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Time to make a bucket list?

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On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

In this day and age of rapid paced media, I find myself faced with a barrage of doomsday scenarios correlating to the year 2012. If it isn't comets crashing into the planet, the earth shifting on its axis, tidal waves, nuclear war, particle accelerators creating black holes, pandemics, planet X and a morbid assortment of mega disasters, its dire predictions from the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus,
Edgar Cayce, the bible, astrologers, and various religious leaders all telling us to prepare for the end. And have you noticed in recent years how many survival shows are being produced? Survivor Man, Man vs Wild, Survivor, and The Colony just to name a few. Are we being prepared for whats to come? Does our government know something we don't know?

In the year 2009, with the clock ticking ever closer to 2012 I am confused. Are we all on death row and blindly hoping all the signs and predictions are wrong?

These days I feel much like a man who has been diagnosed with cancer and been given less than 3 years to live...I don't know whether to start compiling my bucket list and travel and take one last look at our world, start stocking up on survival supplies, build a safe room or just cross my fingers and believe this Earth will be granted some sort of divine global remission.

I started this topic because I don't believe I am alone in feeling confused about our impending future. With that being said, what do you believe? How will you prepare? Will you prepare?

On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

Discussion Forum

prevention 1 Reply

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Lorenzo Abbiati Jan 27, 2011.

Rainbow Bridges 3 Replies

Started by Ron Tocknell. Last reply by giovanna marino Oct 24, 2010.

Dreams 8 Replies

Started by Cary. Last reply by New Dawn Dec 12, 2009.

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Comment by Cary on August 31, 2009 at 1:51pm
LOL Ron and Joan..... you two had me in stitches!
Comment by Cary on August 31, 2009 at 8:49am
All the prophecies point to December 21... So I'm definitely hoping for a nice July :)
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 7:39am
Anyway... here comes Nurse McFlintlock........

So... 2012, eh? I'm hoping for a nice July. What do you think?
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 7:35am
I'd love to have been a fly on the wall at the Patent Office, though!

"You wanna patent a dead shark?? Wadda ya do with it?"
"Well, I shove its liver up my ass"
"I've got hemorrhoids"
"I'm not surprised!"
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 6:14am
"Ron... how about some "Preparation B" (The British equivalent) for those roids?"

Okay... I don't think Nurse McFlintlock is looking...

We have 'Preparation H' which is probably pretty much the same thing. I understand that it is made from shark liver oil.

It's very effective but I can't help wondering what manner of person makes such a discovery! I imagine some poor sap whose been up all night with his hemorrhoids and has decided to take a (very careful) walk along the beach to take his mind off it. He comes across a dead shark washed up on the beach and his first thought is "Well..... nothing else has worked........." The rest is history.
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 6:04am
"I have always wondered why British singers..i.e. Beatles..sing without a British accent?"

I've often wondered about this myself. I think it's largely a cultural thing because rock music stemmed from what was initially an American genre. Consequently, whether from Liverpool or Scotland, the singing always affected an American accent. This is not so much the case today and, since the punk era, there has been more of a swing toward singing in a British regional accent. You may not hear many examples in the US because I think this may be ignored by American producers, possibly because US audiences wouldn't easily relate to it.

Regional UK accents are now acceptable but I don't think we'll ever hear the crisp, English Noel Coward type singing again. I don't know if you ever heard Freddy Mercury speaking... his accent fraitfulleh well spewken.
Comment by Cary on August 31, 2009 at 5:56am
Ron... how about some "Preparation B" (The British equivalent) for those roids?
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 5:43am
Not at all. Violette is priceless... even when she talks about thongs (Ooh!)

Anyway, while we're on the subject of my hemorrhoids...GAAAAAH!!!

Hello. This is nurse McFlintlock. I'm afraid I just had to drag Ron away from the computer because I could tell by his expression and his slavering that he was about to start talking about his hemorrhoids again.

I really must ask you not to encourage him in this. Once he starts talking about his hemorrhoids, he goes on about nothing else for days. It can be very upsetting for the other residents here at the Happydale Home for the Terminally Confused. I do hope you understand.
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 5:16am
Now you know why I grimace at the very mention of thongs. Reading Violette's posts on 'crones' can affect the way I walk for days!
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 31, 2009 at 1:32am
Hello again Xtar, my friend. Joan's right. We do tend to drift off topic but there's only so much we can say about a date that hasn't arrived yet so we talk about health care, religion, anger, the news... etc.

Occasionally, someone will say "What about 2012?" and we all say "Ooooh!" and "Aaaaah!" and then we talk about something else.

I'm waiting for an opening to talk about my hemorrhoids... I'm sure it will come.

I think Cary wants us to stay on topic but my advice is jump right in with whatever subject you want to talk about (don't tell Cary I said that).

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