Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Question from Bill Gates: "How do we get the world’s brightest people focused on its biggest problems?"

This question was posed by Bill Gates 2 days ago.  Here is my response:

How do we get the world’s brightest people focused on its biggest problems?  Let us come together -- all of us -- as World Citizens to consciously build a bridge to the future.

The job of a computer operating system is to equitably distribute the resources of a computer system.  The world in the 21st century is a large, complex, interconnected and interdependent system.  Unfortunately, even with the good work and intentions of millions of people and organizations worldwide, the world does not currently have a smoothly functioning global operating system.

Imagine what would happen if a computer had no operating system: any "program" could consume most or all of the CPU resources, the memory, the hard drive capacity, the attached peripherals and resources...  the more resources a "program" used, the more powerful it would become, because it would leave less resources for the other "programs".

What we need in the 21st century is a global operating system that ensures the equitable distribution of the world's resources. We need a new system that is designed to serve the greater good, one that operates completely transparently and one that has no built-in biases; the system would transcend and yet include all races, all religions, all genders and all cultures in all corners of the world.  It would not only respect but would honor individual and societal differences; that is, it would operate in the spirit of harmony amidst our great diversity.

We need a bridge to help us get from where we are today to where we want to go as a single human family.  As we travel across this bridge in time together, focusing not on what we don't want but on what we do want, we will achieve miracles.

It may seem like an enormous and impossible task and yet if we take it one step at a time, it is entirely doable.  Since global problems require global solutions, only a global solution to our problems will work in the 21st century.

None of us own the Earth; we are the Earth's stewards.  Let us come together to build a bridge to our future, to be responsible protectors and stewards of this great planet.  A bridge has two sides plus many positions in between so it is completely inclusive.  A bridge is a vehicle to bridge the gap from me to us; a bridge is a vehicle to manifest e Pluribus Unum in the physical world.  Let us come together in the spirit of collaboration, partnership and dialogue to resolve our mutual problems.  We are the people the world has been waiting for and now is the time to act as ONE.

"There is only one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is ... an idea whose time has come".  Victor Hugo


Brent Nathaniel Hunter

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Couldn't have said it better myself! Perfect! I only hope that these people are accessible to reading it just like i did right now. Anything I can do to help just let me know brother.

I hope you sent your message to Bill Gates and I hope he read it...

thanks Brent...
Thanks for your reply, David!


David Hauser said:
Couldn't have said it better myself! Perfect! I only hope that these people are accessible to reading it just like i did right now. Anything I can do to help just let me know brother.

Hi Mary, yes I sent it, thanks for your reply.



Mary Barkett said:
I hope you sent your message to Bill Gates and I hope he read it...

thanks Brent...
The world operating system is an interesting idea. It should be a lot more like Linux than Windows, wide open, public source, stable, and readily available to all who want to develop something with it.
Of course Bill has about a hundred billion dollars. If he really wanted the world's brightest people to work on the world's biggest problems, he could hire them to do so. At the root of most of these problems is the fact that those who have the resources to solve them would rather do things that increase their own wealth and power than lift a finger to help the rest of us. Billions of people are going hungry or working like slaves while the selfish upper class are enjoying their incredible wealth. This world needs a profound spiritual awakening so big it even reaches the self indulgent people at the top. That's when real, serious efforts will be made to solve our problems, when resources are finally made available to make it happen.
Thanhks David, I agree that when it is built -- and it will indeed be built -- the new global operating systems needs to be open, transparent and made so that it can easily evolve over time. Just like we can create awesome operating systems and computer systems, we can indeed create a world that works for all.

David Harpe said:
The world operating system is an interesting idea. It should be a lot more like Linux than Windows, wide open, public source, stable, and readily available to all who want to develop something with it.
Of course Bill has about a hundred billion dollars. If he really wanted the world's brightest people to work on the world's biggest problems, he could hire them to do so. At the root of most of these problems is the fact that those who have the resources to solve them would rather do things that increase their own wealth and power than lift a finger to help the rest of us. Billions of people are going hungry or working like slaves while the selfish upper class are enjoying their incredible wealth. This world needs a profound spiritual awakening so big it even reaches the self indulgent people at the top. That's when real, serious efforts will be made to solve our problems, when resources are finally made available to make it happen.
Bill Gates and his wife Melinda are certainly practicing what they preach. I know there are some people that do not like Microsoft but I feel they have provided user friendly software for years and have constantly worked to improve their products.
Now they work to help solve some of the World's worst problems.
Love & Peace, Deborah
Actually most of the things that need done would put more money in the economy. The greedy gusses of the world would rather cheat and win than play fair and share.

David Harpe said:
The world operating system is an interesting idea. It should be a lot more like Linux than Windows, wide open, public source, stable, and readily available to all who want to develop something with it.
Of course Bill has about a hundred billion dollars. If he really wanted the world's brightest people to work on the world's biggest problems, he could hire them to do so. At the root of most of these problems is the fact that those who have the resources to solve them would rather do things that increase their own wealth and power than lift a finger to help the rest of us. Billions of people are going hungry or working like slaves while the selfish upper class are enjoying their incredible wealth. This world needs a profound spiritual awakening so big it even reaches the self indulgent people at the top. That's when real, serious efforts will be made to solve our problems, when resources are finally made available to make it happen.

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