When I first saw this group, my eyes just about jumped out of my head! Instantly I knew that someone (Jeanne) had infiltrated my thoughts! Well, the door was open, but still Jeanne--- ;-)
Several years ago, during an online discussion (fight) about a topic I cannot recall, someone called me a Crone. The word jumped out at me on the computer screen, and I laughed out loud when I saw it. The person who called me a Crone, had inadvertently used the one word, at the most perfect point in the discussion, that pleased me---I knew this person had an amazing command of words, and I knew that she had chosen her words to act as weapons, and yet there was NO way I could be anything but happy with the word she had chosen to hurt me!
I thanked her in my responding post, and went on to post about the Crone archetype and why I was so pleased, and honored, that she had used that word to me. She kept yammering in her replies that it wasn't a complimentary word, and yet I had to tell her that it didn't matter what her intention was, the word had POWER for ME.
It was also interesting to me that she was trying to hurt me with a word that perhaps many women would find derogatory. That raised other thoughts in my mind at the time--- and now. We are in a time when women compete with each other, hurt each other, but more importantly---try to silence each other. This other woman and I were almost the exact same age, came of age during the same times of transition and power for women---and she had the need to wound others. I recognized that this desire or need to hurt, had to have been born from her being wounded or hurt. I also knew that I could not assist her...
That discussion and interaction with another, and her chosen word weapon, was timely. I was at a point in my life when I was realizing how much of my outer-me-stuff was falling away. I ain't no spring chicken anymore! And, I understood that it didn't matter to me, what my age was, and what the season of my chicken was---
How powerful we are, even as there are those who would seek to silence or wound us.
I truly believe this power and wisdom, coupled with our experiences, are an integral part of the how we can participate in helping our Sisters, no matter their age, to meet the challenges ahead!
Ya know----You are all Crones, so there!