Architects of a New Dawn

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I'd like to know what people think of this new prediction of a meteor hitting earth in the year 2012. They say that mayans and famous people predicted this is going to happen. I don't believe it but what do you think?

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Well, the Mayans did not say that a meteor would be hitting the earth. The calendars they used simply ended at Dec, 2012. Many interpret this to mean that we are entering an "end of time", not an end of being. That we will no longer live in 3 dimensional or 4 dimensional ways, but will be living 5th dimensionally. That we will not be bound by time as we are now. Others see it as just a begining of another very long cycle.

Some propose that something will happen to end life here on earth, but perhaps our Mother Earth and we, her inhabitants and children, will be reaching a state of evolvement in our consciousness. This is something that many say is happening right now, and that we will see but a gradual rather than an instant and cataclysmic change.

Our earth will be in alignment with the central sun at this time, and it is said that much new energy and communication will ensue.

I do not think that we will be hit by a giant meteor, but I could be wrong.

I do think we will no longer have to live outside of the galactic family as we do now, and that our governments will have to stop lying to us about the presence of our space families. This would lead us to the use of new ecologically sound and free energy and technology. I have a feeling there are those who would not like to see this happen, and have tried to stop it, but perhaps the force of this 2012 energy time will be a time of great expansion in a good way.

These are just things I have batted about in my head, and I certainly am open to learning more.
There was a recent article in National Geographic about the possibility of a catastrophic asteroid hitting planet earth during the next several years. I don't remember the exact odds, but it is very, very remote. You have a much better chance of being run over by someone drinking their latte while talking on their cell phone.
I think people have been living by predictions for far too long. This is why there is no peace, because everyone looks to books to guide them, or the news. We, as a people, need to stop looking to the past, and try and head torwards the future, with an open mind, stop trying to live our lives the way another person tried and failed at in the past. If this meteor is coming for us, then the Governments may actually come together, and try to destroy it. Maybe that will give us reason for a real space exploration program. Who knows? If it does hit the planet though, we will be here when it does, so that is another factor that people need to learn to accept. I'm a realist, as much as possible. I love to read fiction, but not live in it.
I'm on board with you sister .......... been doing reading an investigating with the mayan calendar and all the implications..... the cool thing is ........ not being specific but many of the ancient teachings point to the new beginning of this time.

Glenna said:
Well, the Mayans did not say that a meteor would be hitting the earth. The calendars they used simply ended at Dec, 2012. Many interpret this to mean that we are entering an "end of time", not an end of being. That we will no longer live in 3 dimensional or 4 dimensional ways, but will be living 5th dimensionally. That we will not be bound by time as we are now. Others see it as just a begining of another very long cycle.

Some propose that something will happen to end life here on earth, but perhaps our Mother Earth and we, her inhabitants and children, will be reaching a state of evolvement in our consciousness. This is something that many say is happening right now, and that we will see but a gradual rather than an instant and cataclysmic change.

Our earth will be in alignment with the central sun at this time, and it is said that much new energy and communication will ensue.

I do not think that we will be hit by a giant meteor, but I could be wrong.

I do think we will no longer have to live outside of the galactic family as we do now, and that our governments will have to stop lying to us about the presence of our space families. This would lead us to the use of new ecologically sound and free energy and technology. I have a feeling there are those who would not like to see this happen, and have tried to stop it, but perhaps the force of this 2012 energy time will be a time of great expansion in a good way.

These are just things I have batted about in my head, and I certainly am open to more.
I believe that the apocolypse prophecies are just words of men, to try and scare the populus into following their regime. Hopefully this new president of ours has a plan, because everyone here knows the last one was a joke and a frat kid with a towel. Now I think that we need more grounded ideas in a scientific approach to this "2012 Return of Quetzecoatl" mentality. We have gone far too long following the myths and prohetic psychic readings and writings of mad men/women. I do believe that our government needs to be more honest with us, and that a New World Ideal is something to work for. I don't think that it needs to be a Liberal minded or Conservative minded approach though. If a meteorite size of which they are saying, is coming then it is up to the whole planet to come together with a like minded idea to stop it or to push it off course, or whatever.
I hear that some scientists in Japan have seen it and it's coming.... but I don't believe it either... I think there is going to be a different kind of shift happening in 2012 more to do with a rising of the collective consciousness of the people in the world to a more unified and trusting field.... I want to create myths of our own choosing for this date as we approach it... everyone seems to be focusing on it... it will sell lots of fear based TV shows and books... cause people like to be scared... but, that's why we need a mythology of our own that we want to see happen.... like Architects.... for example...
I firmly believe we still have influence over what happens even if we were to find a verifiable object on a trajectory to hit us. There are so many variables that could come into play we might end up not getting hit in the end. Further we have been sold a lot of fear over the years, by people who think they have our best interests at heart, but end up just making a mess of things.

My imagination caries me to a place where the unlikely becomes very possible. The miracles of the physical universe are continually being revealed to us. In this place in my imagination, the structural elements that bind the universe together at a macro level and a micro level are influenced by our thoughts and vibrations. In years past we have seen technology establish unusual things in the world,things which would have been rejected is highly improbable even as little as ten years before they happened. Thus, in my imagination live great possibilities for us to demonstrate increased manifestation of spiritual power in the physical universe. Perhaps a common meditation technique could create a massive shift in the world simply becuase enough people tuned into the right practice. Perhaps a celestial body ( asteroid or massive crystal) could enter our solar system, and act as a psychic amplifier, enabling all the "magic" parts of our brains to manifest more influence on physical reality, such as telepathy, spirit travel or even simple love on a massive scale as we have never known, which would transform the politics and economics. I am open to all the possibilities and I am willing to imagine magic is possible even in the face of physics which would tend to make it doubtful. The unseen universe holds powerful magic, just look at radio, TV, cell phones. History has shown us that the universe is capable of very unusual phenomenon.

I hope it's not Aliens coming back to reprimand us for making such a mess.....I am really trying to clean up my 5 meter circle of influence.....*grin*
Yeah, my idea of getting rid of it is....having some space cadets/housing monitors ready to Fire at it to shoot it to smithoreeens or something. The government can put together some kind of space missel and set a few surrounding the world to be ready for "Aim Fire" at it. I'm thinking positive as far as anything hitting this earth. Maybe we're all being screened for discussion topics so that MGM, WARNER BROTHERS AND ALL the movies can come up with good Movies!! ha ha ha ha ha This is way too much .....I love the site though but there are so too many scenerios to go by. Oh well, just have fun with it I'm guessing. Howdy you all....You-Hooo on ta ya. LOL ...
its not actually a meteor that mayans predicted about.its passing of planet nibiru also known as planet x.which passes through our splar system and its closest to us around 2011 till 2013.its gravitational pull is so huge that it will rotate earth,s axis which results in shifting of poles by 200 to 600 miles. google it and enjoy the countdown.
I think you are absolutely right.
And our friends share this energy, for that we are together here.
It really doesn't matter, what the Mayan Calendar shows. It is important what we are doing with our inner knowing and feelings.
I have put my vision into my profile how to make front to these fear energies. For now we know time has come to act and so there are already some preparations for the BIG HUG event.
We all are doing something to make the change, it is working inside of us and is changing consciousness, but we also know it has to grow outside in the visible part of our perception, that's why we need every one in the BIG HUG who likes to be part of the new world we all are creating day by day.

Loving light to every one
Sylvia Klaere

Richard Lukens said:
I hear that some scientists in Japan have seen it and it's coming.... but I don't believe it either... I think there is going to be a different kind of shift happening in 2012 more to do with a rising of the collective consciousness of the people in the world to a more unified and trusting field.... I want to create myths of our own choosing for this date as we approach it... everyone seems to be focusing on it... it will sell lots of fear based TV shows and books... cause people like to be scared... but, that's why we need a mythology of our own that we want to see happen.... like Architects.... for example...
Well, it is DONE already, the Earth will go on. But the way of living is what has to change and what is being changed already. The illusion of the separation will go, that's all. There will be enough people that will be able to change the what causes the nature cataclysms. The ways have given already how to make a change, how to raise children in the way that they will have and never loose the full consciousness. The people are already waking each other up from sleepy state of consciousness, the fact is it cannot be stopped.
I wonder just how long people will go on with believing in this Nostradamus dream, while we all see that is not what our choice is. The humans could be collectively route the movement of the planets too, if they would be able to get one idea altogether. If the people will stop lying about the past, that these people were less developed than we are now... People were for example able to change the Earth gravity and things like that. Want proof, pyramids. This Nibiru thing is not scary at all. What is scary is the way we take the Earth in pieces, although we know it cannot go on like this, we should do something to have the water and air in the future, too. Not mentioning the number of the people who are starving to death each day... By losing the one person, the one species, the ... we also loose the part of our own, literally! We are eternal beings, not just bodies, we live in, but these bodies we have are the big parts of the whole Universe, when connected our own consciousness. They are now, too, but it is hard to notice and when we do notice, then it is hard to believe why we keep living like machines (like computer without an electricity:-).
What I do suggest is to imagine the own future in the way that it would be connected to our highest (more wide, more deep also) ideas of who we really are. Try to get the connection with the feeling of the Universal harmony in the way it used to be and in the way it will be in the future and bring the feeling to our present moment. When having this feeling all the time, it is already a change. When we are being changed for further development all the time, we also see much more clear what is needed to be done now. What we think, feel and do now, IT IS our future presence. We all have the choice.
The fact that the human civilization has been lost many times from this planet before does not mean it happens this time. What is different? We all have it this time, just needed to get rid of the sleepy state in all over the World.
So blessings for you, the Earth will go on, I've seen it.

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