Architects of a New Dawn

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Mayan Calendar and its effect on the Human Chakra System

I have been studying energy (Reiki) for many years and recently started studying the Mayan Calendar. The connection between this calendar and the human energy body is profound. I have a weekly internet-based radio show and am dedicated to discussing this subject during each segment. As a new member of this community, I welcome any comments or questions about the topic.

The show airs live Wednesday mornings 9-10:30 a.m. PST / 12-1:30 EST and is available for listening from archives 24/7. The live and archived shows are both found at .

I also blog about energy at


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I have been wondering when people were going to start living by the 13 month calendar again. The cycle of the moon follows this pattern, 13 months, 28 days. Organized. 12 months, no exact number, no wonder we're all out of touch with what truly should be. I would like to get a hold of the 13 month calendar.
here is a link I just learned about, related to the moon calendar:

James Murff said:
I have been wondering when people were going to start living by the 13 month calendar again. The cycle of the moon follows this pattern, 13 months, 28 days. Organized. 12 months, no exact number, no wonder we're all out of touch with what truly should be. I would like to get a hold of the 13 month calendar.

Thank you. Much appreciated.
i have a question ,since the end of the mayan calender late october 2011 as some say, which is closely aproaching,how will this effect the human chakra,will it unbalanced?or more balanced within the human body?i must say in these ever changing days/hour by hour/the mayan calander seems to be correct. peace,joy,love,and light to all in the light
I'm so glad you asked! This is my favorite subject, so I hope I can be clear in my response to you. As energy continues to accelerate in the Universe, our Chakras are definitely directly affected. Our energy fields are connected to the planet and the greater Universe, so as all external energy moves outward, any energy we are not meant to hold onto - imbalances caused by others' energy that we are storing and/or imbalances created by physical/emotional trauma, etc - will be forced outward. I believe that by learning self-care (meditation, yoga, journaling, etc) we can learn how to take care of ourselves in the present. The more active the practice, the more likely we will be able to enjoy the full celebration of our individual purposes - the pure energy of co-creation - that the Mayan Calendar has been predicting all along.

arcturian said:
i have a question ,since the end of the mayan calender late october 2011 as some say, which is closely aproaching,how will this effect the human chakra,will it unbalanced?or more balanced within the human body?i must say in these ever changing days/hour by hour/the mayan calander seems to be correct. peace,joy,love,and light to all in the light
Hi Katie and All fellow Architects!

The Mayan Calendar was one of the key tools that helped me reimagine my life during my "dark night of the soul". I discovered it (or it found me) when I moved to Santa Fe, where the majority of my gestation took place. I began each day by learning its galactic signature (also known as the solar seal), and would plant the essence of this energy into my being by singing it out loud as I bounced on a rebounder.

During this period, I wrote a series of articles weaving my personal evolution around Mayan cosmology, and would be happy to send them to anyone who's interested (there are about a dozen, in Word; unfortunately not online. They appeared in a Santa Fe astrology magazine of that era (mid-1990s) called, appropriately enough, The Aquarian. I also began giving Mayan Destiny Path readings then, and teaching classes on how to use the calendar in daily life.

Since then, I've incorporated this indigenous wisdom into all aspects of my life work as a guide for conscious evolution, such as an e-course about celebrating life in a female body, Loving Our Lunacy.

Another great site to explore is The Foundation for the Law of Time. This is the site launched by Jose Arguelles, who created the Dreamspell calendar that pairs the Mayan sacred Tzol'kin with a 13 Moon calendar. While he's been criticized for not following the traditional Mayan day count, his rendition is often more easily understood by the Western mind, and thus, he's helped to popularize the idea of a global timeshift.

His work has certainly made an impact on my life. Living on natural time really does create a shift within you, by realigning you to the cycles of Nature and the vastness of All-That-Is, rather than clock time. :-)

In Lak'ech ("I am another yourself"),
Amara 1 Eb
thank you! so much to goodness.

Amara Rose said:
Hi Katie and All fellow Architects!

The Mayan Calendar was one of the key tools that helped me reimagine my life during my "dark night of the soul". I discovered it (or it found me) when I moved to Santa Fe, where the majority of my gestation took place. I began each day by learning its galactic signature (also known as the solar seal), and would plant the essence of this energy into my being by singing it out loud as I bounced on a rebounder.

During this period, I wrote a series of articles weaving my personal evolution around Mayan cosmology, and would be happy to send them to anyone who's interested (there are about a dozen, in Word; unfortunately not online. They appeared in a Santa Fe astrology magazine of that era (mid-1990s) called, appropriately enough, The Aquarian. I also began giving Mayan Destiny Path readings then, and teaching classes on how to use the calendar in daily life.

Since then, I've incorporated this indigenous wisdom into all aspects of my life work as a guide for conscious evolution, such as an e-course about celebrating life in a female body, Loving Our Lunacy.

Another great site to explore is The Foundation for the Law of Time. This is the site launched by Jose Arguelles, who created the Dreamspell calendar that pairs the Mayan sacred Tzol'kin with a 13 Moon calendar. While he's been criticized for not following the traditional Mayan day count, his rendition is often more easily understood by the Western mind, and thus, he's helped to popularize the idea of a global timeshift.

His work has certainly made an impact on my life. Living on natural time really does create a shift within you, by realigning you to the cycles of Nature and the vastness of All-That-Is, rather than clock time. :-)

In Lak'ech ("I am another yourself"),
Amara 1 Eb
You are so welcome, Katie! And, I've been wanting to launch a radio show for almost a decade,so perhaps you can share your insights about BlogTalkRadio and why you chose this format over others? Feel free to message me directly/privately since it's off topic for the Forum.


Katie aka Chakra Girl said:
thank you! so much to goodness.

Amara Rose said:
Hi Katie and All fellow Architects!

The Mayan Calendar was one of the key tools that helped me reimagine my life during my "dark night of the soul". I discovered it (or it found me) when I moved to Santa Fe, where the majority of my gestation took place. I began each day by learning its galactic signature (also known as the solar seal), and would plant the essence of this energy into my being by singing it out loud as I bounced on a rebounder.

During this period, I wrote a series of articles weaving my personal evolution around Mayan cosmology, and would be happy to send them to anyone who's interested (there are about a dozen, in Word; unfortunately not online. They appeared in a Santa Fe astrology magazine of that era (mid-1990s) called, appropriately enough, The Aquarian. I also began giving Mayan Destiny Path readings then, and teaching classes on how to use the calendar in daily life.

Since then, I've incorporated this indigenous wisdom into all aspects of my life work as a guide for conscious evolution, such as an e-course about celebrating life in a female body, Loving Our Lunacy.

Another great site to explore is The Foundation for the Law of Time. This is the site launched by Jose Arguelles, who created the Dreamspell calendar that pairs the Mayan sacred Tzol'kin with a 13 Moon calendar. While he's been criticized for not following the traditional Mayan day count, his rendition is often more easily understood by the Western mind, and thus, he's helped to popularize the idea of a global timeshift.

His work has certainly made an impact on my life. Living on natural time really does create a shift within you, by realigning you to the cycles of Nature and the vastness of All-That-Is, rather than clock time. :-)

In Lak'ech ("I am another yourself"),
Amara 1 Eb
When first working with the Mayan Calendar, I received a download from a Mayan spirit guide that helped me integrate the chakra system in a very effective format. I've been working with this format for several years now in healing, activations, and ceremony, and the effects have been profound.

The Guide showed me that the "Tones" or "Moons" 1-7 can directly correspond with the 7 Primary Chakras, Root through Crown. Then, Tone 8 can act as a harmonizer for the 2nd-3rd Chakra transition, Tone 9 for 3rd-4th Chakras, all the way to Tone 12 for 6th-7th Chakra transition and Tone 13 as the "Eternal Loop" that bridges the 7th Chakra (Crown) through the Infinite and back to the 1st Chakra (Root).

First, thank you for offering such incredible information. I'm not familiar with Tones or Moons 1-13. From a practitioner's point of view, do "tones" have corresponding sounds or is it more about acknowledging the existence of 13 separate energies that correspond to the Chakras?

With much gratitude (I'm so inspired!),


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