Grandma Hattie----
I do have early memories of her, one in which she was fanning my backside.
She didn't do nonsense well, and I probably gave her a fair share of mischievous.
I have this one recollection of her fixing my hair one day, and getting me dressed up for the arrival home of my dad.
I always had the cutest dresses, hand sewn by my grandmother or her sisters, who were Nuns.
Then, for whatever reason that day, I wandered away and found a little pool in the… Continue
Added by AkashicWreckage on April 9, 2009 at 8:09am —
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For years people have believed in the immutable power of genetics as the primary factor in human behavior and condition. While the debate between nature and nurture continues, isolated genes have been given credit for ADD and heart disease and dyslexia and cancer and a whole range of dis-eases. I have often heard people use family history as immutable evidence of not being able to change being overweight or some other issue in their life. However, the dogma of DNA as the immutable determiner is… Continue
Added by Charly Hill on April 8, 2009 at 5:03pm —
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This is something...The first time I post a blog and the first time ever I write something that will be read by somebody else in the English language (being French Canadian myself). Actually I don’t like writing in French either and don’t when I don’t absolutely have to (that’s a lot of don’ts, don’t you think?)
First thing’s first: what am I doing here? What is exactly the purpose of this virtual community? I roamed… Continue
I love to sit by the river and watch it flowing by.
I feel so blest to be a witness to its lullaby.
If it's quiet and I pay attention,
I can hear its song,
As it blends with the chirps of the birds
As they celebrate all day long
The simple joy of being alive
And feeling like they belong.
The River is My Walking Partner
The river is my walking partner;
She flows along beside me… Continue
Peace Portal is requesting people from countries around the world to please consider joining our website at so we may meet global goals of members from 100 countries.
It was the last 200 years that changed the world. In 1809 all countries of the world had a life expectancy under 40 years and an income per person less than 3000 dollar per year. Since then the world has changed but it was not until after the second world war that most countries started to improve.
For the first time, Gapminder can now visualize change in life expectancy and income per person over the last two centuries. In this Gapminder video, Hans Rosling… Continue
A beautiful salamander with exquisite markings. I was moving some firewood for a client in Twain Harte, CA and lo and behold there were 5 of these beauties there.
Thankfully I didn't squish any of 'em, and took extra care to make sure their home wasn't damaged. It was a little more work but I didn't care because it made me feel happy knowing I did something to help nature, no matter how small the act was.
Check out my blog post with photos about the Salamander at… Continue
Angels In Charge Over Me - They Help Me Maintain One Heart "For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep thee in all thine ways." Psalm 91:11
I liked your commitment at the end (to being more of a human being rather than a human "doing") The most healing thing you can do is let this go. You are not in control of the outcome. It will play out as it will, no matter what you do. His mother's enabling of him is way beyond your… Continue
Isn't it amazing all the different ways there are to greet people?
It is the first expression or impression of our emotional aura.
In NY----- it's a chin lift, and you KNOW when it's extended from the heart.
A greeting could be a hug or a handshake.
It's hello when one answers the phone.
It's a smile and a squeal of delight.
It's the sound of mail landing in your inbox, it's the vibration from a text message.
As the Architects, shouldn't that social… Continue
"Holy purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious that those that possess it become like the angels of God even though enclosed in mortal flesh." ~ St. John Bosco
"Purity prepares the soul for love, and love confirms the soul in purity."
~ St. John Henry Cardinal Neuman
It is vital that we keep our intentions pure in order to attract the energy of manifestation. Purity of…
"Exovo omnia." Everything from an egg. ~ William Harvey
When I was taking those first tentative steps towards awakening in 1989-90, I visited a woman who did soul readings. While this is much more commonplace today, the idea sounded quite exotic to me then. I drove north (to the town I now call home) and met with a lovely woman who had me first envision a color (I saw deep magenta), then instructed me to allow it to seep slowly into… Continue
Added by Amara Rose on April 6, 2009 at 6:00pm —
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In these challenging times it is more important than ever to go within and listen to our own intuition. Tarot can offer a useful approach to inner guidance. Each archetype of the Tarot takes us on a journey of the Soul.
The Tarot deck is divided into two main parts. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards-four “suits” just like regular playing cards. These suits are labeled differently in many decks, but are usually Wands (fire, passion & creativity), Swords (air, intellect &… Continue
Added by Charlene Ryan on April 6, 2009 at 4:55pm —
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"To err is human, to forgive divine." ~ William Shakespeare
"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."
~ Lewis B. Smedes
Most of us carry around anger, resentment, jealousy, or some other negative emotion directed to others. Unless dealt with, they will eventually start to broadly affect the quality of our lives and those around us. In order to grow to our full…
Lately, things have been strange. Weird feel to the air, weird sleep patterns, restlessness, even impatience at times.
I began to come down with something---that everybody has been passing around at work.
Recently, one can hear---the sounds of a very different type of cough---moving in waves across our working area.
A week ago, I thought I was getting it---and somehow, I think I willed myself not to get sick.
This past Thursday night and then Friday morning, I knew it was… Continue
Added by AkashicWreckage on April 6, 2009 at 9:44am —
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If every musician writes one song for the earth, the world will listen, and change.
We're asking you to write one song. Call it a “green” themed song, whatever that means to you. Write the environmental hit song of the decade. Let the Earth be your muse.
Envision thousands of songs circulating the airwaves. Songs that inspire us to face the truth about what's happening to the planet. Songs that serve as reminders for what's at stake. Songs that inspire hope and… Continue
Added by Mark Josephson on April 6, 2009 at 9:30am —
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The older I get,
The easier it is
To get into a state of bliss.
Just being alive is exhilarating;
I know I’m the cause of this.
I choose to have a happy attitude,
And believe things happen for my good.
That keeps me in a grateful mood,
And makes me wanna do the things I should
To fulfill the function I agreed to
Before I came to this world.