Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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you know what they say ... when the cat's away............. we mouses will just sit in our houses and conspire...

actually I was thinking - probably a bit before Jeanne comes online & I've just noticed this discussion is bordering on the 300 mark - we might even get it up to 333 before either of them gets back -
sorry - Violette - was just kidding - I know the feeling when we feel a little less energy - I shouldn't encourage you, anyway - should go & cook myself something, take some deep breaths and then see how you're feeling later, ok?

I felt something similar myself earlier - I have a feeling - tomorrow new moon - all change aGAIN; we're probably suffering from post-energy-portal-drain... or something of that order... indulge yourself. Wish I could offer you one of your own gentle back massages - imagine me doing it over the ethers - might work... bless you - stay cool till I get back x M

Violette Ruffley said:
As are you sweet sister Marian!!!!!!
Violette whispered: "Ooooops, Now we are dealing with words in CAPS as well as punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Listen, you all think you're sooooooooooo funny!!

And you are!
I will deal with this, don't make me channel a part 2 to ?????

Marian muttered "well spotted Violette - see that Aka Wreck - you can't put the blame on V for shouting - cast the mote out of thine own {{{{{{{{{EYE}}}}}}} first before thy sister's... oh she's gone to work - she'll probably pretend later that I meant the >>>eye< of the hurricane - she's good with words... x"

Oh...very interesting! I sense a mirror being held up to me!
Not to mention tawkin' 'bout me behind moiy back. (NY accent added for dramatic impact)

All's I can say is that I'm going to consult with my Higher Self right now.
I'll have a full report...soon.
Claire giggled:"Y'all are both gooney-birds and I love you!!! (oh, 'scuse me) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! I had you pegged wrong, I thought you'd be the silent type, one not to go frivolously flinging exclamation points!
Oh, that's right, you're a friend of Violette's.
Payback, baby!
(Glad to see you playing, Claire!)
Marian: "I felt something similar myself earlier - I have a feeling - tomorrow new moon - all change aGAIN; we're probably suffering from post-energy-portal-drain... or something of that order... indulge yourself. Wish I could offer you one of your own gentle back massages - imagine me doing it over the ethers - might work... bless you - stay cool till I get back x M"

Here's an excerpt from a site I've read for several years, Aquarius Papers: "The literal and metaphoric cross currents have been very strong lately. The Mutable T driven by Mars that recently ended brought some fairly significant gear grinding. Now we approach the Critical Degree T-square I explored last week that will end some things forever while bringing many into a new world of existence, self awareness, and potentiality. Start saying goodbye to whatever, since this one opens new ways of doing our Being."

I truly do believe we're on the very edge of something, and the energy drain has been part of it.
absolutely SNAP Annie - see y'all later x Marian

Annie said:
last comment cancelled. Today is Friday & when I opened my mail & saw 0 comments from Crone to the Bone I thought......this is weird. I actually thought before this that I would'nt go on the computer today which is also weird. The prominent feeling I had today was a sleepy, floaty & now looking above & re-reading AWs words it makes sense. Hope everyone gets all the rest you need . See you soon...............................................................................
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-z-z-z-z-z-zz... huh, what...

Marian Youngblood said:
absolutely SNAP Annie - see y'all later x Marian

Annie said:
last comment cancelled. Today is Friday & when I opened my mail & saw 0 comments from Crone to the Bone I thought......this is weird. I actually thought before this that I would'nt go on the computer today which is also weird. The prominent feeling I had today was a sleepy, floaty & now looking above & re-reading AWs words it makes sense. Hope everyone gets all the rest you need . See you soon...............................................................................
I went to NATURAL and it is a massage site.

...and I did a search for Dennis Apskan

and a search for unification Brotherhood for Friendships in Africa...

...and found nothing.

if you send the links... i would be interested in looking.

Annie said:
Imelda Maguire said on Aug.18th
Hello my beauty,

What can I say girlfriend. Yes indeed you could help by going to NATURAL and to unification Brotherhood for Friendships in Africa and increasing the numbers so we can go global. As many people as we can get on both of those sites will just make such a difference.

TO THE MOON just where every good crone would want to be.

~*LOVE ALWAYS*~ Delete Comment
me too - flowers AND fruit - how wonderful - how insinuating...

Annie said:
On Aug 23rd Jeanne said:
Thank-you Annie for the lovely flowers. I'm leaving you some colorful edibles. Imagine its a fruit basket... kind of like the Crone group... fruity, colorful, easy to digest and insinuating..... Annie now says Ahhh this should wake them up. The threads are wiggling their toes, thongs are being pulled out from backs of drawers. Our great fearless leader Jeanne.....has given the crones new ideas to play with. Bless you Jeanne

oh God I'm the one - to post this - just pretend ladies, it's my wicked alter ego - it's not really me ... as bad as it seems Annie - you sent us flowers; I should be grateful - I AM grateful - then Jeanne you sent us fruit - which was so luscious I was eating it/looking at it drooling for whole minutes at a time - I actually pondered sending veggies, but some of you might have thought them boring (I don't, but you never know), so - o - o

this graphic is really for Violette - the Violette we all know and love and whose tatooed OM was flashing out the back of the caboose - sorry this little sprite doesn't have a tatoo - couldn't find an OM on the right kind of flesh anywhere, and as these things go, it was difficult enough to find one decorative (& decorous) enough to liken to Violette...

so - out with it - I did find a...... wait for it

wait for it.....

a thong - aaahhh it's out now
I'm the one who's going to be kicked off - I do it in the best possible taste, but you never know who's monitoring our monitor Jeanne, I'll behave from now onwards. Promise. Anyway, I think I've drawn this one out long enough - we haven't heard a peep from Aka Wreck for DAYS..... so no help there (hey there you in the constellation of Lyra - you observing with your ringed eye? - lol)

for those of us with sensibilities, avert (human) eyes ..... NOW

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

ok that's enough

some people will go to any lengths to perk up Mondays

love to all x Marian

Days Of The Week Comments
~Magickal Graphics~
OK... Marian,

You had me all on the edge of my chair... eyes wide open... and... the... it was a feminine bootie... true, a nice one.... but feminine.

Sorry... but I prefer the masculine ones...

I was a tad let down...
OK. It's now 28 comment to go before 333 (then what happens?)

Let's see if you can do this without mentioning thongs (Doh!!)

Hmmmmm! Up the creek without a gusset?
Melanie calls them knickers

Ron Tocknell said:
OK. It's now 28 comment to go before 333 (then what happens?)

Let's see if you can do this without mentioning thongs (Doh!!)

Hmmmmm! Up the creek without a gusset?



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