Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What's in a number? A lot more than meets conscious awareness! While this is not a discussion about numerology per se, knowing more about numbers can shift our perception in a broader capacity. For starters, please read my article about 13 ~ which has been enhanced by the wisdom of Architects Jeanne and Erin Michelle.

I'll also share some of my information on 5, which has long been a key number for me. This is excerpted from my e-course that celebrates life in a female body, Loving Our Lunacy:

Embracing Paradox Through the Five Elements. One way to embrace life's seeming contradictions is by connecting the dots: the four directions, the four elements, the four colors of the Mayan Calendar (which correspond to the directions and elements.) The East is Red, Fire, New Beginnings; the North, White, Air, Mind; the West, Blue (or Black), Water, Emotions, Release; the South, Yellow, Earth, Ripeness, Fulfillment. Invoke each of these qualities individually and collectively, feeling the power that surges through your being as you come home to your wholeness.

To take it a step further, consider the quintessence, or fifth element. The Greeks called the fifth element quinta essentia, the pure and concentrated essence or invisible connector that allows earth, fire, water and air to communicate. While the grounding energy of four is significant, five takes us a step beyond, into unexplored territory. It's pure Spirit, the marrow, the core of creation.

There's a lot of power in five, which configures a star. Cross-culturally, five is a centering and balancing element. The number five, as the center of the Native American medicine wheel, signifies the place of transformational possibilities. Five symbolizes access to the Spirit world in the Mayan tradition (the fifth color, green, is not used in the daily Tzol'kin, but applies to the 52-day cycle known as a Castle. The fifth Castle is the Green Central Castle of Enchantment.). Five is a unifying element in Tibetan culture. Coming to balance and resonance means learning to honor the both/and, the dark Moon along with our luminescence, becoming inclusive rather than exclusive.

What is the fifth element in your life, the numinous that calls out to you now? Welcome it in."

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Today, Judge Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the 111th justice of the Supreme Court.
Cool, Jeanne! I somehow missed this reply from you ~ yes, sacred numbers are now cropping up everywhere as we draw nigh to the one with the biggest one of all: 2012!

Jeanne said:
Today, Judge Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be the 111th justice of the Supreme Court.
There is ~“evidence”~ of ~“God”~ in the ~“structure”~ of the ~“text”~ of my ~“book”~ ~“DIVINE 9/11 INTERVENTION”~. It is a TRUE story and it's free at

Dear Neighbour,
Hello ~ my name is Arnold Joseph White and I was born in Nashville, TN on July 7th, 1948, and (as with most people?) from time to time in my life, I have had “experiences” that could have possibly been the ~“Spiritual Realm”~ of ~“God”~ at work in my life ~ or not. I never had an experience that did not have a logical and rational explanation ~ until ~ 1996 or 1997 when I began to experience ~“things”~ that at that time, I concluded they were ~“things”~ I believed were from the ~ “psychic realm” ~ of ~ “psychic phenomena” ~ as ~ “psychic ability” ~ and ~ “psychic power” ~. But then ~ on December 15th, of 2000 ~ I witnessed ~“something”~ that as I tried to come to a rational explanation of what I was witnessing, the first thing that came to my mind ~ was ~ “witchcraft” ~. From that point on ~“these things”~ continued to escalate until early in 2002 when it “finally” dawned on me that what I was being ~“approached”~ by was ~“God”~. ~ “WHY?” ~ was not the first question that came to my mind; ~ “WHAT?” ~ was the first question. What do I do with this ~“Revelation”~ of this ~“Epiphany”~? Were ~“these things”~ for my own personal knowledge and mine alone? Or was I supposed to share with the world that ~ “My God! There actually is a God!” ~? It did not take me long to realize that I was being ~“called”~ to tell my story and share my beliefs about ~“these things”~. ~ So ~ I did.

Many of you ~ if not most of you ~ will have a real problem with much ~ if not most ~ of what ~“God”~ has ~“called”~ me to ~“speak”~. But that is not my problem. My problem has been to find a believable way to tell my story as best I could. And on my birthday 07/07/06 ~“God”~ gave me very strong ~“evidence”~ that ~“He”~ has ~“called”~ me to do what I am doing through an ~“alignment”~ of the ~“seven…”~’s from the book of ~“Revelation”~. It's on pg.’s 30, 31, 40 & 41 of my ~“book”~ ~“Divine 9/11 Intervention”~.

And they are: The ~“seven churches”~, ~“seven Spirits”~, ~“seven golden candlesticks”~, ~“seven candlesticks”~, ~“seven stars”~, ~“seven lamps”~, ~“seven seals”~, ~“seven horns”~, ~“seven eyes”~, ~“seventh seal”~, ~“seven angels”~, ~“seven trumpets”~, ~“seven thunders”~, ~“seventh angel”~, ~“seven thousand”~, ~“seven heads”~, ~“seven crowns”~, ~“seven plagues”~*, *~“seven last plagues”~, ~“seven vials”~*, *~“seven golden vials”~, ~“seven mountains”~, ~“seven kings”~, ~“seven,”~, and ~“seventh, chry…”~.
LOOK! A ~“77”~ of ~“seven”~ ~“aligned”~! Reread “P.S.” on pg. 27!

You can see the correct ~"alignment"~ of these ~"seven..."~'s in an earlier version of my ~ “book”~ in pdf format for free at Or you can buy the latest pdf version for $5 at

Factoring in ALL the ~“events”~ and ~“circumstances”~ that ~“led”~ to the ~“Revelation”~ that this ~“alignment”~ was ~“hidden”~ in the book of ~“Revelation”~. It is ~“statistically impossible”~ for ~“this”~ to be a random, mindless, coincidence! This means this ~“sentence”~ is one of the most important ~“Co”~ written ~“sentences”~ In All Of Human History! These are either ~“the last days”~ of ~“faith, hope, and love”~ or ~ these are ~“the last days”~ of –“doubt, despair and fear and loathing”–. So!
~“choose you this day (~ EVERYDAY ~) whom ye will serve;”~
Joshua 24:15
~ “You must be the change you wish to see in (~ YOURSELF ~) the world.” ~
Mohandas Gandhi
~ “Love is the answer.” ~ ~“God is love.”~
Arnold Joseph White ~“a white”~
Call me? ~“God”~ has. 615-220-1599
~ “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” ~
~these things ~ are in the King James Bible ~“7”~ times each.
~“I am the Lord thy God”~ ~“love thy neighbour as thyself.”~
~“the end of the world”~ ~“that which is right”~
~“the last days”~ ~“Jesus is the”~ ~“judge not”~
~“forgiveness”~ ~“message”~ ~“feel”~ and
~“a white”~
~“a prophet”~ is in the King James 53 times in ~“48”~ verses.
Is ~“7/7/48”~ my sign? (Free pdf download of my ~“book”~.) (Barnes & Nobel)

~“Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”~
John 4:48
Hello Amara,

I'm a very avid user of numerology and I see the number five as the "catalyst to change", however, if one realizes a five turned sideways demonstrates it is much like a roller coaster, (giving way to many ups and downs), then invoking number five does not create a smooth and easy transition. Perhaps, six, the bringer of harmony and creative spirit might be more suitable.

I hope those who embrace this interest are aware 2009 is the Year of the Unexpected and therefore the trends we have been experiencing which seem "large than life" can be better understood. Issues that hold us close in our need for health care reform, jobs for the multitudes, sustenance and peace urge us onward, yet often we hold ourselves at bay because life seems unpredictable. Fear has griped many who are afraid to change jobs and push new ides forward. They hold onto every day strongly and yet uncertainty abounds.

Yet, let us look forward as 2010 arrives bringing us a year to see our ideas find expansion and our grip on life more releaxed.

Heart to heart,

From information gathered from cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, M.D., and others, i would say that the 5th element is the electromagnetic energy field which underlies all of life and is prevalent throughout the universe. At least this universe as science is now revealing there is more than one universe, and, in fact, there may be many.

Lipton's studies reveal that at the moment of conception the egg or seed is surrounded by the electromagnetic energy field. And, from our heart, we are connected to the rest of the universe.

The electromagnetic energy field also appears to be "spirituality" as the interactions between subtle energy fields in our body produce what we know as "emotions". There are two energy fields in the human body, one being the alternating electric system of the nervous system, and the newly discovered electromagnetic energy field.

In his book: "Electromagnetism and the Sacred," nuclear physicist and graduate of the Catholic University, Lawrence W. Fagg, defines "God" as light.

Fagg's research is supported by that of psychologist - physiobiologist Dr. Valerie V. Hunt and recorded in her book: "Infinite Mind" - Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness." Hunt spent approximately 30 years measuring the vibrations of human consciousness at Columbia and other major universities. Much of the time she worked with the well known energy healer Barbara Brennan. Brennan has the ability to see the colors of the human energy field which is frequently called the "aura". As Hunt became adept at measuring the human energy field in terms of hertz, Brennan was able to identify the colors and link them up with their corresponding frequencies.
Great information, Mary, thank you for posting! (Of course, being a fellow Rose clan member, I'm not surprised :-)


mary rose said:
From information gathered from cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, M.D., and others, i would say that the 5th element is the electromagnetic energy field which underlies all of life and is prevalent throughout the universe. At least this universe as science is now revealing there is more than one universe, and, in fact, there may be many.

Lipton's studies reveal that at the moment of conception the egg or seed is surrounded by the electromagnetic energy field. And, from our heart, we are connected to the rest of the universe.

The electromagnetic energy field also appears to be "spirituality" as the interactions between subtle energy fields in our body produce what we know as "emotions". There are two energy fields in the human body, one being the alternating electric system of the nervous system, and the newly discovered electromagnetic energy field.

In his book: "Electromagnetism and the Sacred," nuclear physicist and graduate of the Catholic University, Lawrence W. Fagg, defines "God" as light.

Fagg's research is supported by that of psychologist - physiobiologist Dr. Valerie V. Hunt and recorded in her book: "Infinite Mind" - Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness." Hunt spent approximately 30 years measuring the vibrations of human consciousness at Columbia and other major universities. Much of the time she worked with the well known energy healer Barbara Brennan. Brennan has the ability to see the colors of the human energy field which is frequently called the "aura". As Hunt became adept at measuring the human energy field in terms of hertz, Brennan was able to identify the colors and link them up with their corresponding frequencies.
Thank you Petra! Yes, this is one flume ride of a year ~ I often gather comfort and insight from Karen Bishop's and Aluna Joy Yax'kin's alerts about these times! I appreciate your insights ~ while I know 8 on its side is infinity ∞ and a symbol I use often in my work, I'd never considered 5 on its side before ~ although, amusingly, on my Mac I use the 5 key (along with "option") to create the infinity symbol ∞ ! So perhaps that illustrates the necessary inclusivity we're all waking to now :-)

Blessings ~

Petra Nova Challus said:
Hello Amara,

I'm a very avid user of numerology and I see the number five as the "catalyst to change", however, if one realizes a five turned sideways demonstrates it is much like a roller coaster, (giving way to many ups and downs), then invoking number five does not create a smooth and easy transition. Perhaps, six, the bringer of harmony and creative spirit might be more suitable.

I hope those who embrace this interest are aware 2009 is the Year of the Unexpected and therefore the trends we have been experiencing which seem "large than life" can be better understood. Issues that hold us close in our need for health care reform, jobs for the multitudes, sustenance and peace urge us onward, yet often we hold ourselves at bay because life seems unpredictable. Fear has griped many who are afraid to change jobs and push new ides forward. They hold onto every day strongly and yet uncertainty abounds.

Yet, let us look forward as 2010 arrives bringing us a year to see our ideas find expansion and our grip on life more releaxed.

Heart to heart,

Thanks Amara,

I learned numerology through a book by Dusty Bunker which I don't believe is available anymore. However, when I changed my name I went to see a well known numerologist and he kept saying over and over again I'd like to meet someone who is a 55/1. So I knew that was what I was supposed to hear and I went home, then spent nearly a year trying to determine what my new name was going to be and so far it fits the 55/1 traits perfectly. (it is suited to those who are researchers, writers or inventors). However, I have never met anyone else who truly used numerology for that purpose and it challenges one's faith to ascertain if we really believe what we theorize to be true.

And while we know the 1-9 drill well and what double digits correlate to, I will tell you now if you become aware of a 555 know it is a warning. Before Mt. St. Helens belew I and two of my friends kept waking up at 5:55am for months and we didn't know what that was all about and afterwards I ran the numbers and got that 555. And recently I noted a California earthquake and the fives flew up in my face and I said "here we go", this is a warning and the following day Baja had an M 6.9.

This is a fascination that I think can go on forever.


Amara Rose said:
Thank you Petra! Yes, this is one flume ride of a year ~ I often gather comfort and insight from Karen Bishop's and Aluna Joy Yax'kin's alerts about these times! I appreciate your insights ~ while I know 8 on its side is infinity ∞ and a symbol I use often in my work, I'd never considered 5 on its side before ~ although, amusingly, on my Mac I use the 5 key (along with "option") to create the infinity symbol ∞ ! So perhaps that illustrates the necessary inclusivity we're all waking to now :-)

Blessings ~

Petra Nova Challus said:
Hello Amara,

I'm a very avid user of numerology and I see the number five as the "catalyst to change", however, if one realizes a five turned sideways demonstrates it is much like a roller coaster, (giving way to many ups and downs), then invoking number five does not create a smooth and easy transition. Perhaps, six, the bringer of harmony and creative spirit might be more suitable.

I hope those who embrace this interest are aware 2009 is the Year of the Unexpected and therefore the trends we have been experiencing which seem "large than life" can be better understood. Issues that hold us close in our need for health care reform, jobs for the multitudes, sustenance and peace urge us onward, yet often we hold ourselves at bay because life seems unpredictable. Fear has griped many who are afraid to change jobs and push new ides forward. They hold onto every day strongly and yet uncertainty abounds.

Yet, let us look forward as 2010 arrives bringing us a year to see our ideas find expansion and our grip on life more releaxed.

Heart to heart,


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