Architects of a New Dawn

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The dictionary describes "Meditating" as:
1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection
2 : to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness

But what is "meditation" at it's core? For me, not saying for you or others, it's simply listening to the quiet heart that gets drowned out in my everyday activities and thoughts. There really is a message from that heart, my heart, to me, every single day, moment. I cannot imagine being in tune with that all the time, but I try to make that my goal while I'm still breathing in and out.

As my teacher says, if gold bullions are raining from the sky, would I look out my window and say "Forget it, I can never collect all those..." No. I'd go get as many as possible. Same with remembering this breath, remembering this heart, mm? We do the best we can and keep trying, despite the distractions and my own lack of determination at times...keep trying.

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The heart feels. Loves and chooses to be loved. Life is the way for experiencing it. If it is less, it becomes the pain, wanting and conditions. Love needs the harmony and that is the goal to get us back to the greater harmony that involves everything. Meditation is staying in the loving harmony, it is just how long can we keep it? Being in a stressful situation and keeping the feeling - that's a hard work. But even the one step closer is better than nothing. Then it can be also helpful to focus on breathing when having too many thoughts. Even better is concentrating on the deepest inner feeling and to let go of the thoughts, that brings home immediately. When dealing with feelings that are not serving the best for us, it just needs getting the focus on where the feelings appear from, it leads directly to our inner nature. That really works. So there are so many practical uses for the meditation and the plenty of ways to involve it to the daily lives. But spending the time for deeper meditation is the time for our heart. It is the time to listen what the heart has to say.
(I just love the picture that you posted here! Wise words and the great photo!) Thank you!
Meditation is kind of like driving. When its a new activity, you must concentrate hard on the many aspects of driving - steering, shifting, braking and watching for signs and pedestrians. Over time you hardly even think about those things - they become automatic. (Some think its a good time to apply make-up, sing, and talk on the phone.)

The benefits of meditation also become automatic. No longer do advanced meditators 'try' to control themselves in the same ways they once needed to. They overcome addictions of the mind, body and spirit. They swell with joy over small kindnesses and find themselves becoming happier than they ever thought possible.

Perhaps meditation is the driving and becoming fully humanized is the result of practice, practice, practice.
Hey folks,

I am working on developing a consistent regimine of meditation practice. That is the difficulty now-- getting the discipline to learn "how to drive" (as Jeanne puts it aptly).

I like the morning best, as it is dark and sunrise takes over. Sitting quietly and letting the thoughts come and go. Appreciating the very basic necessity of breathing over which that too, I really do not control. Seeing myself as just a physical entity with a soul or spirit inhabiting this body for who knows how long.

At the core I am serarching for peace, serenity, balance, and love in every fiber of my being. Who knows where the soul lies, and does it really matter?

I do ask for the will of God be done, and to get some sort of guidance to carry that out. This is some of the self-love and healing that I;ve been in need of, and that only I can provide. I soley am responsible for making and maintaining a conscious contact with that Power, who has all answers.

What a wonderful journey.....

"Perhaps meditation is the driving and becoming fully humanized is the result of practice, practice, practice." Jeanne, so true what you write here. And Mike, yes, a wonderful journey to keep going to find what is within. It's never ending and I need to renew my commitment over and over because it's not an easy path, but what else is more valuable?
I had a "revealation" about myself last night as I listened to my teacher, Prem, talk about this life, this body as a "temple" in which the Creator has placed itself. It's so easy to just say "yes, that sounds good" but do I really accept that I am worthy of such an almost unbelievable truth? Something I need to look at more closely. Without acceptance, believe is meaningless. I need to feel it. Just keep trying, mm?



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