Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'd be interested to know if any of the Crones out there feel that they're part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift. Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?

Because we have to use words to communicate in this instance, I would term myself a Lightworker. I've spent many years alone (but not lonely!) following my own intuitive path and now I'm ready to come out of the cave and talk to like-minded people. I do read all the relevant magazines, channelings, books etc but I have a yearning to discuss with other crones.

This just struck me as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad.............perhaps it is?

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During the working of the flowers I am very aware at a given point... and not every work delivers this grace... but when it does come the message is to a world, this world, that true inner peace is in the conscious Divine moment.

It is almost impossible to explain this to earthling who can only understand time as on the face of the clock. Time through an alarm that totally breaks the healing of cells and healthy brain waves and sets a soul up for a day of pull and drag for the convenience of others.

Hence the flowers. The message is the most important thing Jeanne now. The image is no longer important. Saying that, I work the image of nature to the best of my ability since that is where everyone starts to think when their thoughts are of rest, peace, healing... MOTHER NATURE.

Thank you so much everyone for all your beautiful love.

~*LOVE ALWAYS*~....words again.
Up early this morning so a little time to go through and read all the posts here -- fascinating stuff. And pardon me for calling such profound thoughts "stuff". My mind always goes off in different directions and gathers bits of information here and there which tend to reveal the "whole dynamic" rather than focusing on the particles. So, while i appreciate each of you individually it is to the composite of the collective mind of the group that i respond.

From my studies in the biology of human consciousness, i have learned that we are only "fields of information" coded by what our mission in life is. And recorded within the Kaballah is information as to how each of us gathers the information of what it is that we wish to address in each lifetime, and how we go about "in-forming" our individual energy fields each time we take on a new lifeform. Our "energy" is then is information in motion as "form following function". While we think and feel ourselves as being of solid matter, placed under a powerful microscope, we find we are only like dust particles held together by the electromagnetic energy field that underlies all of life.

In her book, "Smart Moves - Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head," neurobiologist, Dr. Carla Hannaford goes into detail as to how the eye is constructed so that we see and feel ourselves as being solid, when, indeed we are only recycled electrons swirling around in the space of what is referred to by some as "the full potential self". We are indeed -- what the Ancient Ones referred to as "an illusion".

I must go take a walk now with my little dog "Sweet Pea" before it gets to warm out as it does here when the sun is full up in the sky, so will give you all time to digest this and write more later.
Violette said, "I don't want to be intimidated here by the knowledge, ability to articulate and brilliance of my sister crones..." ...nor do I. ...see me dashing about collecting gems of wisdom and adding them into my knapsack of life skills. What a lovely, life-affirming thread to wake up to. My heart is overflowing with love... the kind that drifts across vast space of ether and thought, betwixt cell and atom... and falls to rest in a single teardrop.

Gaia Rose said, "the composite of the collective mind of the group" or the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I wanted... I needed a community of crone wisdom... and the Great Spirit responded with beings so beautiful... I would not have imagined or presumed to ask for so much. I am grateful.

Imelda said so eloquently... "It is almost impossible to explain this to earthling who can only understand time as on the face of the clock. Time through an alarm that totally breaks the healing of cells and healthy brain waves and sets a soul up for a day of pull and drag for the convenience of others."

Highly quoteable... profound truth-telling... genius insight.
AkashicWreckage said:
"But seriously, I was going to ask you how much Libra you have in your chart---not for the humor part---but revising the contracts part.

I have the generational Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Libra. ...and Mars in the 7th house. ...and I annoyingly see both sides of most arguments. ...and am forever ranting about duality. ...or is that my Pisces moon? I dunno...
Jeanne "and I annoyingly see both sides of most arguments. ...and am forever ranting about duality. ...or is that my Pisces moon? I dunno..."

What house is your moon in?

AW said: "What house is your moon in?"

This is so telling... the 10th house...
Hello Everyone, I must apologize yet again, there seems to many interruptions coming through my door as of late... thank God the computer knows no time.

I do not know too much about astrology only that there is a vibrant ehco of energy that pulls on my birthdate. I was the first baby born in Inchichore Bluebell Dublin Ireland at 12:02 am on Jan.01, 1950 at St. Frances Hostpital which I do not think exists anymore. It was New Years Eve and the attending doctor wa inibreated so the nuns delivered me from my mother's womb with forcepts. It was the feast of Blessed Imelda who was cannonized a Saint that day. Hence my name Imelda, Frances Burnadette Maguire. My mother and father received a set of cast iron pots and pans from the Irish Government to celebrate my birth. This was also my Father and Mothers third wedding anniversary. I am a Capricorn and that is all I know about my birth date. I would venture to guess however, that there must have been a full moon that night. I am in love with the energy on planet earth during the cycle of every full moon.

Sorry, that is all that I know about my birth sign.

Words again....

Jeanne said:
AW said: "What house is your moon in?"

This is so telling... the 10th house...
I do not know what my moon is.


Imelda Maguire said:
Hello Everyone, I must apologize yet again, there seems to many interruptions coming through my door as of late... thank God the computer knows no time.

I do not know too much about astrology only that there is a vibrant ehco of energy that pulls on my birthdate. I was the first baby born in Inchichore Bluebell Dublin Ireland at 12:02 am on Jan.01, 1950 at St. Frances Hostpital which I do not think exists anymore. It was New Years Eve and the attending doctor wa inibreated so the nuns delivered me from my mother's womb with forcepts. It was the feast of Blessed Imelda who was cannonized a Saint that day. Hence my name Imelda, Frances Burnadette Maguire. My mother and father received a set of cast iron pots and pans from the Irish Government to celebrate my birth. This was also my Father and Mothers third wedding anniversary. I am a Capricorn and that is all I know about my birth date. I would venture to guess however, that there must have been a full moon that night. I am in love with the energy on planet earth during the cycle of every full moon.

Sorry, that is all that I know about my birth sign.

Words again....

Jeanne said:
AW said: "What house is your moon in?"

This is so telling... the 10th house...
The question is " if one feels the are part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift?"

Yes indeed I am.

"Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?"

There is a magnificent swell of LOVE more than I have ever experienced before here on planet earth that compells me to begin the work on soul that rights the wrongs of time as we know it.

The challenge is staying focused in my Divine Moment which is a direct result of a great sense of urgencey to begin the work of finding relief for Africa. This beautiful innocent country has suffered so greatly through time. Granted there are many places here on planet earth that have suffered just as greatly. All of them need the work.

The first letter in the alphabet is "A". To begin this great obligation of being a conscious human, Africa would be the most logical place to start. Then would follow the rest by alphabetical order.

I believe Artic dreamers email was in response to the croneness survey email.

Sorry I'm not very with it today... been feeling kinda puny the past couple days. The universe is saying sit down and go inward... so I shall... with the knowledge that my crone sisters are beaming light and love around our planetary home. One love... Jeanne

Also I know you all received mail from arctic dreamer but I cannot find what this was all about? Can anyone tell me if they found the rest of her message?
I'm so touched that this Cackle of Crones brought the party over to my place when I was finding it hard to access the party elsewhere. Since the metatronic healing my chronic fatigue had returned with a vengence and I've found it hard to physically move about.

Today, however, my physical energies are gradually returning and I'm wondering if Jeanne has caught the fallout from the Metatronic energies. Apparently, this sort of healing energy affects family and friends of those who've been healed and I've been watching those around me shifting. Could this also apply to my cyber friend Jeanne because I'd sent a private message to her about what I'd been going through? Hummmm..........seems likely, it's powerful stuff.

And I also think that the powerful SWELL OF LOVE from this amazing assortment of CRONES, each and every one of you, has pushed me back into the flow of the Divine and mighty river. Metta. XXX
Hello Annie

What might one say in a petition? Would it be the same as a challenge?

If it is I am most interested in all our thoughts going into a big black keetle pot and mustering up some Divine magic to awaken the rest of humanity to join together to make all equal on our beautiful blue planet. Indeed it is time for a new dawn.

Personally I can not think of a better group that our chrones to reach the perfect solution to achieving such a goal... such a dream. What say you all?


Annie said:
Violette I've missed you. As you said the party has moved here for now. Imelda, Africa is a good place to start or Darfur. I've asked Richard Lukens what he thought about starting a petition site. Hav'nt heard back yet. I know of a good place to add your this is water for the world. I'm not very computer savvy but if someone wanted to help me set up a petition site I could post them. Also I know you all received mail from arctic dreamer but I cannot find what this was all about? Can anyone tell me if they found the rest of her message? Mel, Thanks for your comment on "I heard a Rumor" yesterday? I could see you sitting there making that bold statement with your hair & smiles. Got a good laugh outta me. AW I turned 52 last Nov. am I having my Saturn return yet? Jeanne my Scorpio moon is in the 5th house along with the sun, mercury, uranus, neptune & SATURN.....loaded 5th house. With all that I will say a definite to your question Mel. Will tell what I've been experiencing etc. later. Have to go to Theatre now. My spirit always is lifted here. Later, Annie

Violette Ruffley said:
Wel, well, well. It looks like the action has moved to The Crones' Role in 2012. I even wonder if I will still be here. If not ~ I promise to keep bugging you from the other side. And if on occasion it feels like an invisible 2X4 has just hit you up the side of your head ~ guess who???????????



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