to gather together ideas for addressing the dangerous level of power that a small minority of 'movers & Shakers' wield over six billion people, I am getting the following responses:
To stand in defiance of the illusory powers that can only be imposed on us with our consent, I am told, is confrontational and is focusing on the problem. The way forward is to look inward and focus on one's own state of balance and integrity. But, above all: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM.
In response to the BP oil leak, I am told that to make a stand and confront governments with the damage they are wreaking and to withdraw our consent for them to handle the situation is focusing on the problem. It's almost as if a subliminal tannoy is continually relaying: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER WANTED BY JUST LOOKING INWARDLY. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM. WE SHALL ALL ASCEND IN 2012. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM!
I'm afraid that this, to me sounds like the Wizard of Oz telling Dorothy to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I think we're being played.
If intelligence agencies were to infiltrate the whole of the New Age Movement and push forward a few more compliant philosophies, they would have the means at their disposal to ensure a viral take up of these ideas.
So, while our governments send our sons, daughters, husbands and wives to fight corporate wars on behalf of the petrochemical industries, it would certainly be in their interests that the 'intelligentcia' were not focusing on the problem. Suddenly the LoA has sprung from nowhere... allegedly a 'secret' that has been withheld from us until now... the path to untold riches. All we have to do is not focus on the problem.
Somewhere within current and popular philosophies are the 'red herrings' and this is something of which we must be wary. Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.
If we think that the main philosophies of the kind of groups that, in the 60s & 70s, would have been out in the streets protesting has been somehow overlooked by government security agencies, we are kidding ourselves Big Time!
There is no need to protest in the streets. That method is ineffectual anyway. There is no need to rise up in conflict as that would only result in tighter security controls. We need simply to stop believing the illusion that a handful of megalomanic control freaks actually have the power to treat the planet and its inhabitants as a personal larder. But we need to stand firm and withdraw our consent to their authority en mass. Peaceful, civil defiance. What Ghandi referred to as 'Passive Resistance'.
The Mexican Gulf oil leak is the worst environmental disaster in history. Our governments are sending soldiers to fight wars that serve only to enrich the giant multinational corporations and, in doing so, are illegally invading countries and oppressing the populations. Our governments are stoking the fires of resentment and ensuring that terrorism is a real enough threat to justify ever more stringent security controls. We are being mass medicated to dull any inclination to stand up and defy our governments. We are simply a commodity and nothing more. We are expendable and exploitable.
Only we can stop what is happening to us, to our children, our grandchildren and Humanity as a whole.
Repetition is a mechanism of integration. It is easy for one to respond with, "You said that more than once already. Therefore I am not sure that I can trust you". Fact is, we tend not to "get" new ideas to replace the old ones until we hear the new one many times. The aspects of our conversation that I address are not new. I may come up with different ways of saying them, of making them inspirational, but I repeat them and play with them with the expressed purpose of reaching an audience that has been largely conditioned to either not hear them or not believe them.
My perception is that you are viewing the "enough" discussion with a scientific mind. The idea of "thinking through" something is important because you do not want to just blindly accept a new idea. If the thinking is done with the head, one stays on the old treadmill. The impulse or compulsion to act in opposition to some injustice may feel natural. Unless that impulse is born out of love rather than fear or alarm, then the resulting action lacks potency. Fear of being "spoon fed" some potentially weak or destructive "truth" can set one on an endless journey to find a scientific answer that simply does not exist. What this boils down to is learning to consult the wisdom of the heart and to trust that wisdom. As I ask the readers of my books to do, I would ask you to not readily take anything I write as truth until you filter it through the heart. For some, this is like asking them to eat their food through their nose. The heart can be very unexplored territory, leaving the it isolated and untapped.
The quest is to balance the rational with the heart-centered, and let the heart take tie-breakers.
Spiritually profitable action is born of heart-centered evolution. We often rather tend to want to dissect everything with the mind, which has proven to be a rather dubious ally. I do not "discourage actual action", but rather encourage the focus on building one's own vibration, trust, courage and presence to the extent that what was the perceived "must" action becomes a powerful choice rather than an imperative.
Do you think that Gandhi and his followers who brought us the idea of passive resistance were controlled more by fear than trust? Do you think that they were run by their anger or panic? Their passive resistance would have had little impact upon the British if they had been largely motivated by fear and doubt, figuring that their response would result in a collective fate no better than a Kamikaze pilot. They had love and trust on their side and they had the law of agreement on their side: a uniting of many consciously to achieve peace and freedom.
Relying on the mind exclusively to answer the questions meant for the heart to answer results in the kind of world in which we are disconnected, weak and confused. Individual actions born largely of fear, doubt, panic and confusion are generally impotent. Yes, it serves us to use the mind to get us through the traffic signal, to know that hunger signals a time to eat, and to understand how a kite works. And we are served to use the mind to find clarity about the facts of the matter as we are able.
As we grow in consciousness, we will find that our actions are more and more a natural and easy product of the will of the heart.
Isolated angst about what to do about our misguided government, religions and mass media can bear no real fruit for anyone. The general maxim as I understand it is to be the change I intend to see in the world. Working with the self---building love, trust and courage---is the foundation upon which the world will be reborn in love. Action without attention to the inner is like tilling the earth and expecting to produce a crop of something before the seeds have been planted.
Ron Tocknell said:Thank you Carlo. I'll look forward to the blog. Message me when it's done.
Many of your concerns are with the language used ("must" "enough!" etc.). Whilst I agree that language is very powerful and should be used with care, I think it is very important to question the validity of statements that discourage actual action. There are many... and they seem to be saying the same thing: that confrontation is always negative, that the only action we should take is to look within, that there is a shift in consciousness and that, come 2012, those who have prepared themselves will 'ascend' into the 'New Paradigm'.
When one reads the same thing being said repetitively, one could be forgiven for wondering if these are truly the thoughts of the writer. I am reminded of the phrase from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World: "62400 repetitions make one truth". I am reading comments that are almost becoming slogans and this troubles me.
We must be wary of the ideas we absorb as opposed to those that occur to us from observation. Question everything... even if it seems true. I've read numerous posts on AOAND and, while many are refreshingly original and thought-provoking, so many others are just repetitions of ideas I have read elsewhere. I feel almost as if somebody else were writing the rules of how we should think and, when that occurs, even if I see some truth and value in them, I feel it's important to question them.
"When we tell ourselves we “must” do something, we are generally setting ourselves up for disappointment. “Must” sets up an “accomplish or else” vision with generally severe consequences if we do not manifest the change. It is low power"
I have also read this with the same reasons given. However, I use the term "must" to stress imperative. There are things I can do and things I may do but this implies that there is no harm done if they are not done. However, we must feed our children. This is not an option but an obligation. I do understand what the original psychologist who initially came to this conclusion was getting at and I agree that we often use "must" unnecessarily (I must get a new iPhone). But I take care to use discretion. I don't see the requirement to affect inward changes and also outward changes as optional lifestyle choices. I see them as imperatives. The consequences of not doing so are no more acceptable than the consequences of not feeding our children. I'm sure that, when this point was first made, it was not intended to suggest that the word "must" should be obliterated from our vocabulary, but simply that it should be used mindfully and with consideration. In this instance, I think the consequences of not affecting outward change as well as inward change are indeed severe. I don't see how that makes it "low power". I think imperative actions have considerable power.
If we too readily take up the ideas of others without thoroughly thinking them through, we are in danger of being 'spoon-fed' ideas.
Carlo Ami said:Thanks for your real and interesting posting.
Seems to me that we have all conditioned that we must focus on the problem if we are to solve it.
Saying “enough”---recognizing the problems---is a great first step beyond hopelessness/powerlessness. It is important. Optimally, it will be quite brief. Once you recognize the problem, focusing on it is counter-productive. The brain doesn’t get the negative of “I don’t want” but rather sees the envisioned problem and either perpetuates it or creates anxiety because of the mixed message.
You write: “Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.”
When we tell ourselves we “must” do something, we are generally setting ourselves up for disappointment. “Must” sets up an “accomplish or else” vision with generally severe consequences if we do not manifest the change. It is low power.
What we are being collectively called to do is to recognize our power to choose a loving response to EVERYTHING that we experience. As we grow that power, we create alliances: the more that are in agreement with your vision for what is wanted or envisioned, the more powerful is the vision.
Further responding to your posting excerpt above: When we feel compelled to “do something” in response to our governments and religions’ corrupt behavior, the “doing” is fruitless if we are not coming from a place of trust and loving power.
There are all kinds of well-intentioned folks that will incite anger by screaming into megaphones or telling us that we must righteously stand up in anger to the abuses of our institutions. Again, it may be a step beyond being asleep or in avoidance/powerlessness, but alone these things cannot propel us communally to any significant result. As long as fear, anger, despair, violence, indignance and such are a significant part of one’s basic mindset, one is weak.
And weak is how the money barons want us. That’s why we have poisons like aspartame and monosodium glutamate in our processed foods and why we have fluoride—a common ingredient in rat poison---in our water supplies in most cities in the U.S. It is why the media finds it so easy to create confusion and discord. It is why most of our religions feature a wrathful god that will damn us to eternal torture if we do not walk their line. It is why our government always seems to be fighting with itself and other countries. Their agenda is our confusion, division and powerlessness.
How many of us who have at least a general picture of what is going on with our governments, religion and media are willing to send loving energy to the ignorant corrupt elite? How many fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico who have had their livelihoods damaged by the oil spill are willing to send loving energy to the big wigs at BP? How many parents who have lost a military son in Iraq is willing to send love to those who killed him?
Doing comes out of being. Right now, how many people do you think there are in this country who would be willing and able to call the President and congressional representatives and calmly, lovingly, firmly tell them what is important for them to do if they want to get reelected? How many would be able to include in that call a short list: the abolishment of the Fed (a private bank that basically controls our money supply and bleeds us), the ending of the wars, and the removal of toxic poisons from our foods, higher tax rates for the rich along with the abolishment of many of the loopholes that allow so many of the money elite to pay no taxes at all? Could you make such a call without upset or attachment? If you can one such call means almost nothing. What if 100,000 such calls were placed every day? We’d be heard.
As long as one is in fear and powerlessness, such a call cannot be made. So it starts with the inside job of building your own power, then creating alliances to build communal power.
This exchange has inspired me to create a simple script for people to use if they are willing to make the kind of political representative call envisioned above. Will put it on my blog by the end of the week.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Ron Tocknell said:Maybe I'm missing something here but, from what I can gather, the CIA have exercised an enormous power over other countries in the service of American interests (by that, of course, I don't mean in the interests of the American people but the US administration). They are able to infiltrate every organisation that may have some effect on the politics of the US. The same could be said about MI5 and probably every other intelligence agency on the globe. The drinking water throughout the Western world is contaminated with fluoride, which, contrary to claims, has no effect on dental health whatsoever. Actually, why would our governments be so concerned with dental health that they actually 'medicate' the water while other more serious conditions are largely ignored? Fluoride may not have any scientifically proven effect on teeth but it certainly has other scientifically proven effects on the human body... or, to be more precise, the brain. Fluoride toxicity reduces IQ, impairs memory and inhibits learning abilities.
Fluoride is just one of the many toxins being imposed on the masses against their will and even, unless you actually research the names of the mysterious ingredients added to our foods, without their knowledge.
Could it possibly be that a dumbed down, passive and compliant population is easier to control?
This is nothing new and there is ample information published on the Internet to indicate the level at which the people are being poisoned by those who are in control.
Another thing that isn't new and liberally documented on the web is 2012. This is such a significant date that all of the scholars of the 60s & 70s who had taken such a keen interest in all things esoteric........... said absolutely nothing about it at the time. Now it's everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the 'Ascension'. This requires 'looking inwardly' and focusing on love and the Spirit Light and so on. I do sincerely apologise if I come over as cynical and skeptical. However, this is because I am. My reasons will be explained shortly so please bear with me and suspend any objections for a moment.
Another current obsession is The Secret and the Law Of Attraction. The rule for success in getting anything you want is to focus on 'having' rather than 'wanting'. 'Do not focus on the problem. Focus on the desired outcome' we are told and this certainly seems to make sense.
But wait a minute... somewhere within this mass of New Age Philosophy must be the 'Red Herrings' inserted by the intelligence agencies. Every other movement has been infiltrated, why not this?
In an attempt to gather together ideas for addressing the dangerous level of power that a small minority of 'movers & Shakers' wield over six billion people, I am getting the following responses:
To stand in defiance of the illusory powers that can only be imposed on us with our consent, I am told, is confrontational and is focusing on the problem. The way forward is to look inward and focus on one's own state of balance and integrity. But, above all: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM.
In response to the BP oil leak, I am told that to make a stand and confront governments with the damage they are wreaking and to withdraw our consent for them to handle the situation is focusing on the problem. It's almost as if a subliminal tannoy is continually relaying: DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM! YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER WANTED BY JUST LOOKING INWARDLY. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM. WE SHALL ALL ASCEND IN 2012. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE PROBLEM!
I'm afraid that this, to me sounds like the Wizard of Oz telling Dorothy to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I think we're being played.
If intelligence agencies were to infiltrate the whole of the New Age Movement and push forward a few more compliant philosophies, they would have the means at their disposal to ensure a viral take up of these ideas.
So, while our governments send our sons, daughters, husbands and wives to fight corporate wars on behalf of the petrochemical industries, it would certainly be in their interests that the 'intelligentcia' were not focusing on the problem. Suddenly the LoA has sprung from nowhere... allegedly a 'secret' that has been withheld from us until now... the path to untold riches. All we have to do is not focus on the problem.
Somewhere within current and popular philosophies are the 'red herrings' and this is something of which we must be wary. Yes, we must affect inward changes... but we must also affect outward changes and these are not simply going to occur by default as a result of our inner changes unless the inner changes lead to action. We are on our knees. We have to get up off our knees and stop submitting to the will of those who regard us as nothing more than a commodity.
If we think that the main philosophies of the kind of groups that, in the 60s & 70s, would have been out in the streets protesting has been somehow overlooked by government security agencies, we are kidding ourselves Big Time!
There is no need to protest in the streets. That method is ineffectual anyway. There is no need to rise up in conflict as that would only result in tighter security controls. We need simply to stop believing the illusion that a handful of megalomanic control freaks actually have the power to treat the planet and its inhabitants as a personal larder. But we need to stand firm and withdraw our consent to their authority en mass. Peaceful, civil defiance. What Ghandi referred to as 'Passive Resistance'.
The Mexican Gulf oil leak is the worst environmental disaster in history. Our governments are sending soldiers to fight wars that serve only to enrich the giant multinational corporations and, in doing so, are illegally invading countries and oppressing the populations. Our governments are stoking the fires of resentment and ensuring that terrorism is a real enough threat to justify ever more stringent security controls. We are being mass medicated to dull any inclination to stand up and defy our governments. We are simply a commodity and nothing more. We are expendable and exploitable.
Only we can stop what is happening to us, to our children, our grandchildren and Humanity as a whole.
One last note: If the primary reason that a parent feeds their child is because its an imperative, what kind of parent does that make them? The loving parent feeds their child well because it is the natural and loving thing to do, not because some written law makes feeding an imperative. Likewise, we are learning as a society that actions born out of love feed the loving collective potentiality. If our primary motivation to do something is because we have to do it, then we tend to feel like victims or like we are not free. And if we fail to manifest the imperative, then we feel impotent. The actions born of love are the key to our unfolding.
Of course. But you are bringing the necessity as the only reason for feeding a child into the argument, not I. The fact that we feed our children with love does not alter the fact that we must feed them.
This discussion is becoming a little pedantic even for me (and I can split a hair on gnat's ass) so I think I shall bow out at this point.
Carlo Ami said:One last note: If the primary reason that a parent feeds their child is because its an imperative, what kind of parent does that make them? The loving parent feeds their child well because it is the natural and loving thing to do, not because some written law makes feeding an imperative. Likewise, we are learning as a society that actions born out of love feed the loving collective potentiality. If our primary motivation to do something is because we have to do it, then we tend to feel like victims or like we are not free. And if we fail to manifest the imperative, then we feel impotent. The actions born of love are the key to our unfolding.
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