Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

My teacher constantly talks about the importance of the "Thirst" not just the way to "Quench" it. I find this so helpful. I'm so inclined to rush to the water rather than appreciate the thirst, the longing, whatever you call it.

He offers something called "Knowledge," four techniques that showed me how to take my senses, my attention and turn them within.

Perhaps what he says here can be the start of a discussion based on what he says, or what others on this video say.

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Really wonderful video, that you've shared with all of us here. Thank you, Candice! "> Most important things in life are simple. So simple, that everyone knows them. To find the own source of love in the own heart, it sounds simple. And it is simple, when we have it, we have much to give. It is that the giving love, does not take anything away from us. We still have it. We have more, as we can feel the what we have, what we give and when someone chooses to receive it. Then it reflects back more. Being happy is easy, when not giving the conditions for what being happy "should be". You still reach for more in choosing the way to stay happy. You can reach whatever the goal, while being happy. But when of the goals as the only ways of happiness, then it disappears like a dry sand held on open fingers. Then even when reaching the goal, it just gives some satisfaction for the moment and it starts all over with the next goal without even seeing around of us. But when seeing the beauty in the moment, it is like most beautiful garden. Every tree and flower and plant reaching for the light and love. You see the goals in everything you have in your garden, in that beautiful picture it gives and all those unique aromas in the air. When it is needed, you water them and take care. In all that you have in this garden, you recognize your goal. Some are huge, some small, some so tiny that is needed to lay on the ground to notice. You feel the beauty in it, you feel blessed that you have them. You make the decisions, which of them needs to be noticed first. You still feel happy for the whole garden. The heart shows the way through the feeling. Until you'll find the way to make a choices for feelings, too. You accept the inner truth and flow after it, don't wan't to escape it when you know what it is. When you feel what it is.
The thirst still remains, you want to see more happy people and this thirst only grows. Candice, you have shown to us all that you have that thirst and also have the water. I feel blessed for your friendship. Love and harmony for you and thank you so much for your dedication and loving care.
I appreciate your appreciation. Many would see and read these things and think it was nothing, like one man sees "glass" on the road and tosses it. Another finds it later and realizes it's a diamond.
The proof of this man's awesome teaching shows up in the faces of the students on the video and in your photo and words, Candice. in gratitude, Ron
Ron Alexander said:
The proof of this man's awesome teaching shows up in the faces of the students on the video and in your photo and words, Candice. in gratitude, Ron

To watch a video of Prem Rawat/Maharaji, describing what he actually offers, something he calls Knowledge (a simple way to go inside using four techniques) for free, here's a link to a series called The Keys some of you may enjoy:



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