Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Crones were old bitties, and old hags, and toothless ladies who wear granny panties.

Anyone have:
Any other rumors to add?
Just wondering...


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Marian Youngblood said:
Melanie calls them knickers Ron Tocknell said:
OK. It's now 28 comment to go before 333 (then what happens?)
calling all numerology crones - yes I think that's you, Mel - somewhere there's a link - AW posted it - can't find and AW's gone off-planet on some comet-chase - Perseid-orbit - if you'all were tooned into sixties music of the Brits, I'd quote Moody Blues - will anyway: 'gazing past the planets..... looking for total view...... I've been something here for hours....' fill in requisite gaps ladies & gents - that's where Aka Wreck's gone... anyway as I recall AW said far more desirable was 222 (which we've already passed), something edgy about 333, I can't quite remember; 444 we don't wanna know; 666 we DEFINITELY don't wanna know & 999 is in 16 days...

Marian goes off muttering to herself, since she's on Ron's & Mel's time and really hasn't got a clue what she's talking about.... but it's getting the numbers up! isn't it!?

Angel Comments
~Magickal Graphics~
Hi Marian, you're so right, I don't wear KNICKERS and come to that I've never worn a bra either Violette. Why don't you sisters free yourselves from underwear like I've done. A knickerless crone is a free crone (I didn't mention thongs Ron!).

Annie/Imelda, sorry I missed your chat on Natural Touch but very busy. Will join later today. I would like some veggies Marian (that's virtually all I eat) but real ones, that I can sink my gums into.

Anywhere near 333 yet?
I'm 62 and thank God I live a simple and quiet retirement in a rented room on my own by the dependencies, few attachments, life is free to be and ever so blissful....

A wild fact about me....I have not worn a bra for 25 waving my boobs from side to side as I walk and talk!!...And don't even own one ...a bra that is!! fact would not even know the sizing system used these is freely grand....

Love Elizabethxx
While i abhor the "objectification" that you speak of with regard to "younger women," Jeanne, older women are stereotyped as well and turned into sexless "grandmother" images that are not supposed to have any feelings below the waist. Many turned into little more than baby-sitters for grandchildren and other duties that deny both the possibility of one having a brain or the ability to still have sexual desire. Due to the number of men who are killed off in wars, older women frequently find themselves without male companionship.

I no longer have it, but about 10 years ago, i had a book made by a professional photographer interested in this issue of more mature women being denied as "useful members of society who also had sex appeal". So, he had taken a mature woman and photgraphed her, not as a sex symbol, but as someone very beautiful and vitally alive, and, while "sexy" it came out of her inner beauty. It was so beautifully done and i wish i had kept it, but it was a matter of downsizing as i moved in smaller quarters.

Relative to this and on my mind, are some figures that came out of Anne Kreamers's book "Going Grey" -- the cosmetic industry is an $18 billion industry.-- which is, in my estimation, an incredible figure and was also to Ms. Kreamer that we spend this kind of dollar on attempting to look like Brittany Spears no matter what our age. And, i need to insert here for those who have not read the book, that it really is an indepth biographical account of her own search for "authenticity".

And within this context i do believe as individuals we need to begin asking ourselves how much we are influenced by the entertainment industry and and their quest through PR firms to sell their product and "make money" to the exclusion of all other values.

Part of the answer may lay in another book: "Mind Programming - From Persuasion and Brainwashing to Self-Help and Practical Metaphysics" by Eldon Taylor. In the research recorded in this book, Taylor begins his detailed findings with the story of Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, revealing how this man took what he knew about psychology and combined it with marketing techniques in order to manipulate the public's buying habits. In this manner Bernays was most influential in laying the groundwork for the multi-million dollar public relations industry and its use of "subliminal" programming with which the public is subjected every day today via TV, magazines and other forms of advertising.

In wrapping this up, Jeanne, i also found your symbolic Crone to be much too masculine for my personal taste because every vestige of feminine "sexuality" has been stripped from her. And i much prefer to be seen as the woman who was photographed as mentioned above with her sexuality emanating from her inner beauty. And i want it simply because it is part of me still at age 77.

I have to add this bit. Here in my community i know a woman who is 93. And, at 93 she still has boy-friend -- younger than she is. And one day when i commented on how well she was looking (much younger than 93) she said to me: "You know Jim (not his real name) still takes good care of me" as she ran her hand up and down his leg under the table at a Senior Citizen's once a month event. This event is attended by a few couples and quite a few single women. And, what i have to say about this one courageous woman is: What a way to go!!!!! .

Co-incidentally, just a few minutes ago, i ran across this article on "subliminal" messages after referring to "mind programming" in a previously published message here.

The URL for this article is:

Now, i really don't believe this is a rumor, but some very serious stuff that all of us need to be aware of and learn how to guard against. However, if one wants to bring attention to something serious due to the number of replies to this thread it seems that you need to post it under RUMOR and not under SERIOUS STUFF.

And, i cannot but help ask why this is.

Nor, can i help but ask: How much of your belief system is inserted into your subconscious un-beknownst to you? Do you really have a mind of your own, or are most of us subject to the whims today of PR firms who are paid billions to ensure that we march to the tune of the politicized corporate drum?

In the book: "Bowling Alone," the author provides statistics showing that the disintegration of society began with the advent of television. It is a very powerful tool which catches unaware minds and brings them under the control of the media. Which is why i refuse to have mine hooked up to outside programming. And I am very, very selective as to what i watch or listen to. As the founder of Gestalt therapy wrote in his book: In and Out of the Garbage Pail: "garbage in - garbage out."

Could this have anything to do with the facts from the National Institute of Health that almost 30% of the population of the USA can legally be defined as mentally ill? Or that with only 5% of the population of the world, the USofA uses fully 40% of all the world's illegally produced drugs?

Somehow i feel we must begin asking "Who is left in a state of mind competent enough to sail the ship"?

What are subliminal messages?

A subliminal message is a message displayed for such a short period of time that your mind does not consciously register what it sees or hears. Instead your mind registers it sub-consciously. This means that your conscious mind cannot build and use arguments against the ideas exposed and thus you can be more susceptible to the unconscious idea.

I was intrigued at the reason why? Can so called ‘normal’ people really buy into some phenomenon and have it change their life so simply, and how on earth does it work? If things like this really did work, then why do people still have issues with their weight or with being successful. I would have thought this be dictated by fate rather than some kind of fascinating product that claims to ‘improve your way of life’.

A visual subliminal involves splicing words or images into a seemingly ordinary video every few frames so that it is not detected consciously, at most it will appear as a quick blip on the screen. In creating audio subliminal recordings, a number of elaborate proprietary processes are used that are supposed to somehow embed the concealed messages into a music or natural sounds track.

Subliminal message in music are mostly popular amongst rock and electronic bands. There are many thousands of albums containing subliminal messages. Some bands do this through hidden means while some of them do it openly. Pitcher Shifter, known for incorporating technology in their music, has been openly making use of subliminal messages in their music for years.

I did, however, find myself distracted by trying to "catch" the subliminal messages on screen. I was able to see a few of them. That made me proud of myself, but still, it was distracting. I don't think it detracted from the videos' effectiveness at all.

You feel in control and in charge of yourself, your life and are diligent about thoroughly evaluating and qualifying every opportunity that you come across.

There are a number of ways to effectively integrate subliminal messages into your personal development program. Most will have you seeing results rather quickly. Assuming you don't have expert training in the field or access to top of the line media creation software, it will probably be easiest to purchase one of the more popular and well reputed programs or videos and use it consistently.

One pitfall perceived is that a hypnotic state is at times automatically executed by the human brain. To clearly demonstrate this, imagine how you normally react when you are listening to a voice amid a very noisy environment.

It is also important to remember that, when you are using any type of subliminal messages to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can achieve more in life, you cannot put limits on it. You cannot expect overnight results, nor can you expect the subliminals to work in any specific time frame.

Subliminal learning is considered a passive learning technique by many experts. Passive learning means you are not taking an "active" conscious part in the process. In addition, the scientific community has not decided if this really works in helping a person learn faster or retain information better
Hello Elizabeth, you're the first Manx resident I've ever met and I welcome you. How I smiled at your comment "waving my boobs from side to side as I walk and talk". I found the information on your page inspiring and the kitten at the mirror picture has got to rate as one of my favourites. Your video is quite beautiful and I resonate with all you say especially "Feelings are the moment of Truth"............"we are the creators of our own experience". Rock on Elizabeth!

The fact that you're sleeping for hours on end seems to be a common symptom for many of us. I believe I get the bulk of my work done when I'm asleep!
Hi Melanie, yes I agree...and thanks for the thumbs up... I contemplated your comments in your pm to me and chose to do as you suggested....

Love to Youx
Annie: "last comment cancelled. Today is Friday & when I opened my mail & saw 0 comments from Crone to the Bone I thought......this is weird. I actually thought before this that I would'nt go on the computer today which is also weird. The prominent feeling I had today was a sleepy, floaty & now looking above & re-reading AWs words it makes sense. Hope everyone gets all the rest you need ."

So sorry---it's been a period of both activity and the Universe throwing something at me---
INCOMING T square!
The energies have been strange and I came down with something that is going around at work---
Forcing me to a screeeeeching halt---
Doing better but the energy drain was probably necessary---
And, Annie, the past 4 days have been a sleep and rest event for me.
Violette-ism (lost track now of what number we're on for her) "OMG what a beautiful ass."

Ya---only Violette can say this and bring about coffee dribbling uncontrollably out of my mouth!
And thanks Marian for being the force to bring that out of Violette!
Best LOL of the day so far!
Ron, ever clever says "OK. It's now 28 comment to go before 333 (then what happens?)

Let's see if you can do this without mentioning thongs (Doh!!)"

I was just about to say that I will NOT mention thongs---
You almost got me to say thongs---
You have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me into saying thongs----
Just saying---

Marian sez: "fill in requisite gaps ladies & gents - that's where Aka Wreck's gone... anyway as I recall AW said far more desirable was 222 (which we've already passed), something edgy about 333, I can't quite remember; 444 we don't wanna know; 666 we DEFINITELY don't wanna know & 999 is in 16 days..."

I have an Angel Numbers book here somewhere---222 is good, but any repetition of a number, according to all of the feel good Angel stuff that's going around these days, is somehow great.

Oh, okay, hold on, I'll go out into the living room and get the book---which is probably next to Beach Buddy as he's sleeping---

333---hold onto your panties everyone---It means that we're all merging with the Ascended Masters! LOLOL! When we hit that magic number---we'll know that we are protected, loved and guided!

444---is one of my favorites too---has come to me at all kinds of times in my life---
Literally and magically---somewhere's around bazillions of angels will be with us! They will be loving us and supporting us like no one's business!

More on 555 and 666 as our post numbers get close to that!

Aka Wreck (easing back from my trip to numerous constellations)
Violette waves her crooked pointer finger at us and says: "Never sleep naked in an earthquake zone and keep a sturdy pair of shoes under the bed."

About 12 summers ago---I was driving my boys back home from karate class. It had been a really busy day for me, working around the house, and whatnot. I had forgotten to put on underwear, and as I was driving them home, we all spot a funnel cloud about a quarter of a mile away. As I'm trying to concentrate on driving and figuring out what to do if it began to touch down, the thought went through my head: "What if it hits us? They'll find my body with these darn shortalls on and no underwear! What will the paramedics think?"




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