I got turned on to pot when I was 14 by a classmate who stole it from his police officer father who in turn had taken "evidence" home. Now that I'm 58 I've been using it for quite a long time.
I think its a great cure for lunacy. All the people that drank beer when I was 18 were for the Vietnam War, all the pot smokers were against it. Since the Vietnam War was based on a lie and it was a completely idiotic war, I would say that alcohol is a very bad drug and makes you stupid. Lets re-legalize pot as it appears to be the only safe antidote to lunacy. Besides that, pot has been legal in this country for more years than it ever was illegal and using a Mexican name for a plant that already had an English name is also very deceptive.
I think it not only is a huge waste of our law enforcement money but also may tend to corrupt our law enforcement officers.
In 1972 I sold 2 ounces of Hashish to an undercover nark. It was in Laguna Beach California and I was a member of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. Our group was founded some years earlier by Timothy Leary. After $10,000 in legal fees and a hung jury I "love it or leave it" left for Ecuador, South America, since they wanted to give me more time than a bank robber. I was hunted down and extradited back to the USA in November, 1974. I wrote a book about my story, "Birth of an Angel".
I believe marijuana was seeded here by an alien intelligence to help with human evolution. Wacky?
Maybe, but tell me how many species of plants produce a chemical that is similar to a very important one found in the human brain? How many plants species can you tell the males from the females?
Make love, not war.