Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Chinhee & Sunhee's Distant Healing Group


Chinhee & Sunhee's Distant Healing Group

This group is going to do distant healings to specific names at specific times and we will acknowledge each request as we grow. I would love any and all spiritual people who would like to help, or do the energy healing as well.

Members: 101
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2014


Prayer list
August23, 2009
Greece fire...all people and wildlife..
Shirldean Little fawn for peace and tranquility .
Margarita Carbajal
Voula - Shoulder operation 8 am 12.09.09 australian time and for speedy recovery and healing..
Margarita Carbajal- complications after surgery,, maybe cancer..
Caileigh - 2 year old.. extremely ill with cancer.. needing total healing and weight gain..
include prayers and love to all family and loved ones..

Zoe Moon's mother who has breast cancer.
Constantino. in hospital intensive care
Prayers for Ethan..
Australian fires...
Australian earthquakes...

Jane - prayers and light to surround knee surgery scheduled for 30th November..
California fires and all the victims
Teri Koch...jaw healing

Margarita Carbajal- still battling the surgery after effect , "not doing too good"

Kathy Riesterer (Kate), found to have H1N1 virus...swine flu

Constantino is in intensive care between life and death now

Darla's grand daughter, Katie, cancer and she goes into surgery on Friday

Jimmie, Theresa Koch's son...tumor in leg and pelvic area

Debbie's dad Bill...needs a little prayer and power sent his way to deal with his illness,


Teri, surgery today
DeAndra Jackson, seeking employment and a place to live, not have a lot of support and would like a prayer circle to pray for me. I am under a lot of stress and anxiety

Chile, densely populated areas hit with 8.8 earthquake and aftershocks...
Hawaii, tsunami any moment now..

Kathryn (Please Help Missing Children)" am here to ask you for your prayers, love and directed light to my family, during this difficult time."
Margarita Carbajal, "I'm afraid that it could be something serious again. She'll get a doctor in Monterrey to take a look at her first to find out what may be wrong. If it's something serious, she may have to come back to Houston"

The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History

Discussion Forum

My true Life story 2 Replies

Started by Jane McCormick. Last reply by Jane McCormick Oct 11, 2009.

Healing for the abused 11 Replies

Started by Jane McCormick. Last reply by Christa Lore Urban Aug 24, 2009.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Chinhee & Sunhee's Distant Healing Group to add comments!

Comment by Darla Pearce on July 27, 2010 at 7:02pm
I send boundless love to bless and heal Mother Earth. I ask they her waters may bubble up fresh from her foundation to counterbalance and heal from clear waters across the land through springs, water falls, down tributaries that go to the sea and into wetlands ~ may they heal and nourish everything along the pathways. I ask that these blessings pour forth with every blink of my eye, every breath I take, and every beat of my heart. And so it is forevermore beloveds! xoxox

Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on June 22, 2010 at 10:40pm

The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...



The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...
We The People Of The United States Of America and The World Must Come Together On Our Common Grounds... We Can Not... No We MUST Not allow the Corporations do the harm to our world and to all living things... They do not care about us, our lively hoods, our health, the Ecosystems or anything else but MONEY! BP, Trans Ocean, Halliburton, The Government and The MEDIA are all in this together. They are not telling us, "We The People Of The U.S. & Planet Earth"
The Devastating Effect Of The Deadly Toxin COREXIT 9500 Oil Dispersant... It is a solvent which is 5 times more deadly then the raw crude with it's Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane and other toxic chemicals derived from Raw Crude Oil. They have not acted fast enough, They have turned away assistance from many countries, groups and organizations which have better ways and more experience with similar situations... While the Prez Plays Golf and has Date Night with Mrs. Prez... Our Gulf Of Mexico and from reports, The Atlantic Ocean and soon...Europe... Are being TOXIFYED! Killing all living things... Our Ecosystem, Food Source, Our Oxygen... And So Much More! Seize BP!, Put the Negligent Criminals In Jail... And lets Get To Really Fixing The Problem...
PLEASE NOTE...They are not telling us all about the Health Hazards from their mess... We are all in Danger... Corexit is 5 times more carcinogenic then raw crude... Benzene &  Hydrogen Sulfide are also highly carcinogenic... 5 to 7 years from now, all who come in contact or even just breath in the air born particulates of these and the many other toxins will be developing Lymphoma, Respirtory Issues  and many other major health issues...
Want to know the TRUTH! The Florida Webcasting Network has dedicated our Florida Network completely to informing Florida, the Gulf Coast States and the America's Eastern Seaboard of the Health Issues and News which you will not see on the bought and paid for Mainstream Media... Go To: and join the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... It's FREE and a place where the Gulf Coast States and the World can come together to communicate... Take Action... And Learn The Truths... Please Join as They Are The Few... And We Are The Many! Divided, We Do Not Stand A Chance... Together, They Do Not Stand A Chance...
We at the Florida Webcasting Network are reaching out to the world during THE BIGGEST GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN HUMAN HISTORY... Help Us Help You... Become a FYI Reporter and Blog, Forum, Share Videos, Pictures, Audios, News Reports and So Much More... We Are The New Media For, By and About The People and Businesses Of Florida and Planet Earth... Please Go To and join... Thank You All... It Is OUR Earth... And They Are Destroying It and Us! We Must Take Action, Reel In Our Public Servants (Government) and Demand That They Handle This Situation Now... There are many alternatives which are environmentally Friendly and More Effective... TAKE ACTION!
   We at the Florida Webcasting Network have seen and heard by the Many People and Businesses of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that there is not enough true information regarding How We Can Help, The Health Hazards, The Environmental Impact Now and in the Long Term, The Effects Of Corexit 9500-Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methane and more , How The Submerged (Hidden) Oil has already made it around the tip of Florida (Its In The Gulf Stream Conveyor) and that there are Legitimate Sightings By The Politicians and Local Affiliate Media of Palm Beach County as well as Georgia and South Carolina...  They are underplaying the extreme life threatening Situation... Our Lives, The Lives of The Sea Life, Land Animals and Mother Earth... They Have Hit The Juggler Of Mother Earth with their GREED, CARELESSNESS, NEGLENCE, LAW BREAKING AND OVER ALL DISREGARD FOR LIFE AS A WHOLE... 
   We are in the process of creating the FREE Gulf Oil  Disaster Safety and Information Guide called, "Be Safe, Smart and Prepared". The Books will be distributed by the Florida Kiwanis, Key Clubs, the Jaycees and by the Advertiser/Sponsors throughout Florida and each of the other states which they all have agreed upon. The E-Book will be available online on the FYI Network's Gulf Oil Disaster Network as a FREE PDF Download....
The 1st Book will be the Florida Edition and then we will be starting up Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama... AND... Due to the fact that the Corexit Oil is heading up the Gulf Conveyor... We will be creating area specific books for each state... We have communicated to hundreds upon hundreds of people, businesses, groups and organizations in Florida and this Terrible Event has cause an Economic Disaster... Tourism is OVER... Local Businesses are hurting... We at the Florida Webcasting Network are calling out to all of our Brothers and Sisters Worldwide to help us to help the People of the Gulf Coast States and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard  with the so very important lifesaving information... Please Join The Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... Please Donate To The Social/News Network To Keep It Up And Running... Please contact us and Purchase/Donate an Ad Spot In The Florida Book So We... Together... can Inform, Educate and Save Lives...
We at the Florida webcasting Networks have been offering Free Content to the World for Years with the help of the Florida Businesses Advertising... and we have never asked for anything in return accept for you all to enjoy the Live Events, Live Radio Shows, The Global Music and so much more.... Please Excuse me for this plea... But We Need Your Help and we need it now.... Time Is Of The Essence... Lives Depend On Your Desire To Help... Please Help Us To Help Florida and the Gulf Coast and Atlantic States... If you all are like most people and are asking yourself What Can I Do To Help?" ... Here Is your Answer...
Please Go To and Join and donate to the oil network.... Please contact Christopher Uhland, Ceo, Owner and Visionary... The Florida Webcasting Network at : or Call: 305-451-2473... Purchase a Sponsor Ad In The Book or just Flat out give from your heart to help us help all being effected by One of the Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History.... Thank You and Many Blessings...
Christopher "Starman, The FYI Guy, The DigiDude" Uhland
Comment by Martine on March 3, 2010 at 9:27am
Avec tout mon amour

Comment by Christa Lore Urban on March 3, 2010 at 6:44am
There are so many things shifting and moving right now. This is the time of great change. Spiritually we are all moving forward with our healing and seeing gifts. The earth is shifting too. We need to send out a a great healing and light of love. So many people need strength right now to handle the situations they are in.
I say a prayer for strength that all may handle their load with courage and grace and that only the wave of love be felt. Its time to stop the wars, there a bigger issues.
Pray for love and strength Practice forgiveness and share a smile
Love and Light
Comment by The Ancient One on March 3, 2010 at 3:16am
I keep three wishes ready,

Lest I should chance to meet,

Any day a fairy

Coming down the street.

I'd hate to have stammer,

Or have to think them out,

For it's very hard to think things up

When a fairy is about.

And I'd hate to lose my wishes,

For fairies fly away,

And perhaps I'd never chance

On any other day.

So I keep three wishes ready,

Lest I should chance to meet,

Any day a fairy

Coming down the street.

--Anette Wynne
Comment by Richard Marquez on March 2, 2010 at 3:09pm
Increased prayers for Kathyrn's family,Margarita et al...
Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on February 27, 2010 at 7:31am
Hello My Friends...Christopher Here... Help Haiti Live Relief Concert Tonight, Feb 27th, 7:30pm CST on The Florida Internet Webcasting Network:

Help Haiti February 27th - from Compassion International on Vimeo.
On January 12th an earthquake shook Port-au-Prince leaving thousands dead and many more without food, water, or shelter.

LIVE On The FYI Global Networks....

."You Must Be The Change You Want To See In The World"
Mahatma Gandhi

Thank You All... Christopher & The FYI Networks...
The New Media For, By and About The People & Businesses Of Planet Earth...
Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 5:25am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by Richard Marquez on February 19, 2010 at 6:01pm
Hope DeAndra finds solutions to her issues and overcomes the suffering and pain...for this I hope and pray...we live in such a great country,and we should be able to help each other...
Comment by Richard Marquez on February 16, 2010 at 1:26pm
Hope everyone is okay...and for those who are not,may Creator bless you,heal you and give you renewal and revitalization...hugs...

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