Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Where have felt the strongest connection to the divine? Where have you had a sudden flash of insight? Which experiences have been the most transformative for you? What places do you love to return to? Which places do you dream of visiting?

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For me:

Egypt woke me up (FORCEFULLY).
Wiltshire, in Southern England, taught me that magic is real (if we're willing to see it).
A road-trip across Bosnia and Serbia to visit the Bosnian Pyramids taught me about synchronicity and providence.
Climbing Mt. Moses in the Sinai taught me about sacrifice.
Dinner in the desert with a bedouin tribe reminded me about the remarkable joy of simple things.
A visit to Tirta Empul in Bali showed me a remarkable example of devotion and humility.
Yes !, my last trip to the Island of Bali in Indonesia blew me away in many levels : Spiritual, Masterfully Artistic, friendly & humble people, affordable vibrant Paradise on Earth ! Mind blowing Temples that showed me the most Spiritual Gratefulness I have seen, now I give thanks to Mother Earth for everything good.
Hey Raul! I completely agree with you about Bali. It is truly an amazing place - for all the reasons you describe! I loved making offerings and prayers in Balinese temples and being COMPLETELY accepted by the Balinese people - even though they know I wasn't really Hindu. In my experience that's a rare experiences in most of the worlds' places of worship.

Raul Casillas said:
Yes !, my last trip to the Island of Bali in Indonesia blew me away in many levels : Spiritual, Masterfully Artistic, friendly & humble people, affordable vibrant Paradise on Earth ! Mind blowing Temples that showed me the most Spiritual Gratefulness I have seen, now I give thanks to Mother Earth for everything good.
oo i want to visit Bali too,i like so much them music ,ok i m not so much traveling as u,,, Olympous mounten is my best n then the temple of Parthenon cos i go by walk, even it doesnt work for therapy as at the past, the underground energie for someone like me is still working, is my temple,,sorry i just say my experience even are not so many
Architect X - Mt. Olympus is an amazing place! So is the Parthenon - and what a blessing to have such a magnificent ancient structure so close to. I have to fly 11 hours to get to the Parthenon!

Architect x said:
oo i want to visit Bali too,i like so much them music ,ok i m not so much traveling as u,,, Olympous mounten is my best n then the temple of Parthenon cos i go by walk, even it doesnt work for therapy as at the past, the underground energie for someone like me is still working, is my temple,,sorry i just say my experience even are not so many
hey Greg n great group ,today is the day of the -environment- (i have a dictionary to find the words) eee bout athens the bad news are:polution ,too many building,no green,n the last ten years the birds they can fly on the top of parthenon n that mean ,,the magnetic pedio in greek - does not work the temple is off ,game over- i m afraid that we loosing the connection with the mother n the father
Ah Architect - that is sad and disturbing news.

When I was in Athena the cars were only allowed to drive on certain days of the week based on the last digit of their license plate - but the Athenians all had two license plates (or two cars)!

It's hard to fix a problem no one sees or believes in.


Architect x said:
hey Greg n great group ,today is the day of the -environment- (i have a dictionary to find the words) eee bout athens the bad news are:polution ,too many building,no green,n the last ten years the birds they can fly on the top of parthenon n that mean ,,the magnetic pedio in greek - does not work the temple is off ,game over- i m afraid that we loosing the connection with the mother n the father
yeah PEACE i m not car driver n i cant drive my bicycle no way here n i love it ,,i m walking a lot ,,ok my best is one year at Germany but came back to my bad luck ,,so ,for sure to finish n let u know me ,,yeah the greatest impact on me,Berlin Munich Hailderberg cos of the people n them energie ,ecologic,clean ,gentle ,hard workers,open minded,very nice ears to my sound ...i ll like to visit united states thats my priority,,n i m dreaming Africa but is really hard there,, i love greece, my problem is the new greeks,,thank u very much n sorry again for my english,,be blessed ,i love this site n the spirit here
I've spent a lot of time in Munich and I have to agree with you. I love the viktualmart near the Marienplatz.

And don't worry about your English - it's not a problem - we all understand you!

Architect x said:
yeah PEACE i m not car driver n i cant drive my bicycle no way here n i love it ,,i m walking a lot ,,ok my best is one year at Germany but came back to my bad luck ,,so ,for sure to finish n let u know me ,,yeah the greatest impact on me,Berlin Munich Hailderberg cos of the people n them energie ,ecologic,clean ,gentle ,hard workers,open minded,very nice ears to my sound ...i ll like to visit united states thats my priority,,n i m dreaming Africa but is really hard there,, i love greece, my problem is the new greeks,,thank u very much n sorry again for my english,,be blessed ,i love this site n the spirit here
Fireflies on the Island of Seram, Maluku Archipelago. We sleep up at the top of a large tree and just after dark -- when it's at that time where the day creatures are settling in and the night just waking up -- millions of fire flies. Floating over me around me and for about an hour every night transforming the landscape into something magical.

I return to this forest and tree every single time I go to Indonesia. (14 times in the last five years)

I feel like the fire flies energy is just an extension of the souls around us and after being in the middle of them -- you are changed.

Also the amazing sunsets from the remote beaches that have never seen tourists.

Wow Bonnie - thank you! What an amazing description. It's like I was there! And what an amazing experience that must be.

It brings to mind a Ted talk about Synchronization in nature - he shows some amazing footage of fireflies in Malaysia (starts discussing it at around 8:12 - fireflies kick in about 8:45):

And sadly, it seems that the firefly is becoming an endangered species on may parts of the world:

Thanks so much for posting!

Much Peace to All

Bonnie Zimmermann said:
Fireflies on the Island of Seram, Maluku Archipelago. We sleep up at the top of a large tree and just after dark -- when it's at that time where the day creatures are settling in and the night just waking up -- millions of fire flies. Floating over me around me and for about an hour every night transforming the landscape into something magical.

I return to this forest and tree every single time I go to Indonesia. (14 times in the last five years)

I feel like the fire flies energy is just an extension of the souls around us and after being in the middle of them -- you are changed.

Also the amazing sunsets from the remote beaches that have never seen tourists.

The powerful "love" energy that sweeps off Mt. Shasta and off a volcano in Bali. The Balinese mountain was lined with very diversely beautifully designed temples all the way to the top, and there were many priests available to anoint your 3rd eye with ashes, as you climbed & stopped to pray. I climbed Mt. Shasta on a vision quest with a powerful shaman Tomas Pinkson, and visited many other times including leading a group there on an Easter weekend. I felt the most loving energy on the Easter trip.

Another trip to a sacred deserted island, while cruising, which was so secluded that the animals on the island and under the water did not know to be afraid of us, and we kept it that way and vowed not to divulge the location. Hint, it may be somewhere near Bali - see map below. I featured it in a book Sailing & Swimming with Dolphins.. Also featured was Divina the Golden Dolphin, who guided us to teach the golden rules of all religions everywhere. "My love for you will always be, forevermore, throughout eternity." Divina



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