Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

David Hauser
  • Male
  • Reno, NV
  • United States
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David Hauser's Friends

  • Angel Callings Sanctuary®
  • Cierra
  • Mary Ianniccheri
  • Julie Jenkinson
  • Ray Cepeda
  • Brajanne Jacobs
  • Peter Bedard
  • Judy Scharinger
  • Sabrina Weeks
  • Joyce Shafer
  • David Harpe
  • Barbara J. Baker
  • Carlos Santana
  • cindy paulos
  • Arieljoy Fine


  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
    Avec l'intention
  • 4.
    He's so Debonair

David Hauser's Groups


David Hauser Poet, Writer, Producer

About me (read my poetry blog at

I have been active in the pursuit of understanding the creative process and its expression through art, poetry, music, film, and television most my life. Technology has been my other love and I have been on the cutting edge of that in music since the late 80’s. I have built and designed recording studios and have written songs, engineered, and produced countless acts from all genres of music. I am also a writer and I have written scripts for stage, film, and television. I am a hopeless romantic that writes about the multi-faceted expressions of joy, love, perseverance, and triumph of the soul over adversity. Below are short synopsis on my work. I am currently producing two bands Keyser Soza (Reggae) Saddle Tramps (Country Punk) in Reno Nevada.

Hummingbird Lane is a historic based science fiction screenplay about immortal witches (the Seven Sisters) and their battle against modern day Knights Templar who plot to kill 6 billion people with airborne chemical weapons (chemtrails). This tale takes the viewer from 1307 to 2012 where we see the fulfillment of many of our world’s ancient prophecies and the return of the mother goddess as predicted. We travel from Connecticut to Stonehenge and through history to solve a mystery of what happened to make corporations (the Carlyle Group) so ruthless.

Aspirin is a romantic comedy about I.G. Farbins descent on America and one Doctors mission to expose the truth of their agenda to keep us on their drugs. It is told in song and dance in the great tradition of old Broadway of the 1940’s with big band arrangements and Busby Berkley big production dance numbers. Inspired by the book World Without Cancer written by G. Edward Griffin collaborations with the president of the Nevada Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association Dr. Michael Gerber and music and play writer me. Dedicated to the memory of Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy.

The Beats is about the beatnik era at Venice Beach, California set against a tug-of-war between rent control, a wealthy Monte Carlo lifestyle, and a “somewhere in time” type of love story. There is someone for everyone in life. Someone we can see, touch, taste, feel, and smell. We know them intimately in our mind but, sometimes in our search, we settle for a reasonable facsimile. In the case of “The Beats”, Cole and Eve settle for reasonable facsimiles that die by the hand of the same man in different times. They must both traverse time in order to find their true love and ultimately be fulfilled. This movie is full of poetry, jazz, and historic references to Los Angeles’ beatnik past.

Professional Corporate Flight Attendant is a teleplay that is a cross between “Sex in the City” and “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”. Based on the true-life story and diary of Laura Mills, a professional corporate flight attendant, we delve into the behind the scenes lives of the world’s billionaires and major leaders. Utilizing exotic locations and travel on board luxury 747 jets, Laura and her other P.C.F.A.’s help reveal who these people really are without the media hype. At the end of each episode a moral to the story reveals itself and we discover we are just people after all.

Return of Rumi
While more Americans died on U.S. highways in January 1991 than Operation Desert Shield/Storm in Kuwait there were two that remain a mystery. One was presumed lost at sea and the other a F/A-18 Pilot Capt. Michael Scott that was thought to be shot-down when his tracking and navigation systems failed. N.C.S. agent looks for 20 years to discover Capt. Scott is now revered as the reincarnation of the 13-century prophet poet Rumi. (in process 02/09/2010)

Avec l’intention (with intent) is a short film that deals with the story of a young woman who has had her purpose taken away through abuse. As such she is reduced to a life as a cheap street hooker making just enough money to eat while crashing at her pimp’s house with all the other street urchins. One day while working the street a young man makes eye contact with her and they have a special spiritual love connection. Right then and there he knows he must bring her to his room and help her remember that he is the one she has been waiting for her whole life.

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David Hauser's Blog

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Posted on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Posted on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm

365 Days of Poetry 09/17/2010 Nectar of Epiphany

Baring glossed over sibilance in Dionysus voice unbearable pearl inside
Essentially liquid elastic melodious relevance deliberate missing specter
Passing for histology searching for aberrations in elation’s silent soliloquy
Drink deep restitution awaits sleeping in a labyrinth distilled sweet ubiquity


Posted on September 17, 2010 at 6:21pm

365 Days of Poetry 09/16/2010 Under the Banyan Tree 12 (last one)

Enlightenment never fled from us or else it could never be comprehended at all

Prancing foolishly we seek divine intervention some discovering its next to our hearts

Divinity always rested in your loving looks soft voice and daring touch nothing else

It was never in unexplained consciousness the riddle to the puzzle was always you


Posted on September 16, 2010 at 10:44am

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 8:41pm on July 6, 2010, Cierra said…
Hi David... not a media creator... just someone who is inspired by sight and sound... and loves to share what is learned. Blissings to you, my friend... ~ Cierra
At 8:13am on July 4, 2010, Cierra said…
Good morning David... thank you so much for making this day feel so wonderful. ~ Cierra
At 11:40am on June 25, 2010, Cierra said…
Your colors attract.... thank you so much for sharing... ~ Cierra

At 11:24am on June 1, 2010, jb said…
Thank "You" so 'very' "Friend" :)
"Appreciate".."You" !!

Your brother

At 4:12pm on May 6, 2010, Julie Jenkinson said…
In what way David?
At 9:44am on May 6, 2010, Julie Jenkinson said…
Hi David
Thank you for your reply. Yes it would be fascinating to hear more about you and your Poetry. Julie.
At 3:55am on April 2, 2010, LLOYD said…
Hi David ,..thanks for your e-mail , i hope this finds you in happy places .

Feel free to visit ' there ' you can hear more songs , & see photos. bloggs etc .

Positives from Lloyd .
At 3:29am on March 23, 2010, Brajanne Jacobs said…

Thanks for connecting with me. Nice to meet you here. Also thanks for your kind feedback on my art and your warm welcone. Your pictures are breathtaking.
Warm greetings

At 8:17am on March 20, 2010, Elisabetta Errani Emaldi said…
A rose for you!!!
Thank you for you friendship!!!

At 12:05pm on March 17, 2010, Peter Bedard said…
I hope you feel better. Let me know when you're back in LA!




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