We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
The plant kingdom offers a diversity in beauty-medical-nutritious plants- The Creator made it all to be used not abused. It becomes a limiting cloud when your "nature" depends on it to function or even to enlightment. I get high or I rather say exalted under a starry Caribbean night. At the sight of a spectacular sunrise or sunset, at the sight of a school of dolphins swimming by... Take time and listen to the grass grow. Lie down on the earth and search the bluest part or the grayest part of the sky. Cry for your bethren's pain, laugh at yourself and at the innocence of mankind. Shake your head in disbelief at those who think they are mightier than Mother Earth or Father Sky. But hey sometimes I use the plants (only natural plants-no man-made chemically changed) to meditate and fly higher. The moment you find yourself needing more than 2-3 puffs. Stop! rethink! You have lost your natural - that inner power to Peace, Love and Light!
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