We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
I feel that Melanie. I've been called away from more traditional approaches of healing to energy work, using TAT, EFT, & chakra rebalancing techniques. They basically showed up in my life and "said learn me now", and to make their point, healed me of a chemical sensitivity problem that had limited my life for 15 years. That got my attention, so I am learning and listening with gratitude and I trust that direction will be given. It always has been.
I was raised by my deeply religious Christian paternal grandmother and less religious grandfather. She was the perennial searcher... to her death... still looking for truth. Though I took a vastly different direction than her, she had planted the seeds of truth seeking in me. Initially my search was motivated by the desire to be rid of the dogmatic constraints that hung over me like a foggy sleep... guilt, fear and shame. But, the universe (yeah, I blame it for alot of things that may fall under other headings... karma, destiny, DNA... you get it), had a few surprises for me that greatly shifted my direction. Unexplainable paranormal events began manifesting routinely... in my fear, I talked to anyone who would listen... only to quickly figure out that that could get me locked up.
So I began a much quieter search for others who may have had similar experiences... I was driven by terror. Little by little, universal truths revealed themselves... in dreams, in random synchronicities and in blatant slaps upside my gnawing need to know. And... little by little, a growing sense of purpose grew... a purpose that seemed connected to the prophecies I had grew up hearing... the prophecies that had once filled me with a sense of doom, were coming into perspective with a sense of urgency to prepare my heart, mind and spirit for coming challenges.
By my mid-twenties, I felt that I was to become an old woman who would assist the younger survivors of modern living into a new age. Time moved on and I was busy with motherhood and career, yet that sense of only being in preparation for my real purpose lingered.
I attended Seventh Day Adventist schools for a few years in middle and high school. While there, I learned about a group of early Adventists who believed they knew when the second coming of Christ was to be... so prepared for the day. They sold their worldy belongings, said good-bye to the non-believers and went to a hill and waited. The expectant day came and went... and nothing.
About 20 years ago, my very religious cousin... of the charismatic variety, put all he had into a business to promote the teachings he believed in... believing that his work was blessed by and for God, so would prosper him and his efforts. He and his wife... then well past their prime, went bankrupt and were reduced to asking for help from his less religious non-believer family members.
I mention these incidents to emphasize the point that no matter what intuitive sense drives me to continue to strengthen and prepare for an unknown future, I live in the moment and practice a pragmatic faith in an intelligence that's eternal, omniscient and omnipotent. I have vowed to be an instrument of love and ask that my life be one of service to a greater good... however, I do not consciously claim any knowledge of the future other than those weird, odd snippets that occasionally crop up regarding even odder random events.
Whatever the future may hold, I hope to fully contribute my part of the puzzle willingly and lovingly...
A very dear crone friend gave me a metatronic healing this afternoon and I'm now able to clarify a 'Lightworker'. Essentially I'm an electrical appliance!
The healing was concentrating on the three lower chakras and I started giggling and laughing, partly because of the physical sensations and partly because I was seeing myself as a kitchen appliance. Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon, who were both present and laughing along with me, explained that I was like a kettle whose lead ran from the solar plexus to the base chakra and could then be plugged into the Earth. The steam from the kettle was the healing energies which I was sending up through the chakras and out to the planet. Prior to this I hadn't been plugged in properly because of interference in the lower chakras. Now I'm plugged in correctly I can begin to direct energy to places and situations with legions of angelic beings behind me - they're the ones doing the work after all.
So when my grandchildren ask me "What did you do in the planetary shift Grandma?" I can proudly recount my time spent as a kitchen appliance.
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