Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Charly Hill's Blog – June 2009 Archive (4)

Weekly Tidbit: Desire

Ever really wanted something, wanted it bad, and got it but found that once you had it, it didn't satisfy the way you thought it would? And then you wanted something else. Or maybe there is something that you really want that you just can't seem to get no matter what you do. Or you do get it, but no matter how much of it you have, you want more? You just "Can't Get No Satisfaction". What is it about our desires that can set us up to feel like we don't get what we need?

Martia Nelson,… Continue

Added by Charly Hill on June 24, 2009 at 2:43pm — No Comments

Weekly Tidbit: Transforming Feelings

I heard a commercial on the radio today that rattled the tahootie out of me. It advertised a drug that would make "you feel like you were in love" and it went on to talk about feeling more hopeful and positive about your life, and that you should ask your doctor to prescribe it and you would get a month supply free. No mention of even needing a symptom to ask for this drug. Are we as a society so far removed from our feelings of love that we need to buy them at the drug store?

This… Continue

Added by Charly Hill on June 17, 2009 at 5:58pm — No Comments

Weekly Tidbit: Perceptions of Reality

I had a wonderful conversation with a friend earlier today. She had just finished reading the book When Everything Changes, Change Everything by Neale Donald Walsch and called to talk about how some of the concepts in this book could be translated into practical language and applied to our everyday life. That being one of my favorite things to do, we went to town with focus on three perceptions of reality described in that book and how they shape our lives. I had just finished reading… Continue

Added by Charly Hill on June 10, 2009 at 8:07pm — 2 Comments

Weekly Tidbit: Relinquishing

Bear Heart, a Muskogee medicine man, wrote a book in collaboration with Molly Larkin called The Wind is My Mother. I have fallen in love with this book, so it might show up in more than a couple of these tidbits. One of the many things they wrote about that spoke to my heart is the difference between releasing and relinquishing.

If we give something to someone, we let go of it in order to give it. But if we have an attachment to what they do with it after we give it to them,… Continue

Added by Charly Hill on June 3, 2009 at 4:17pm — No Comments


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