Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Beresford McLean
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  • Mary E McCall
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  • lillian bogovich
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  • Dr Christine A  McLean
  • Josephijne P
  • Tonie Ogimachi
  • Marion Lowe Mc Lean
  • Catherine W. Johnson
  • Jahjet
  • Janis McKinstry
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Jamaica Proverb

Jamaica proverb: Rockstone a riva battam noh kno' seh sun hot.

Possible meaning: Unless you have direct experience of a given situation (good or bad) you don't really know anything about it. In a more specific sense, it also says that those who have a life of comfort do not know the hardships of poverty.

Beresford McLean

Posted on August 8, 2009 at 10:57pm

Jamaican Proberb

Jamaican Proverb:A noh siame diay leaf drop a river bottom it rotten.

Possible meaning: Every act, no matter how simple, has its certain consequence(s) . . . regardless of time.


Posted on July 26, 2009 at 10:20pm

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At 3:37am on July 9, 2009, Frizzey Greif said…
♥ ♥ ♥
Thanks for the friendship

heartly welcome in the
♥ ♥ ♥
At 4:30am on May 18, 2009, Marian said…
Beresford: you loved my roses: I love your proses!! congrats on anancybooks - what a great idea - also your Jamaican background is close to my heart - I didn't always live in the wild north; spent three years in Bahamas to soak up some southern soul!!! thanks for the input (I too am a 'struggling' author) x Marian
At 9:57pm on May 17, 2009, Silja Saareoks-Kaldre said…

Thank you!
At 12:07am on March 28, 2009, lillian bogovich said…
i am humbled by the creativity here. it's the right place for you, beresford mclean. how is your own writing going? has fish hook river taken flight yet? you mentioned my work -- i see it as drawn figures in the sand, sometimes growing as tall as castles; but fleeting/ethereal. i channel other people's words, their ideas, for a time, learn their lessons,then let another actress take her turn. it teaches both unity and detachment, just another perfect paradox that life gives us. -- lilly
At 8:35am on March 26, 2009, lillian bogovich said…
I see . . .
it's like sizing up an entire mountain range and trying to figure out just where to begin, which path to take first. I think I will wander slowly for a while.
. . . lilly
At 8:28am on March 12, 2009, Lynn Augstein said…
It is truly my pleasure... to bring the mystery that light has to offer.. for all of us to
take in, imagine and immerse.. perhaps even "travel in visually.
At 8:44pm on March 9, 2009, Dr Christine A McLean said…
Thank you for inviting me, I am beginning to feel at home, as you can see I am still in the process of setting up my page, hopefully you will take a look at it and invite your friend and group to visit. I have just added some awesome photos.

At 8:10pm on March 9, 2009, Dr Christine A McLean said…
You are about to discover how to use the your inherent powers, the exact same powers that Christ and the Masters used down through the ages. The same power that many are using today, to create great fortunes in their lives. To which so-called Supernatural power is attributed.

Absolute Prosperity My Divine Heritage: Presents an easy and fast path to achieving whatever, it is that you desire to be your life's reality. Through sustained contact with the Divine Mind, resulting in the awareness of one's higher Self Reality.

Through living your life in the consciousness of your higher Self-Reality, you can create a life of wholeness and "absolute Prosperity," a life in which you can magnetize and manifest into reality, all the good, which you desire for yourself and others. This will appear to some, as miracles.

“Inspired to share her profound experiences and her enlightened thoughts on the way in which human beings can attain ABSOLUTE PROSPERITY, Dr McLean tells us how to do it, how to have it and how to be in the NOW. Her inspiration resonates in the moment: she expresses, 'there is no such thing as time and space'. We are a minute part of the great macrocosm and there is absolute joy when we reach out to co-create with Nature's intangible substance that is already there for us to have. Before you have completed reading this text, your enthusiasm will magnetize the people, places, circumstances and events to find you wherever you are. READ ON . . . Roselyn O'Laughlin Small”

Ms Small sums it up succinctly, Absolute Prosperity My Divine Heritage: Will get you quickly to that great place from which to operate.

Starting with “Self” is the best place from which we can realize the prosperity that we seek. A review of the basics will always give us a Head Start. This technique has been proven to be very effective time and time again. Absolute Prosperity My Divine Heritage offers you such a possibility.

We are going through what can be perceived as difficult times. The physic of everyone needs some adjustment, if we are to ride the tides and times to create for us a better reality.

Please help us to spread the great news, tell all your friends, family members and colleagues to get a copy.

We are going through what can be perceived as difficult times. The physic of everyone needs some adjustment, if we are to ride the tides and times to create for us a better reality.

Absolute Prosperity My Divine Heritage, Is available Online and in Bookstores, Worldwide.

ISNB: 142513664-8

ISBN: 978-1-4251-3664-2

Author: Dr Christine A McLean

0line Orders:

Barnes & Nobel:

Trafford Publishing:

European book Stores

Make yours an awesome life you deserve it!
At 7:39am on March 9, 2009, Marion Lowe Mc Lean said…
Thanks for the information. I am certainly looking forward to "Fish Hook".

I would like to see some elaborated comment and discussion on the concept of "Stepping" I don.t know if you have ever looked at the boods : The Magic Presence and the Unveiled Mysteries," These are quite old. They are put out on by the Saint Germain Press. Quite a topi for the Aquarian Age!
At 1:49pm on March 7, 2009, Rochelle B/ said…

My name is Rochelle I created the 50th Anniv- Bday Tribute see




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