Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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Global Worming

Global Worming

It has recently been diagnosed that the current socio-economic chaos stems from a planetary parasitic infestation. We have a case of global worms.

Having once divested myself of some uninvited inner critters which accidentally died of starvation whilst I was fasting, I feel myself to be in a unique position - a gastric vantage point if you like - from where I can clearly see the 'Federal' Reserve, the World Bank, the IMF, Halliburton, The Carlyle Group, GE, OPEC,… Continue

Added by Jaiia Earthschild on March 30, 2009 at 11:22pm — 2 Comments

The World is Flat!

Thomas Friedman in his book "Globalization 3.0," contends people from far-flung places will become principal players in the global marketplace. I completely agree, the poor will develop out of poverty by gaining access to the Global Village existing around nation states, in a realm of wireless space dubbed "Cyber," it is very exciting times to be living in, one in which the world is again Flat. I suggest you prepare.

In his latest book, The World is…


Added by Free Digital Universe on March 30, 2009 at 6:16pm — 1 Comment

just like a dream

"In the ultimate stillness
Light penetrates the whole realm;
In the still illumination,
There pervades pure emptiness.
When I look back on the
Phenomenal world,
Everything is just
Like a dream."

(Han-Shan Te-Ch'ing)

Added by Laura Danielle on March 30, 2009 at 2:06pm — No Comments

Synchronicity Rising! Radio Interview

I was just on BlogTalkRadio discussing how attuning to synchronicity can help us create the lives we most want:

Synchronicity Rising!

The show itself is a study in synchronicity: My host is none other than Stephen of, a leading Architect whose young daughter is… Continue

Added by Amara Rose on March 30, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Healing Wisdom 30 March

"He who wears a mask cannot see within himself."
~ Unknown

"The virtue of authenticity is that it doesn't change in the course of time."…

Added by Humanity Healing Foundation on March 30, 2009 at 9:38am — No Comments

Healing Wisdom 29 March

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

~ Leonardo da Vinci

"No man's knowledge here can go beyond his experience."

~ John Locke

Life is full of magical moments and exciting adventures. There are an almost infinite number of choices we can make to try new experiences and broaden our horizons. All it takes is the will…

Added by Humanity Healing Foundation on March 29, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

my new work in progress

.....I'm open to suggestions for a title on the center piece. It's 72" x 48".

Added by Barry Mack on March 29, 2009 at 8:00am — 23 Comments

Healing Wisdom 28 March

"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."

~ Epictetus

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

~ Mother Teresa

Good communication skills are essential when we interact with others. A diplomatic attitude allows us to convey our message in a manner that both empowers and honors the recipient. This does not mean you have to like…

Added by Humanity Healing Foundation on March 28, 2009 at 11:39am — No Comments


Hi ,..'as i sit here looking out to my cherry blossom tree i'm reflecting on our roles in 'nature' .

'We' sometimes pride ourselves on our 'superior intellect',.but choose this over ' gut feeling,..'instinct',..'inner voice'-,.....whatever one chooses to call it, .

We often have 'the answer 'there inside' ,..but will choose to invent 'options',..which only serve to confuse,..over 'the knowing' ,..the 'already learned' which sends signals to us free of charge !

I know… Continue

Added by LLOYD on March 28, 2009 at 8:06am — 2 Comments

Being Here Now

Taking a ride through the Kentucky countryside, with Spring just starting to bloom, this song came to me.

To feast my eyes on this beauty
Is the gift I give thanks for today.
I feel so blest to be a witness
To Spring springing forth each day.
Thank you, Oh Lord God of my being,
For allowing me to be
Exactly who I am--
A natural woman
Living in possibility.

(c) Joy Hart

Added by Joy Hart on March 28, 2009 at 8:06am — No Comments

Humanity Healing Ranked #29 Most Subscribed Nonprofit on Youtube

HH YouTube #29!!!

Humanity Healing is very excited to announce that it is now ranked as the #29 - Most Subscribed (All Time) - Non-Profit on Youtube:

In Gratitude, we would like to share a few of our favorite videos. If you are not subscribed to…

Added by Humanity Healing Foundation on March 27, 2009 at 4:46pm — No Comments

~~My Face~~

Gather round my friends, I have a tale to tell.

Make yourselves comfortable, this may take a while.

Let me tell you a little about My Face...

It's an okay face, the one that I have.

Yes, there have been many times that I wished my nose was smaller, maybe even turned up a bit.

I like my eyes, they change color frequently, which is good, or so I've been told.

The eyebrows, I'm not too thrilled with.

I suppose I could wax the inch wide Uni-Brow--but… Continue

Added by AkashicWreckage on March 27, 2009 at 12:48pm — 1 Comment


In my heart theres a garden where a tree of life grows whose fruit will nourish my soul when I am hungry and whose leaves will provide me shelter when I am old."

I am a gardener of spirit planting seeds that will bear fruit long after I have left this mortal coil. The mystery of life is such that I am inspired to connect with my soul in a dance of timeless truths and sacred visions. It is my desire to live with simple dignity while creating harmony and peace. Know that I acknowledge… Continue

Added by The Ancient One on March 27, 2009 at 10:09am — 1 Comment

Earth Hour: Tomorrow - Saturday 28th March

Saturday March 28 at 8:30 PM in every time zone is Earth Hour (

where people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour in honor of the earth.

Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.

For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote –… Continue

Added by Free Digital Universe on March 27, 2009 at 9:57am — No Comments

Healing Wisdom 27 March

"A wise man adapts himself to circumstances as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it"

~ Unknown

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."

~ Charles Darwin

Life sometimes presents us with opportunities that we do not know how to handle. An adaptable attitude means being open to any new…

Added by Humanity Healing Foundation on March 27, 2009 at 8:06am — No Comments


Spiritual awareness or spiritual awakening is the process by which we begin to explore our own being in order to become whole and reunite our spirits with our physical bodies in a commonality of purpose.

No matter whether you are just starting on your search or have been an invertebrate traveler on the spiritual awareness path, the answers you seek have always been with you. Perhaps in your seeking spiritual awareness you have been seduced by a process and simply not allowed yourself… Continue

Added by GlobalNomad on March 27, 2009 at 4:53am — No Comments

Quotes about Light

* Light is a living Spirit and the most sublime lesson that the Sun gives us is His love for all creatures.

----Omraam Aivanhov

* But in the end all religions tend to point to the same Light. In between the Light and us, sometimes there are too

many rules.

---- Paulo Coelho

* When the act of reflection takes place in the mind, when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, we discover

that our life is embosomed in beauty.

---- Ralph Waldo… Continue

Added by Barry Mack on March 26, 2009 at 11:10pm — No Comments

Great book

Added by dan millstein on March 26, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Staying in the present moment

The persistant mind

Walking the dog around the park this morning - or was the dog walking me .... anyway ...... as we were walking, I became aware that it is never easy for my "personality - Michael" to remain in the present moment. "I - the real soulself me" became aware that, whilst the dog was trotting around, keeping one eye on me and her nose firmly to the ground, it was (Michael) who was not really "here - in the park". Michaels thinking mind had grabbed his attention and… Continue

Added by MICHAEL on March 26, 2009 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Safe Dafur! please watch this

Hey Friends and Family,

for all that know me, know that Africa and her well being is a matter that's close to my heart. our civilizations through out the world would be nowhere near as "advanced" without the contributions that came out of the African continent and its people from it's early beginnings through today.

please take the time to watch this video and get envolved in whatever way you can to end these crises.

thank you.

One… Continue

Added by Henning Stumm on March 26, 2009 at 2:09pm — No Comments

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