Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'm excited to be a part of a New Dawn... I also believe this movement needs more young people. Click on Members to see what I mean. Einstein said a problem can't be solved by the same mind that created it... The world has emerging cultures that are transforming life as we know it and yet, the collective mind is evolving very slowly. Why? Because too many young people are being trained by mainstream media instead of powerful mediums.

So, get involved with the young people in your life, be a medium... if you don't have enough, go find them. Be a mentor or something and start sharing these ideas... i.e. being responsible.

Here's a group of young people who are already changing the future. see and

If you know of another group, please share it here.

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Thanks .... I will check out the sites you posted above... you have a good point...
I agree Chad, young people are our future, and with out good influance to look towards If we don't encourage them to sites like this where are they going to get it.
I remember a time in the past when posted there was probably alittle language by someone. No big deal, sorry for that Chad. I love children and your right children are our future but when the ideas of smoking marijiana on on this site and teaching them it's okay, that's not right. "MY OPINION". Chad your english is great...I posted that because I had found something wrong with a verbal usage. Someone must of fixed their writing or deleted their stuff. Again no harm done. See ya
cool... thanks.
Oh the children shall lead the way to the New Dawn.... no doubt!
As we define a New Dawn (dawning of a New Age) it is reflected in new techology; just as the printing press was the signature technology bringing on the last new dawn (Industrial Age); today's signature technology is ICT (Information Communications Technologies) systems.
AS these technologies emerge it is the children who are emersed in it, who grow up with computers as part of their social environment; for the poor children in emerging markets ICT systems offer educational access, hope, and future jobs in a global marketplace that transcend their local poverty.
Our projects works with many organizations, one of our favorite is the educational steward, MadeByKids Foundation, whom provide mentoring based education systems at Community Access Points. If we teach our children well, they will indeed co-create a New Dawn, not inherit it from us but partner with us adults as we hold the space for them. Visit MadeByKids at

Very true! I can't wait to check out the links. I agree wholeheartedly. I watch mtv and all the other shows and channels geared towards the preteens and teens out there and I am truly saddened. The values and ethics and behavior they send out there to our youth is quite appalling. It's definitely time for people to get out there and start setting a good example and demand a change. Instead of disliking what's going on it's time to take a stand to change it. Or offer another path for today's youth to chose to follow.
Agree there Lil. It seems that most of the kids shows are geared torwards being spoiled, controlling adults, or what not. It's pretty sick.
I know so many lovely younger people who are on a path I think will lead them to become ready to inherit the continuing fight for peace on earth.

Here's a nice link too:
"I reject the imposition of any form of religion in public education, including so-called "school prayer." But I advocate any way we can find to explore the spiritual dimension of teaching, learning, and living. By "spiritual" I do not mean the creedal formulations of any faith tradition, as much as I respect those traditions and as helpful as their insights can be. I mean the ancient and abiding human quest for connectedness with something larger and more trustworthy than our egos—with our own souls, with one another, with the worlds of history and nature, with the invisible winds of the spirit, with the mystery of being alive."

Read more about this interesting topic here if you wish:
I don't know if youth are under-represented here or not... but I am sure that they are a majority when it comes to most online social networks.

Family and community are the most important mediums and mentors in the formative years... and beyond. Unfortunately, both have suffered under the aging out patriarchal system... but we're fixing that, huh? ...conscious community.

Young people of today have so many media options... television and movies are taking a back seat to internet and games. So many youth have their own movie cameras and are creating, rather than passively digesting.

Young people of today are making choices their parents never considered... for example, time was, when I went to a vegetarian restaurant, it was mostly old hippies, 7th Day Adventists and the occasional Buddhist. Now, its filled with radical vegan punks, goths, mohawks, pink and purple heads, dreads and young hippies. The younger generation has more veggies, more activists, and more awareness than any generation before. They are more sensitive, bolder and outspoken.

Sure, they are the future, but they are also now...
Well said... I like this.

Jeanne said:
I don't know if youth are under-represented here or not... but I am sure that they are a majority when it comes to most online social networks.

Family and community are the most important mediums and mentors in the formative years... and beyond. Unfortunately, both have suffered under the aging out patriarchal system... but we're fixing that, huh? ...conscious community.

Young people of today have so many media options... television and movies are taking a back seat to internet and games. So many youth have their own movie cameras and are creating, rather than passively digesting.

Young people of today are making choices their parents never considered... for example, time was, when I went to a vegetarian restaurant, it was mostly old hippies, 7th Day Adventists and the occasional Buddhist. Now, its filled with radical vegan punks, goths, mohawks, pink and purple heads, dreads and young hippies. The younger generation has more veggies, more activists, and more awareness than any generation before. They are more sensitive, bolder and outspoken.

Sure, they are the future, but they are also now...

I noticed that you started a vipassana thread... so I assume you have attended Goenkaji's Buddhist boot camp. I'm headed next week for another 10 days in silence... it restores my soul.

That said, you must have met some amazing young people there. I always feel better about the future whenever I meet all those shiny young citizens on the path of dhamma.

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