Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Isn't it amazing all the different ways there are to greet people?
It is the first expression or impression of our emotional aura.
In NY----- it's a chin lift, and you KNOW when it's extended from the heart.
A greeting could be a hug or a handshake.
It's hello when one answers the phone.
It's a smile and a squeal of delight.
It's the sound of mail landing in your inbox, it's the vibration from a text message.

As the Architects, shouldn't that social extension, of us, be wrapped in pure love versus judgment?

Is that greeting coming from our hearts or our minds?

If it is coming from our minds, it's possible and probable to have judgment.
After all, we are human.
Part of the possible judgment, in greeting someone, or not, can be based on comparing oneself to that person.
Do they measure up and do we measure up---an estimation of another, based on our minds and perceptions, can take place.

Heart---well, if it's coming from our hearts it should be based on pure love and the joy we embrace.
And that should become the baseline of our greetings.

How to marry mind to heart---
So often, we are told, or it is urged, or suggested, that we must put aside judgment---it's become the No No J Word.
The word is used both softly and firmly---to advise us--- that the way to love is by releasing judgment.

But, do we feel truth or do we judge truth? And do we not do that with others?
How can we know truth unless our minds are partnered with our hearts?

Oh, but the mind is involved in how we view ourselves, and it reflects in our social behavior.
It tells us when it's safe to greet or not greet others, or it helps us to weigh if it's worth it to speak or show a greeting...
If one views oneself as an introvert----part of that is learned behavior----- it might not be viewed as important to greet a toll booth operator.

Greetings--acknowledging another human soul, noticing the light that is within them, is the light that is within us.
Is it the same light?

But, there is always a line. That line represents being too busy to greet the mailman--- or the guy who might not speak English too well at the 7 Eleven---
Or not wanting to make eye contact with the rather strange looking pan handler on the corner of a busy intersection.
Or the clerk or bag person at the grocery store, not wanting to engage.

Or, even some of those who make their way to Architects of a New Dawn.

A Course in Miracles facilitator once said to a group of us, something along the lines of this:
Imagine that there is a casting call going out.
And, indeed there is.
And there is a long list of characters needed for this production.
We might need writers, or song-singers, brilliant musicians, photographers, great thinkers, great do-ers, great intercessors, great learners, great healers, great way showers.
We might need quiet thinkers, affirmation givers, pray-ers, and the list is long.
We need people, who join in the dream--- wondering if they belong, we need those who want to contribute---but don't know what to give.

Each of these characters are us, and are an opportunity for us to be shown----again----and again---and again----who we are...

Greetings~~~~ make sure your next greeting is a true Hall Mark of your Heart & Mind!

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Comment by Louis Grenier on April 21, 2009 at 3:33pm
I love your Greetings blog. It soothes my mind and let my heart expand. This will surely be a regular watering hole for me.
Comment by AkashicWreckage on April 9, 2009 at 6:40am
I began realizing, or re-realizing, the importance of forgiveness, about 6 or 8 months before ACIM landed, literally, at my feet. I guess there's a blog-story in that experience somewhere down the road. I was looking for one book and that blue book, no joke, fell off the book shelf at Borders. I had NO idea what it was about, but once I picked it up, it stayed in the pile of books I was purchasing that day.
I started to read it, from the beginning---when my eyes would glaze over, I would put it down for a few moments and then pick it up. After about several weeks, I felt I needed help and began to look for groups. I found one, which ended after about 2 weeks---no interest to keep it going.

Weeks went by and I finally connected with someone who began to lead a group where I was working at the time. I plugged away and continued to read and digest. It contributed to saving my life as well.
Blessings and Peace to you Joy!
(I'll put my response on your profile as well)
Comment by Joy Hart on April 8, 2009 at 1:46pm
Hi AW, I noticed the reference to ACIM. I have been studying it and leading study groups since it first came out in 1976 or 77. Hard to remember now exactly when, but it has saved my life and I have a much happier life because of what I have learned.


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