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Posted on December 30, 2007 at 10:00am — 3 Comments
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All the best,
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just great energy!!
Hari om Shanti
I'm honored you have invited me to be your AOAND friend!
My 2nd daughter Shanti Lila Mirabai just joined yesterday!
Clint & I are her only friends thus far... please invite her if you'd like to connect with us here in Alcoa,TN (just south of Knoxville,TN USA)
I have to mow the yard right now but I look forward to getting to know you!
I LOVE your beautiful AOAND site! My sit needs some work!
You have many blessed gifts to share with the World!
I listen to kirtan/shabads from MANY spiritual paths 24/7!
I love your music & voice & I look forward to hearing more in the near future!
I will be seeing the Beloved Indian Saint Amma/Ammachi this Summer in Northern Virginia. I have been recieveing her Darshan since I was pregant with Shanti in the Summer of 1996.
I recieved a special Mantra & took intiation from her in NYC x3 Summers ago.
Shanti's Baba has been an SRF = Self Realization Fellowship devotee since he was a teenager. I've enjoied attending SRF services in the Blessed honor of the sweet Avatar Paramahansa Yogananda.
I also studied with the 3HO yoga group & Yogi Bhajan since 1986. I recieved my spiritual name, "Guru Kaur Khalsa" , at Yogiji's feet on 07/11/88 in New Mexico the Summer of 1988.
I took a Mantra with TM = Transendental Meditation @ age 13 in the Summer of 1974.
My oldest daughter is named after Tara the Buddist Goddess of Compassion & Wisdom... & the Blessed Mother Mary of Jesus Christ :
Tara Mari Ice-Wright.
The list of my Ecclectic Spiritual interests goes on & on!
ALL paths lead to ONE!
I'm listening to Ammachi Bhajans right now & burning Nag Champa inscense.
~*~Peace, Love, & Light, Susan Ann Ice / Guru Kaur Khalsa ~*~
The picture you posted on my page is absolutely amazing---what amazing scenery you are witness to---and all of us are gifted to view these "snapshots" of your part of our world.
What beautiful music you have here! I so agree with you, music is the language of the soul which unites us to God!
Thank you for your gifts,
A change in the weather is sufficient
to recreate the world and ourselves
Marcel Proust

Hello Sourav, Thanks for stopping by... I am an appreciator of your country and culture. And my most revered spiritual teacher resides there also - S.N. Goenka. Yours is truly a land of enormous spiritual wealth. As a native American, I am always telling people, "I am not Indian. Indians are from India." Metta, JeanneBlessings,
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