Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'd be interested to know if any of the Crones out there feel that they're part of the vanguard of humanity helping to effect the 2012 shift. Would you be prepared to share what you're doing, experiencing, observing etc?

Because we have to use words to communicate in this instance, I would term myself a Lightworker. I've spent many years alone (but not lonely!) following my own intuitive path and now I'm ready to come out of the cave and talk to like-minded people. I do read all the relevant magazines, channelings, books etc but I have a yearning to discuss with other crones.

This just struck me as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad.............perhaps it is?

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I feel that Melanie. I've been called away from more traditional approaches of healing to energy work, using TAT, EFT, & chakra rebalancing techniques. They basically showed up in my life and "said learn me now", and to make their point, healed me of a chemical sensitivity problem that had limited my life for 15 years. That got my attention, so I am learning and listening with gratitude and I trust that direction will be given. It always has been.
I was raised by my deeply religious Christian paternal grandmother and less religious grandfather. She was the perennial searcher... to her death... still looking for truth. Though I took a vastly different direction than her, she had planted the seeds of truth seeking in me. Initially my search was motivated by the desire to be rid of the dogmatic constraints that hung over me like a foggy sleep... guilt, fear and shame. But, the universe (yeah, I blame it for alot of things that may fall under other headings... karma, destiny, DNA... you get it), had a few surprises for me that greatly shifted my direction. Unexplainable paranormal events began manifesting routinely... in my fear, I talked to anyone who would listen... only to quickly figure out that that could get me locked up.

So I began a much quieter search for others who may have had similar experiences... I was driven by terror. Little by little, universal truths revealed themselves... in dreams, in random synchronicities and in blatant slaps upside my gnawing need to know. And... little by little, a growing sense of purpose grew... a purpose that seemed connected to the prophecies I had grew up hearing... the prophecies that had once filled me with a sense of doom, were coming into perspective with a sense of urgency to prepare my heart, mind and spirit for coming challenges.

By my mid-twenties, I felt that I was to become an old woman who would assist the younger survivors of modern living into a new age. Time moved on and I was busy with motherhood and career, yet that sense of only being in preparation for my real purpose lingered.

I attended Seventh Day Adventist schools for a few years in middle and high school. While there, I learned about a group of early Adventists who believed they knew when the second coming of Christ was to be... so prepared for the day. They sold their worldy belongings, said good-bye to the non-believers and went to a hill and waited. The expectant day came and went... and nothing.
About 20 years ago, my very religious cousin... of the charismatic variety, put all he had into a business to promote the teachings he believed in... believing that his work was blessed by and for God, so would prosper him and his efforts. He and his wife... then well past their prime, went bankrupt and were reduced to asking for help from his less religious non-believer family members.

I mention these incidents to emphasize the point that no matter what intuitive sense drives me to continue to strengthen and prepare for an unknown future, I live in the moment and practice a pragmatic faith in an intelligence that's eternal, omniscient and omnipotent. I have vowed to be an instrument of love and ask that my life be one of service to a greater good... however, I do not consciously claim any knowledge of the future other than those weird, odd snippets that occasionally crop up regarding even odder random events.

Whatever the future may hold, I hope to fully contribute my part of the puzzle willingly and lovingly...
Thanks for replying Charly. Healers like yourself have helped me so much on my journey. I had some EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique for those not conversant) sessions by phone over a year ago and they cleared so much, so quickly. Then a crone friend used TAT (?) on me recently which released what I hope is the last major trauma of this lifetime. I believe I've still got some karmic trauma to work on so I've decided to use Metatronic Healing. I do agree that the new techniques turn up at precisely the right time - oh, I find all this so exciting!

Charly Hill said:
I feel that Melanie. I've been called away from more traditional approaches of healing to energy work, using TAT, EFT, & chakra rebalancing techniques. They basically showed up in my life and "said learn me now", and to make their point, healed me of a chemical sensitivity problem that had limited my life for 15 years. That got my attention, so I am learning and listening with gratitude and I trust that direction will be given. It always has been.
How beautifully expressed Jean. You and Charly both conclude with a timely reminder about being in the 'now' with trust and love.

Regarding previous prophecies which didn't materialise. I talked about my 'life purpose' and '2012' to a very old dear friend and he said there had been so many false prophesies that he ignored them or found them laughable. I kept my mouth shut after that!

I was nudged into posting this discussion after reading an article (in Paradigm Shift, UK) by Katie Gallanti entitled 'Be the lightworker you were born to be: A Call to Planetary Empowerment'. As I read the article I was slapped in the face with "Of course, I know this, absolutely the right time". I was also overwhelmed by the fact that I'd been doing something similar to that described in the article but a format is given which avoids the pitfalls I might have succumbed to. Katie Gallanti at or join her as a friend on MySpace to read her blog at Email to receive the newsletter.

Thanks Jeanne for contributing so willingly and lovingly.

Jeanne said:
I was raised by my deeply religious Christian paternal grandmother and less religious grandfather. She was the perennial searcher... to her death... still looking for truth. Though I took a vastly different direction than her, she had planted the seeds of truth seeking in me. Initially my search was motivated by the desire to be rid of the dogmatic constraints that hung over me like a foggy sleep... guilt, fear and shame. But, the universe (yeah, I blame it for alot of things that may fall under other headings... karma, destiny, DNA... you get it), had a few surprises for me that greatly shifted my direction. Unexplainable paranormal events began manifesting routinely... in my fear, I talked to anyone who would listen... only to quickly figure out that that could get me locked up.

So I began a much quieter search for others who may have had similar experiences... I was driven by terror. Little by little, universal truths revealed themselves... in dreams, in random synchronicities and in blatant slaps upside my gnawing need to know. And... little by little, a growing sense of purpose grew... a purpose that seemed connected to the prophecies I had grew up hearing... the prophecies that had once filled me with a sense of doom, were coming into perspective with a sense of urgency to prepare my heart, mind and spirit for coming challenges.

By my mid-twenties, I felt that I was to become an old woman who would assist the younger survivors of modern living into a new age. Time moved on and I was busy with motherhood and career, yet that sense of only being in preparation for my real purpose lingered.

I attended Seventh Day Adventist schools for a few years in middle and high school. While there, I learned about a group of early Adventists who believed they knew when the second coming of Christ was to be... so prepared for the day. They sold their worldy belongings, said good-bye to the non-believers and went to a hill and waited. The expectant day came and went... and nothing.
About 20 years ago, my very religious cousin... of the charismatic variety, put all he had into a business to promote the teachings he believed in... believing that his work was blessed by and for God, so would prosper him and his efforts. He and his wife... then well past their prime, went bankrupt and were reduced to asking for help from his less religious non-believer family members.

I mention these incidents to emphasize the point that no matter what intuitive sense drives me to continue to strengthen and prepare for an unknown future, I live in the moment and practice a pragmatic faith in an intelligence that's eternal, omniscient and omnipotent. I have vowed to be an instrument of love and ask that my life be one of service to a greater good... however, I do not consciously claim any knowledge of the future other than those weird, odd snippets that occasionally crop up regarding even odder random events.

Whatever the future may hold, I hope to fully contribute my part of the puzzle willingly and lovingly...
Melanie Worman said: Thanks Jeanne for contributing so willingly and lovingly.

I've noticed that sometimes when I try to effect what I percieve as positive or constructive change, it falls flat... yet other times when I offhandedly say or do something - it comes back to haunt me; not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that reminds me that I just need to align my will and commit my vessel to an intelligence greater than mine.
A lightworker aka love worker is similar, in that they often do not specify which cell or muscle or bone they would like to see effected, but rather direct energy toward the whole person, place or situation, knowing that their intent and volition is true.

As to 2012, I have no sense of it one way or the other, but do think that whatever is in store for us, it is important to continue to aspire and develop ourselves as we are led by spirit to do.

Melanie, I'm so glad you came out of that cave... cuz I sure enjoy talking to you and appreciate your warmth, humor and intuitive intelligence.

A very dear crone friend gave me a metatronic healing this afternoon and I'm now able to clarify a 'Lightworker'. Essentially I'm an electrical appliance!

The healing was concentrating on the three lower chakras and I started giggling and laughing, partly because of the physical sensations and partly because I was seeing myself as a kitchen appliance. Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon, who were both present and laughing along with me, explained that I was like a kettle whose lead ran from the solar plexus to the base chakra and could then be plugged into the Earth. The steam from the kettle was the healing energies which I was sending up through the chakras and out to the planet. Prior to this I hadn't been plugged in properly because of interference in the lower chakras. Now I'm plugged in correctly I can begin to direct energy to places and situations with legions of angelic beings behind me - they're the ones doing the work after all.

So when my grandchildren ask me "What did you do in the planetary shift Grandma?" I can proudly recount my time spent as a kitchen appliance.
Hi Melanie;
I’m new to the Architects Of A New Dawn site & the Crone’s
Page was among one of the First ones I joined.
Today I read Ur post of July 18th & felt such a connection, as
I too feel that I am now ready to come out of the cave !!!
Like U, living alone but NOT lonely.
I joined this site for the same reasons U did, communication
with Like-Minded ones.
As U are a light worker also, I imagine there are amazing
experiences to share as well. I certainly have A Lot to share.
I really got a chuckle out of Ur statement, “This just struck me
as sounding like a Lonely Hearts Ad………perhaps it is?”,
because it SO applies to me too. Just hadn’t thought of myself
in that way yet. But it sure feel correct to me, LOL, LOL !!!!
As, for YEARS I’d been Starving for Like-minded
communication, just didn’t know where to go to get it. Tried
Many online sited that left me feeling more disappointed/empty
than any thing else - so I just Zoned OUT so to speak.
The only thing that kept me going by living in my own little
world was/are the email Ascension news letters I joined up
for,,,,,, from a few Trusted sources.
I desire to connect with people of both genders, to maintain
the feminine/masculine balance - But,,,, I’m NOT looking
for a boyfriend, which most men can’t seem to fathom =
they are NOT the kind of man I wish a friendship with.
I’d rather Wait until ‘the one for me’ comes along with the
New Consciousness mindset. Until then & after, I will keep
doing as I have been, my part in the Ascension process, to
My knowingness assures me that the Crones will
play a VERY important role in the years to come with
Building the New Earth. As we will be working with those
Newly awakened ones whom we have progressed beyond.
It is my feeling that we shall be a bridge between the Indigo,
Chrystal & Diamond enlightened children (who have been
incarnating here in the droves for the past 20 years) & those
who have made the shift into New Consciousness.
Most of these enlightened children have had a very hard
time adapting to the lower vibrations they incarnated into,
and I definitely relate to that, as it has been that way for me
as well. So I REALLY understand & connect with these
children in ways that completely amaze/baffle their parents.
This is what I feel to be one of my roles in the times ahead.

WoW,,,, this almost turned into a book, so lets pick up later.
Amber, aka Kozmicjoy Dancin.
I've been pondering what kind of electrical appliance you might be, Melanie... so far, I think a blender is the leading choice; cuz you know, the toaster and waffle iron are too hot, can opener and electric knife - too sharp and somewhat anti-social, and bun warmers... well, not really appropriate conversation, especially with teenagers in the house. Yeah, definitely a blender... mixes stuff up and blends hot, cold, thick, and thin into something greater than the sum of its parts.

Melanie Worman said:
A very dear crone friend gave me a metatronic healing this afternoon and I'm now able to clarify a 'Lightworker'. Essentially I'm an electrical appliance!

The healing was concentrating on the three lower chakras and I started giggling and laughing, partly because of the physical sensations and partly because I was seeing myself as a kitchen appliance. Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon, who were both present and laughing along with me, explained that I was like a kettle whose lead ran from the solar plexus to the base chakra and could then be plugged into the Earth. The steam from the kettle was the healing energies which I was sending up through the chakras and out to the planet. Prior to this I hadn't been plugged in properly because of interference in the lower chakras. Now I'm plugged in correctly I can begin to direct energy to places and situations with legions of angelic beings behind me - they're the ones doing the work after all.

So when my grandchildren ask me "What did you do in the planetary shift Grandma?" I can proudly recount my time spent as a kitchen appliance.
I thought this video was relevant to this discussion... see what you think

For years now there are people whom i have met who called me an "old soul" and while it felt right, i never quite knew what it meant. Then in later years i began to see and experience some things -- I experienced being a black slave woman being sold on the wharf at New Orleans to a man named Vernon. My companion at the sale was a young black man named Vernon also and he was sold to the same owner. There is more to this story which has a horrible ending, but i will defer telling the rest until another time. Then on a visit to Canyon de Chelly one time, i looked down from the cliff above and saw myself as a young Anasazi woman tending to the corn below. I also vaguely remember being a Mayan princess mainly because of my brother and other relatives that are with me here in this lifetime. An Anasazi brother is also here with me now.

Very strange things have happened to me at times. One of these is an incident where i was parked by the beach on a vacant lot in my RV and one day an owl came and sat on a branch of a bush nearby for most of the day. That night i had a visitation from three American shaman who came into my motor home -- it was very dark and all i could see was their faces which sort of floated around in front of me. They told me that even though i had been an indigenous woman in previous times, i had been brought back this time as a white woman as my voice in this state of being would have more power. But i was reminded to never forget who i really am and where my roots come from. And as mentioned above, i have brothers and sisters here with me now so that i will not forget.

That i was given a mission several lifetimes ago and that i am still on this mission there is no doubt. I rarely dream but when i do there is a great deal of meaning within each dream which is revealed to me as i do a 'gestalt' on the dream and role play each member and item in the dream. But most mornings i awake and whatever i am to do that day is revealed to me before i arise. Then, when they are needed, people who act as "guides" come into my life and we walk together in consciousness for awhile until the task that we are to do is completed.

I am no longer able to handle living in cities and towns. Today i live in a cabin on the side of a small mountain in the high desert region of So. California close to the Mexican - U.S. Border. It is breathtakingly lovely here and a wonderful retreat for me. It is so very peaceful and quite. It is land where they Kumeyaay once resided as they were pushed "into the rocks" by the white man. It is a wilderness area and there are still deer, bobcats, coyote and rattle snakes here that come into my yard which is very large and then just sort of melds into the mesquite. The ranch itself is 26-acres and is shared with three other residents, the owners, their grandson, and another couple. The cabin itself, about 850 sq. ft., is so filled with windows that i feel i am outside even when inside. There is a grow of manzanita trees here, and i call this "The Enchanted Cottage" for it is so magical here. The most beautiful and ever-changing sunsets occur here almost every evening.

And i must go now and water the florals that i plant in summer as i so love the color. The roses were really beautiful this spring, but it has been very hot here this summer and no more blooms -- maybe again in the fall they will bloom some more.. It will stay warm here until after the first of the year. We also garden organically here, and there is a produce stand just down the road. Lots of fruit trees here on the ranch as well, so lots of treats until the fall apples are gone.

Thanks for letting me share a little of my life and history with you.

,much love and appreciation
This is a wonderful discussion that Melanie started... and I find each of the responses filled with hope, wisdom and a trust in the unseen mystery that's unfolding in their lives. I'm inspired.
Forgive me my dear Crones, I had to pop back into my cave for a while. I've behaved in a most inhospitable manner and my only excuse is the response I experienced to the Metatronic healing. More in a bit....

....But first a welcome and thanks to Amber Kozmicjoy Dancin (wow, what a name!), Mary Rose, Annie and Jeanne. Amber Joy (if I can call you that for short?) touched on a couple of subjects dear to my heart, that of NOT looking for a boyfriend and the enlightened children. A few years ago I decided to become celibate and dedicate my life to the spiritual path. I must admit that up until that point I had experienced enough relationships to last me a dozen lifetimes, but each relationship gave me unique learnings as well as one massive learning which ran as a thread through all of them. The other big factor was learning to love myself. Only now I realise that because I didn't love myself I was searching for that absolute love from the men I had relationships with - and of course those poor men couldn't give me that which I couldn't give to myself. But I got there in the end and no longer require those type of lessons, hence my celibacy. Anyway, most men seem a little wary of me - can't think why, I can be very sweet!

Re. the enlightened children, I have an Indigo daughter who chose me as her mother to protect and guide as she walked her difficult path. Although she has no children of her own yet, she helps to care for a Crystal child and relates to him in ways which his mother cannot. I have vaguely talked to my daughter about networking with other enlightened children and this may come to pass when I return to the city.

I will post this now as I have things to do but will return.



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