I just returned from Homeless Connect Day in San Francisco, a huge event attended by more than 2,400 homeless people searching for help. I had the opportunity to talk with some of them and hear what they had to say, what they felt and how it is to be without a home.
When I read about the economic criminals on Wall Street and their servants in our governments, I think of the homeless people, the people I meet on the street. They are the…
Added by Bob Ballard on October 31, 2009 at 9:45pm —
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These exercises are performed sitting
Place the soft pads of the middle fingers vertically on the sides of the head right in front of the ears, and the index fingers just behind the ears. Slowly open and close the mouth while paying attention to the changing shape of the joint of the jaw underneath the middle finger tips. Do not apply any pressure. Perform the movements a few times very slowly with the eyes closed. Allow awareness to circulate inside the cavity of…
Added by Lorin Kiely on October 31, 2009 at 11:33am —
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In July 1969, Apollo 11's Mike Collins found himself circling the moon many times in the Command Module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were transported to the moon's surface in the Lunar Module. They then spent time there walking on the moon and doing various activities as they were required to do.
Neil and Buzz were in the in the full glare of the public eye in all their procedures on the moon while Mike Collins continued on his alone… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on October 31, 2009 at 7:27am —
Here is an anatomical drawing of the muscles of the eyes;
Take a bit of time to absorb each instructions before incorporating the next.
Lying down, find a comfortable position in which you can completely let go, into stillness. Use as many pillows as you wish. Begin by releasing all nerve and muscle force of the jaw, down and very slightly back, and turning the tip of the tongue up toward the palate.…
Added by Lorin Kiely on October 30, 2009 at 11:00pm —
1 Comment
One of the keys that I have found helps me immensely during periods of change, is the ability to surrender to what is, no matter how unsettling it may feel. I simply allow the situation to become part of the greater plan. I remain flexible and shift gears if necessary, perhaps revaluating my immediate goals and how I am going to achieve them.
I have also come to realize that a new level of flexibility is required each time I make a decision to grow. Once change has begun, it triggers…
Added by Lynn Fishman R.N. on October 29, 2009 at 8:16pm —
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Hi All! Yesterday I posted a discussion on "Day of Doing Nothing". The response from everyone of my.ning networks has been great and I am inspired to take the next step. I am writing to all friends and subscribers to my You Tube account "Devimariamne" to get the word out that November 3rd to November 5th 2009 be proposed for this event. Please check out the discussion and let me know if you can assist or are drawn to get involved. Be-In, Love Devi…
Added by Devi Cholet on October 29, 2009 at 6:07am —
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I invite people to visit our web site...MVFR.org. We are a group of family members of homocide victims and of executions who are against the death penalty. Our role in the abolition movement is to tell our stories. MVFR's strategy is to partner with active state groups and lend our voices to counter those who say we need the death penalty for victims' family members. Our voices were heard by legislators and governors in New Jersey and New Mexico, states who have recently repealed the death…
Added by janis gay on October 28, 2009 at 8:23pm —
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People tend to think of their cognitive brain as the source of their intelligence. Our society has devised highly structured IQ tests to measure "intelligence" and our educational systems focus pretty much on left brain thinking. Perhaps emphasis is on the superiority of logical thought because it can be manipulated more easily than emotional intuition. Or maybe the reason most people believe that logic is more important than emotion is that we don't understand the connection between the…
Added by Charly Hill on October 28, 2009 at 12:17pm —
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Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on October 28, 2009 at 11:45am —
1 Comment
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom." ~Tao Te Ching
Added by Dawn Solomon on October 28, 2009 at 9:56am —
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Hi All!
I am posting an article I found on Mayanmajix.com. I resonated with the idea and thought that this was something that needs to happen. The article inspired me to get this message out to you all to see if we can do something to assist humanity in the most effective way of transformation. This could be the ultimate in a Ghandi way of a peaceful sit in to let the powers that be know that we are done with all this nonsense. Please join in and bring your thoughts and energy to…
Added by Devi Cholet on October 28, 2009 at 7:34am —
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WORD FOR THE DAY(gratefulness.org)
Wednesday, Oct. 28
May the sun bring you new energy by day,
may the moon softly restore you by night,
may the rain wash away your worries,
may the breeze blow new strength into your being.
Apache Blessing
Added by Ron Alexander on October 28, 2009 at 5:00am —
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W a t e r
this planet is also said to be a water planet. water is… Continue
Added by mermaid sutra on October 27, 2009 at 3:30pm —
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In the U.S., Halloween is all about costumes, trick-or-treating, candy and, occasionally, mischief. Few people realize the date also marks a sacred day on the Celtic calendar,
Samhain, ushering in the dark half of the year. October 31st precedes Day of the Dead/All Soul's Day, which takes place November 1-2, honoring those who have…
Added by Amara Rose on October 27, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Greetings, I am the architect of the
GetZooks Global Social Affiliate Marketing Club designed to serve individuals, businesses, communities and charities so the may prosper from the new global economy by leveraging computer technology. We launched our Individual Sales &
Charity CyberMalls on September 21st…
Added by Peace Portal on October 27, 2009 at 12:32pm —
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"There is no such thing as an incorrect path - for on this journey you cannot "not get" where you are going. It is simply a matter of speed - merely a question of when you will get there." - Neale Donald Walsch
Added by Dawn Solomon on October 27, 2009 at 12:26pm —
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"There is no such thing as an incorrect path - for on this journey you cannot "not get" where you are going. It is simply a matter of speed - merely a question of when you will get there." - Neale Donald Walsch
Added by Dawn Solomon on October 27, 2009 at 12:14pm —
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WORD FOR THE DAY (gratefulness.org)
Monday, Oct. 26
If you look at every human
being as a Divine mirror,
you will know yourself
understand life.
Sherif Baba
Added by Ron Alexander on October 26, 2009 at 12:36pm —
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As retail and manufacturing jobs are lost in the industrialized world, more people are being forced to migrate to the information economy made possible by the Internet. There are hundreds of online businesses these days, most of which have an inherent barrier to success because they require people to refer friends, purchase products monthly, or sell a specific product line such as pills, travel vouchers, or the like. Now a new business has been launched that does away with these barriers, and…
Added by Peace Portal on October 24, 2009 at 12:28pm —
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Added by EARA JORDON on October 24, 2009 at 11:25am —
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