Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

In a dream...
I was talking to someone in front of me,

when I heard a voice from behind say, “don't say that to him.”

I turned around and looked.

There sat a crow...

just a crow.


I turned back around and continued talking.

The crow leaped on top of my head and started pecking me in the back of my head.

I woke up – terrified and shaking.

I could still feel the hole in the back of my head.

I called to my husband who had gotten up already - it was a little past 3:00 A.M.

I asked him to please hold me, as I felt shaken and disoriented.

Eventually, I fell back to sleep and felt something on my right leg.

Still asleep, I used my other foot to rub what I thought might be a spider on my leg…

except it felt like something coming out of my leg, instead of being bitten into.

But I was too tired to wake up.

Then again, later, further down, near the ankle of the same leg, I felt a sensation coming through my skin from inside.

When I awoke, I immediately threw back the blankets to see if I had killed an insect.

Not only were there no insects, but my legs had no marks on them.

I got online and searched for anything that I could connect to crows.

Then I called my cousin who grew up on the native side of my family.

I learned that my grandfather and great-grandfather were both medicine men and they were both named Crows Ghost.

I'd seen the name on documents, but didn't previously know the connection.

So I made a few more calls, including to my late brother's family, who I hadn't spoken to in a couple years. My 17yo nephew answered the phone.

He had literally just walked in the door when the phone was ringing.

He was coming home from the hospital, where he had spent the last few days recovering from multiple fractures in his right leg.

It was good to talk to him, even though he was only 1-1/2yo when I last saw him.

Because he was in recovery and restricted to lying about with his leg up, we spent many hours a day for the next few weeks talking on the phone.
Turns out his bones protruded from his flesh at the same points as in my dream.

He told me he had been depressed one day and was sitting in the back yard, when a group of crows gathered around him, unafraid.

His mother came to the door and observed them rather nervously, thinking what an unusual scene she was observing.

I knew then that he was the person in my dream – the person I needed to speak well to.

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What a wonderful journey Crow led you on - and how wonderful you rose above the fear and uncomfortable feeling of the unknown to listen long enough to the noisey crow who sounds like he went through great lengths to get your full attention. The Crow is associated with the unseen forces in our Universe and can recognize difficulties or danger and does what is needed to warn those around him of the danger and in your case the Medicine was used to help guide your nephew away from obscurity. Possibly preventing him from exiting this lifetime too early - because as you can see - he has spiritual work to do! Welcome to the world of Crow Medicine! Respect the energy and it will become one of your best guides.

With Much Respect
Mitakuye Oyasin
Mama Crow
In that setting I too would have been locked away - Thank goodness our natural ability to see, feel & hear spirit is becoming more widely respected.

My cutlture thrives on visions & dreams - ths is an inherent part of our being and who we are and how we live our lives.

Dreams are our reality- our guides and oh so important

Let's Keep on dreaming

Many Blessings
Mama Crow
Very interesting, Jeanne!

I had Crows coming around last July, they were everywhere and making themselves known. Mostly, where I live, they would gather on the railing right outside my living room window, or on the roof of the unit right across from me...another time, one stayed on the roof of a unit right next to mine, looking at me as I was seated on my terrace.

Then, a friend and I would frequently pull cards from the Animal Messages deck---more often than not----Crow was either the card pulled, or one of several cards pulled. Impossible to ignore!

I noticed that the crows were back in this area about 2 weeks ago...

I've long held that dreams are rarely insignificant.

Right before waking this morning---I found myself standing somewhere, and suddenly there was a large bird on my outstretched left arm. The bird felt heavy and I wondered if it would feel lighter once it got its balance. Then I thought that maybe it would be easier to hold the bird if I had it switch to my right arm, the stronger of my two arms. It remained on my left arm. That's what my attention was on, until I realized that it was a large white owl. The owl was just looking at me and then I woke up...
Well written and expressed, thanks.
Thank-you Mothercrow for your insightful observations. And... yes, I realize that the crow had to be hard on me to get past my human arrogance. And, in retrospect, I think my nephews time would have been short, were it not for intervention. There were other circumstances that did not support him or recognize his needs., the night before he came to live with us, his mother's abusive boyfriend actually tried to beat him up while he was laid up with a leg shattered in 5 places. ...she's still with the boyfriend.

Yet, in spite of everything, the nephew is loving and forgiving of all. He's an inspiration to all of us who thought we were helping him!

AW, have you read Mothercrow's blog on owls? I just read it yesterday and was very moved.

Mothercrow said:

What a wonderful journey Crow led you on - and how wonderful you rose above the fear and uncomfortable feeling of the unknown to listen long enough to the noisey crow who sounds like he went through great lengths to get your full attention. The Crow is associated with the unseen forces in our Universe and can recognize difficulties or danger and does what is needed to warn those around him of the danger and in your case the Medicine was used to help guide your nephew away from obscurity. Possibly preventing him from exiting this lifetime too early - because as you can see - he has spiritual work to do! Welcome to the world of Crow Medicine! Respect the energy and it will become one of your best guides.

With Much Respect
Mitakuye Oyasin
Mama Crow



This is one of the most beautiful stories of healing and redemption I've ever read. Crow medicine is BIG medicine. I also know this firsthand, although not to the intensity you do. Crow first came to me as a totem when I was in the throes of awakening; this early stage "looked like" pneumonia. Too weak to do much more than sit on a bench in the sun, I began observing crows on telephone wires, listening to their cawing and feeling them speaking directly to me. A poem/chant tumbled out, which has been sung in rounds in women's drumming circles:

Talking to Crows

Black-winged wisdom on a wire
Cawing collect,
Caws and effect
A coded conversation
In guttural cries
Opens my eyes
And lifts me higher.

Later, when my journey took me to rural New York State and deep immersion in the natural world, I began speaking with crows in earnest. Today I do this still: count the number of caws I hear, and respond with the same number of caws, doing my best to "speak crow" (which is a lot better than eating it. ;-) Pretty much always, the crow answers me, and we dialogue this way until the crow either flies off or my throat becomes too strained to continue. I wonder if they "hear" me as having some absurd accent; nevertheless, I sense they appreciate my attempt to meet them in their language.

I am honored to count Crow as one of my healers. Thanks again for this incredible story. It's so wonderful to see what is possible when we trust our innate knowingness, along with the power and potential of others' innate ability to become more whole/holy/healed (all the same root word).



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