Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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We'll see!
"Equality is bigger than government and has to begin in your own backyard. As a woman I am happy that your wife shares in the everyday responsibilities of your lives. It called being a partner and a family. Sharing responsibilites has nothing to do with what political party you support."

Are you kidding me? That is what our political system has been based off of for 50 years, equality. First it was the women recieving the right to vote, then the african american populus recieving the same right. After that it has been the homosexuals, wanting to be able to not be treated like crap from the government, and being able to be married. Now even Wiccans are given the right to be non taxable. You must not see what I am talking about.

I call that a system based on some kind of equality. But true equality means you not only have the right to vote, but you have the right to serve on a jury, or pay taxes, etc. I think that there are a lot of one sided momentary lapses of reason in this country. Just as Obama and his campaign are looking to put the law out that partial birth abortions will be something any woman can do. WTF? Could this any farther away from liberation? We are going to look into the eyes of life, and tell that soul that it is not welcome to live in this world. This is not a conservative viewpoint to me, because I am not a conservative. I am a moderate. This idea needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. This is something Hitler would have done. If no one sees this, then we are more blinded than I ever thought possible. We need to vote against this. I think I will start a blog about it, and I will go and vote against it. Call your congress, call your government and stop this madness, before it starts!!!
As an american living out of the US, one tends to view american politics with a level of amasement and disbelief, the Bush administration was shaped by 9/11 and from there on there was no turning back. Obama is largely untainted, although he will be tested soon. The mistake that by and large everyone seems to make, is to think that Obama will be a large band aid for the world, he is an american president, that was elected to manage what will become probably the most painful period of social and economic readjustment in the US. To date he has managed to surround himself with good advisors, and hopefully they can provide functional rather than theoretical advice. My hope is that in the middle of the current economic crisis facing the US, he does not become an insular president, but rather a president that takes the US forward through some very unchartered waters.
Well, I am seeing a pattern emerging. The Conservatives have taken many rights away with their anti-terrorist campaign, and I'm just wondering how many rights the Democrats are going to take, as well. This is the dawn of a new age, they are saying. Well, it's going to be a bumpy ride. I hope that Obama has the power to do some of these things he is saying, and that we have the power and knowhow to tell him no when we don't agree. Following blindly is not the answer.
James the beautiful thing about the USA is the last time I checked the women in the USA still had the right to decide what goes on in their own womb.

For everyone already complaining about Obama we could always ask Dubya to come on back not that I ever want to see him in any office again or his brothers.
Marinspin said:
James the beautiful thing about the USA is the last time I checked the women in the USA still had the right to decide what goes on in their own womb.

For everyone already complaining about Obama we could always ask Dubya to come on back not that I ever want to see him in any office again or his brothers.

The right to decide what goes on in the womb? I'm not talking about what goes on in the womb. We're talking after the baby is halfway born, taking a needle to its head and killing it. Now, I'm all for a woman having the right to choose what's best for her, and not having a baby. We have 6 billion people on this planet. I'm talking when the baby makes its first breath in the world, as a human, their talking of killin it. How is that giving the woman rights to do what they wish with their body? I don't know where you live, but in my book, that's murder, plain and simple. We are so far away from our instincts as humans, that we can't even see that we're headed for a downward spiral. I'm all for birth control, but PBA is laziness. It's a way of saying I don't need to deal with this child. I don't want to take care of it, put it up for adoption, etc. If you can find me more than one good reason to believe in your side of this situation, then I'm all ears.

By the way, I'm not putting down Obama, or his colleagues. I am just being real. We have been so complacent for so long that we are lost as a people. This is why I am on this web page. I am sorry if I offended you, but it's just me being me. I am going to say what I think, because I shouldn't have to "check my opinions or brains at the door," with these posts, so to speak.
You are obviously Canadian Pierre. We appreciate the well wishes, but make no mistake....just because Barak ( the second coming of Christ) Obama is president now, doesn't exactly mean we can all feel safe sitting around the campfire and singing Kumbayah for the next four years. Unless a miracle happened Tuesday, I believe there are still plenty of folks out there that would happily romove our heads with a kitchen knife if they had the chance. Our President is proposing closing Gitmo. That's fine with long as it means they all end up in Greenhaven, Pellican Bay, Huntsville, or any other of our hardcore prisons away from the relative security of being housed with their fellow Jihadis', and in with the general populations in those fine institutations , where waterboarding, or sleep depravation would the least of their worries. If they think the little coaxing they're getting in Gitmo is harsh, I'm wondering what how they're going to deal with getting shanked in the yard one by one, or midnight romantic interludes with Bubba. over the toilet. Crikey!! Light the candles, and put on the Barry White CD! Be careful what you wish for folks!

Our new president also seem to think we can somehow negotiate with our worst enemies. I would remind the messiah, that he might have better luck negotiating with termites, which by the way have ironically similar agendas, and are equally determined to complete their missions unless interupted by extermination. I'm sure you already know who Neville Chamberlain was. But in case you don't.....look him up, and learn something from the past.

Here's an interesting thought that occurred to me......If for some inexplicable reason Obama had run as a conservative Rebublican....he STILL would have won. Think about that for a while.....Have a wonderful day!!!
Bill, I see your point entirely, albeit a little harsh. This is reality. I don't agree with comparing people to termites, but the idea is there. Bush left us something that we can all say holy crap to, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for not giving him the shaft the first time. Obama better get to it. He has a long road to walk. We really should support the man, but there's just something that bothers me about him. He's a little too smart. He's kept himself over the years from actually making any major decisions, and just kept trying to climb our government's ladder, so to speak. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
Hi Bill
Now you have me in the spot! - I wanted to stay under cover on this one. No, I am not Canadian, and not French either. I can give you a tip off though: - English/American is not my first language.

(Now you also made me curious about the Canadians). I know very little about them, except that one of the best times of my life was experiencing BC, Vancouver Island, Inside Passage up to Prince Rupert, Banff and Jasper, Calgary, etc. - incredible!!

I enjoy learning more about the USA, and USA politics. Isn't this site an excellent vehicle for learning, and expanding your own parameters on the beliefs and views of others? My guess is that Obama has already achieved more than his predecessor - not only by his being, but also the hope his has awakened..... (not only in many Americans, but also many people around the world..................................
I am so proud of Obama for closing Gitmo. He seems to be a hard worker and already making positive changes.

James you and are probably never going to agree on much and I don't really want to argue with you. It is too depleting.
James.....I appreciate your feedback. With regard to George Bush.....When he said back in Sept of 2001 that we were going after the folks that attacked our country, and anybody that harbours them, we all had the flags out on the car, the house, you name it ( some of us still do by the way), and we all stood behind the president. The nation was wounded, but strong and secure in the belief that we were going show the world that we would be victorious in the face of this evil that had been perpetrated on our homeland. What happened? We're playing for all the marbles. Now is not the time to fold. It is purely my opinion, but I believe our move on Iraq had more to do with the military objective of securing the high ground in our enemies backyard. Saddam was someone nobody was going to miss least of all his own people.... so it wasn't a tough sell settling on Iraq as the "staging area" we needed to take the fight to the enemy. The so-called weapons of mass destruction ploy wasn't a complete lie, as some would have us believe. There's no doubt that he did have some of these weapons....he used them on his own people after all. ...didn't he .If the US were as despicable, and dishonest as many of our own countrymen even choose to believe we are, we could have easily planted some, and said,AH HA!!! they are world....the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!...But, we didn't do that did we. Let's give the president, and our military some credit for that, if for nothing else. However to my mind they deserve much much more.

I believe that if the average American knew half of what was really going on, and being kept under wraps for the sake of national security, they'd be shocked. I'm fortunate to have been privy to some when I worked in a security capacity in my former occupation. It's so nice to just switch the channel when we're confronted with unpleasant things,and put on Jeopardy, or the Price is Right, watch the fat ladies jump up and down, and numb ourselves at least until tomorrows breaking news.

Bill, I see your point entirely, albeit a little harsh. This is reality. I don't agree with comparing people to termites, but the idea is there. Bush left us something that we can all say holy crap to, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for not giving him the shaft the first time. Obama better get to it. He has a long road to walk. We really should support the man, but there's just something that bothers me about him. He's a little too smart. He's kept himself over the years from actually making any major decisions, and just kept trying to climb our government's ladder, so to speak. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
Well, Bill, Bush was trying to follow in his father's footsteps. And I'm sorry, but I still think he was corrupted, and the officials that have been sitting up there for 40 years have been way too greedy. They wanted to give the car manufacturers hell, but they still got their pay raise. Those people make in the realm of 200,000 dollars a year, not to mention the lobby money they take in. I mean come on! this is a time for taking them and having a public whipping with them. My opinion, now. They have taken and taken, and now they are going to take away more rights, brother, just watch. Gun control, "environmental laws." I am not going to be subject to left or right wing ideas any longer. We got to think about taking this in a new direction. I hope Obama is a good man. He seems to be on the outside, but I don't know, something about him screams fascism. IMHO. There are a lot of people who say you're a conspiracy theorist. No, I'm not. I think that the government should serve us instead of the other way around. We are in debt to China, and we have not been this bad off since before WWII.

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