Developing, a business approach to improving socio-economic conditions world wide. The theme of the product is "an entrepreneurial tool set."
Selfport could be characterized as philanthropy for profit, and has elements in common with Kiva, Prosper, Facebook, the idea of "social business" as defined by Muhammad Yunnis, or social entrepreneurialism, as seen through the Skoll Foundation, Ashoka, Endeavor, etc.
All that said, our first products will revolve around entertainment, and look more like American Idol than some stodgy do-gooder charity. After all, we are moving towards a golden age in which Kurzweil's "law of accelerating returns" will allow for a higher standard of living for everyone that has ever been experienced by anyone, even today.
In this world soon to come, creativity and imagination will translate immediately through technology to experiential products (a la Second Life, full sensory vr, and tools like emachineshop morphing in to assemblers.)
And Selfport is designed to help set the stage, along with lots of epi-phenomena of technology, from web 2.0 to nano, giving beings the socio-economic paradigm to rapidly improve their lives, and our environment and world, through mutual benefit.
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It Is Truly In Our Hands... We Have Been The Ones We Have Been Waiting For...Greetings Kelly & Welcome...
This is Christopher with the FYI Global New Media Project... I read your profile and would like to know more about your project... It sounds exceptionally cool!... Please keep in touch... Take Care...
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