Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Here's a case study for an immersive cinema experience called Bella Gaia designed to invoke a transformative shift in participants.

I've been helping artist and producer Kenji Williams with his immersive cinema/live performance piece called Bella Gaia ( Kenji plays live with an immersive backdrop that simulates the experience of being an astronaut. You can check out his performance this July 2nd, 2009 at the California Academy of the Arts in Golden Gate Park.

Our goal with the piece is to invoke a heart connection with the planet. Astronauts have reported a transformative shift when gazing at the earth from space called the "Overview Effect." We mix in some current NASA earth science visualizations showing the fires on the planet (South America's Amazon Basin is rapidly being burned down), arctic ice melt, particulate carbon, etc. People often cry when they experience this. No lecturing people about recycling... just a heart connection with our Mother. Our hope is that people will act with greater awareness whatever they do when they are awakened to the "big picture" of our planet and how we are affecting it.

I've attached the info kit for Kenji's performance. He is available for booking at digital planetariums worldwide and can also perform Bella Gaia on a large HD screen in theaters, outdoor concerts and other settings. We're also working on a science show version and even a theatrical performance!

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We just submitted a $1M proposal to NASA to fund Bella Gaia science show for planetariums and "artist in residence" program for schools to help awaken young people to the big picture of the earth and the idea that science can allow us to build a more sustainable world. Your positive affirmations are graciously accepted!

Here are some links to Bella Gaia videos:

Bella Gaia Sample Video:

NASA Earth Day Videoconference:

Public responses at Smitsonian Folklife Festival
I checked out the web site and the video for Bella Gaia, and truly, this is a fantastic show. I sent the info to my friend, Amara, who is the director of programming at The South Florida Museum, and also invited her to join this group. The South Florida Museum is implementing all kinds of innovative programs, and is absolutely thriving with the variety of creative ideas! People join as members and socialize at these events. Here is a sampling of what they offer. I am including Amara's email address in case you wish to put her on your mailing lists for notifications of projects like this:
Thank you for sharing this project! Love and joy, Colleen

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In working towards our mission to preserve, interpret, and communicate – through collections, exhibitions, and educational programs – scientific and cultural knowledge of Florida, the world, and our universe, the South Florida Museum is now offering an extended array of public programs for families and adults. We have new programs every month, so check back often.

Download a pdf of our FALL PROGRAM GUIDE for more details.


Family Night at the Museum, on the first Saturday of each month, is a great way to enjoy the museum with the whole family. Each month is different - sometimes we show a feature film in the planetarium, sometimes we have live performances, and we always have hands-on activities for the kids. The whole museum is open until 8 pm, so you can check out the exhibits and enjoy a manatee presentation, too. And the best part is that admission is half-price for everyone after 4 pm! Kid friendly food and drink is available (varies by month) at reasonable prices. Call 746-4131 ext 11 or email Amara for details.

Check back regularly for lots of other exciting programs for kids and families, like annual sleepovers, classes and workshops. Join us for summer camps, too!


Adult Programs are offered every month in a variety of forms. For the thoughtful, inquisitive or just plain curious, we've developed a whole new way to explore your world. Our "think + drink" series of Science, Culture and Cinema programs offers you the chance to broaden your horizons and meet new people through informal discussions, live performances, film and of course, food and drink. Check out the links below, or see our monthly offerings on the Program Calendar.


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I'm not sure what the protocal would be for this but West Chester University has a planetarium. Their facebook address is: . The news and events page is: Assistant direct Karen Vanlandingham does an astronomy presentation. Maybe she would be the one to contact about presenting Kenji's show. WCU's phone number is: 610-436-1000.
Ed, let me know if I can do anything to help with this. I would love to see it!! It would be perfect for these college kids.
Hi Ed,
I just heard back from my friend who is a director of programming at our local museum/planetarium. She was very impressed with the information I sent her on Bella Gaia, and said she would like to put it on the table for 2010 programming. She asked if it was formatted for full dome?
Love and joy, Colleen
Ed, this is very exciting - thanks for sharing it.

I have recently undergone eye surgery and have had to dramatically curtail use of the computer for several weeks due to unexpected complications, but am now on the mend and should be back into the swing of things in another week.

with love and appreciation to everyone for all that we do together -- really glad to hear from Coleen again.
Dear Mary Rose,
I send you my love and blessings for a speedy and full recovery. My "good" computer is in for repair, so I truly know what you mean about limited broadband width now! I was blessed with a promotional Caribbean cruise, and am leaving tomorrow. Hopefully, in another week or so we'll all be back on track, in full swing to keep making life better.
Love you,

mary rose said:
Ed, this is very exciting - thanks for sharing it.

I have recently undergone eye surgery and have had to dramatically curtail use of the computer for several weeks due to unexpected complications, but am now on the mend and should be back into the swing of things in another week.

with love and appreciation to everyone for all that we do together -- really glad to hear from Coleen again.
Thank you for this, Ed. Will be heading up to LA for the Pyramid event at the Alchemy Conference. I get that as we have higher and higher levels of compassion for the Mother Earth, she will heal and nurture us. I have found much solace and strength in practicing connection with the Earth: laying face down on natural ground and sending/receiving. I have learned that She will absorb our challenging energies and return calm. Would love to see this also in the San Diego, CA area for the community here. If such an event is planned, would be glad to excite my list.
Hi Colleen,

Bella Gaia is formatted for fulldome. She can email me at for more info.



Colleen O'Rourke said:
Hi Ed,
I just heard back from my friend who is a director of programming at our local museum/planetarium. She was very impressed with the information I sent her on Bella Gaia, and said she would like to put it on the table for 2010 programming. She asked if it was formatted for full dome?
Love and joy, Colleen
Ok, great. I'm getting together with her and some friends this weekend, so I will be sure to pass this on. :)

Ed Lantz said:
Hi Colleen,

Bella Gaia is formatted for fulldome. She can email me at for more info.



Colleen O'Rourke said:
Hi Ed,
I just heard back from my friend who is a director of programming at our local museum/planetarium. She was very impressed with the information I sent her on Bella Gaia, and said she would like to put it on the table for 2010 programming. She asked if it was formatted for full dome?
Love and joy, Colleen



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