Architects of a New Dawn

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Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by Constance Demby on July 23, 2009 at 10:46am
Hi Mary Rose, You asked: “I cannot help but ask as to how much the illness
of our collective mind as a society today is due to manipulation by those
who understand the power of sound and use it extensively?”

As to the many ways the public is affected by and manipulated by music,
film, advertising, etc, and how these mediums can be used for either harm or
healing, is a huge subject. You mention, “The general public buys into it
not knowing what is happening to them particularly when it is associated
with sex and other symbols of success.” The public in general has not
bothered to educate themselves in order to understand how much they’re being manipulated, nor do they even care to educate themselves. They’re asleep, a captive audience, dumbed down by all the advertising thrown at them, the food they eat, the pharmacueticals they are told to take, TV and the news they unquestionably believe, etc etc... The asleep sheeple don’t question - the manipulators know that and they take full advantage of it! Can we really point the manipulators when it is the individuals who have to WANT to awaken, instead of believing all that BS and downgraded entertainment? But how are they to awaken if they don’t realize they’re asleep?

Hopefully there is some waking up going on now, and meanwhile, there are
those of us who continue to produce uplifting works of art for humanity, and
ARE making a difference, and we do what we can to try and reach them to help them discover that they have been asleep all this time. However I have
observed that my music can in some cases actually irritate the embodiement as the awakening process often includes the uncomfortable process of having your “stuff” come up and be activated before it is eliminated, as those of us who have done deep clearing work can attest.

Meanwhile, I watched the video... I really like what they’re doing with the
Astar Shamir techniques. The question posed- “Is it possible to heal with
your own voice?” Yes indeed... I have been using vocal sound healing in my
workshops for years with very positive results. The most powerful of the
sound healings I’ve presented is SONIC IMMERSION with the Sonic Steel Space Bass. There are interesting testimonials at from those whose lives were changed by th Space Bass. The low frequncies and long standing waves of the Space Bass (some 30 ft long), are potent and penetrating, breaking up old encrustations held in the embodiement. And there are countless testimonials that demonstrate that music (music that comes direct from Source without the composer’s ego in the way) can not only heal and transform, but can even save lives and keep them from committing suicide, such is the power of music that comes direct from
Source. Well, thanks for initiating this interesting thread Mary Rose...
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on July 23, 2009 at 5:43am
We can transform Media with true stories,
new projects which give a message

I am looking for films producers interested
to work for a better world and help me
to realize my 8 projects.

You can find some of my synopsis here in my page in
Architects of a new Down or in my site web:

In my site you can read 4 synopsis in English,
the novels and the relative screenplays in Italian.

Thank you!!!

Greetings from Italy,

Comment by Audrey Philpot on July 23, 2009 at 1:18am
I love the direction the conversation here is taking. I heard a great statement by Quincy Jones on Charlie Rose about MJ...Q said that artists often have experienced a great deal of suffering as children and that they take this and transform it into light.

Also wanted to add that I saw Carlos Santana interviewed on Tavis Smiley this evening and he gave almost pure spiritual much wisdom and inspiration and relevant to this conversation...perhaps it can be posted to this site?
Comment by Chuck Hinson on July 22, 2009 at 7:23pm
The power of music, as of electricity, must have a transformer to turn it into something that is effectively beneficial to the masses. As Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Elvis -- and, most recently, the popular young UK band, The Fore -- have shown, this power can be effectively transformed by the right performer.
The records, CDs, radio and internet airplay becomes the conduit for this transformed energy, much like the power lines that go into houses.
We, in turn, become the cords that plug into the "power outlets" that allow the music to freely flow into our emotional applications.
Music does have a specific healing power in that it can stimulate the emotions in a positive manner. This, in turn, can affect our immune systems, strengthening them.
Comment by mary rose on July 22, 2009 at 5:49pm
My interest in vibrational healing or potential dissonance stems from research on a book i am currently conducting research for: The Sacred Quest for the Who of I Am". At this point i am particularly interested in the power of sound, and, in that realm, the sound of music and its affect on the mass audience given the ability to disseminate to millions of people. Both Constance and Miles touch on this, but what are the dimensions of it really?

I cannot help but reflect on the power of not only Michael Jackson, but of other artists to shift the reality of billions of people worldwide using their voice. Much has been written as to how Michael, Elvis, and the Beatles have created "shifts," but now, as i am beginning to grasp the potential here for either healing or harm, it is mind-blowing particularly when it is associated so much as it is today with the marketing of products. And, within that context, it become even more poignant since i am currently reading up on the latest in subliminal mind-programming via the media. I cannot help but ask as to how much the
illness of our collective mind as a society today is due to manipulation by those who understand the power of sound and use it extensively? And how much the general public buys into it not knowing what is happening to them particularly when it is associated with sex and other symbols of success.

I spent part of the afternoon watching some short but excellent related videos on You Tube in this regard. This is but one of many:
Comment by Miles A Moody on July 20, 2009 at 1:16pm
Re: The nature of the artist -
I feel that the quality of the art that is produced by the artist (I'm referring here to the quality of its vibration rather than its technical quality) says so much about where the artist currently is in their spiritual journey. I note, for example, the extreme pain, anger, and confusion expressed in Alanis Morissette's early work compared to the love I find in some of her more recent works such as "Thank You." I've observed in myself over the years as a writer that what I've created has changed in its expression to reflect my inner transformation. I recently had the wondrous experience of re-writing a short story after twelve years had passed. Expressing the same theme from the same inspiration, this time the story was very different, with a higher vibration and a very different outcome. As artists I feel we have a choice. We can choose to transcend the issues that influence our art and express our art from that higher space. We can choose to allow the current expression of our art to inform us as to the nature of our issues. Yes, I feel that our art can point to where we are at thus gracing us with the opportunity of gaining new awareness. And if we allow it the freedom, our inspiration can point the direction to our higher potential, to that transcendent space. For example: Evanescence expresses considerable spiritual pain in their "Fallen" CD and yet, I experienced profound healing during the instances I journeyed along with the music. Here, I feel, the artist demonstated the ability to take the listener into the essense of their egoic pain and then show as well an avenue for healing that pain, What amazing ability expressed here, to not just highlight the pain, but to alchemically assist in clearing it. Wondrous in the extreme :-)
Comment by Constance Demby on July 20, 2009 at 10:11am
RE: the nature of the artistic spirit -
After Michael died I found out more about him than I ever knew. Though Michael's music wasn't my choice of music to listen to, he was indeed a great artist, otherwise he wouldnt have risen to the heights he did. But to assume that he would somehow have to be healed by his own art opens this up to a deeper discussion about artists and their art. Sometimes it does happen that artists are healed by their own art, but we cannot assume that that always happens. In Michael's case, if you read more about him and about his life, what he was handed, and what he had to put up with, you can begin to understand why he was in so much pain. On another note, a genuine artist often will have an extemely over-sensitive emotional body, and an over-sensitive emotional body can in some cases cause pain and drive an artist to drugs, drink, or ruin. At the same time this over-sensitive emotional body assists the artist in recieving their melodys, or their magnificent symphonies as they tune in to compose. It is an awesome process, one I'm quite familiar with...! A geniune artist will have a natural ability to traverse the emotional tone scale from the top to the bottom with all the subtle nuances in between, and in the process - emotional tones are translated into musical tones... the mystery of the creative process. Suffering can have a way of carving out the heart, and as a result a more compassionate level can be reached. Those songs, those melodies, that almost break your heart when you hear them, indicate that that artist may have experienced some form of heartbreak, or some sort a deepening that carved out a more profound level in their heart; a melody then appears out of that experience, and when we hear it, our hearts are opened wider. Truly the act of creating, composing and receiving music is a greater mystery than I have time to write about here So I hope this has helped you to understand the nature of the artistic spirit. Take care...
Comment by mary rose on July 20, 2009 at 8:34am
Ed thank you for your informative response to my comment. Just this morning I came across an article re: Michael Jackson, that prompts me to pursue this at a deeper level.

King of Pain>

Here we have one of the most popular of modern artists revered by millions for his talent. But, was he truly a great artist? or was he the manufactured result of a great PR campaign that sold minds on the idea of his greatness.

If Mr. Jackson was truly such a great artist, then why was he not healed by his own art? Or, maybe the question to be asked here is:" how healthy of a society are we as a collective conscious/unconscious if the object of our artistic reverance is for someone who is in great pain?"
Comment by Ed Lantz on July 19, 2009 at 10:25pm
There have always been those gifted individuals who intuitively use light & sound (or, more popularly, music & visuals) to awaken, uplift and heal. One interesting development is the modern use of neuroimaging and other biometrics to actually measure the body's response to light and sound creations (including our brain and nervous system, the measurable physical correlates of consciousness). Neuroaesthetics is a new field concerned with the subjective response to art. It will be interesting to see what new discoveries come from this field that might actually guide artists in optimizing their creations to achieve optimal affect.
Comment by mary rose on July 18, 2009 at 4:43pm
As we learn more about the subtle energy vibrations of human consciousness may we all become more aware of the affects of both sound and light to either heal or create dissonnance in the human body/mind field. And may we use these mediums carefully and with integrity in the arts and entertainment industry.

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