Architects of a New Dawn

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Time to make a bucket list?

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Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2014

On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

In this day and age of rapid paced media, I find myself faced with a barrage of doomsday scenarios correlating to the year 2012. If it isn't comets crashing into the planet, the earth shifting on its axis, tidal waves, nuclear war, particle accelerators creating black holes, pandemics, planet X and a morbid assortment of mega disasters, its dire predictions from the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus,
Edgar Cayce, the bible, astrologers, and various religious leaders all telling us to prepare for the end. And have you noticed in recent years how many survival shows are being produced? Survivor Man, Man vs Wild, Survivor, and The Colony just to name a few. Are we being prepared for whats to come? Does our government know something we don't know?

In the year 2009, with the clock ticking ever closer to 2012 I am confused. Are we all on death row and blindly hoping all the signs and predictions are wrong?

These days I feel much like a man who has been diagnosed with cancer and been given less than 3 years to live...I don't know whether to start compiling my bucket list and travel and take one last look at our world, start stocking up on survival supplies, build a safe room or just cross my fingers and believe this Earth will be granted some sort of divine global remission.

I started this topic because I don't believe I am alone in feeling confused about our impending future. With that being said, what do you believe? How will you prepare? Will you prepare?

On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

Discussion Forum

prevention 1 Reply

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Lorenzo Abbiati Jan 27, 2011.

Rainbow Bridges 3 Replies

Started by Ron Tocknell. Last reply by giovanna marino Oct 24, 2010.

Dreams 8 Replies

Started by Cary. Last reply by New Dawn Dec 12, 2009.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Holly on November 7, 2009 at 6:51pm
Way to go Violette! On the subject of cyber sex .. a few years ago I had to create some ads for a chat group on the subject of cyber sex. Thought you might get a kick out of these...
Comment by Cary on November 7, 2009 at 4:55pm
Eara... Thank you for your post. I am flying out to Seattle in the morning and hope to read your screen play on the long flight. I am very much looking forward to it.
Comment by Cary on November 7, 2009 at 3:49pm
Hi Violette.... so wonderful to see you here again. On Line Dating????.... how cool is that!!! Are you doing that cyber sex thing?? I just knew you were a wild one lol.
Comment by WindDancer Hunt on November 6, 2009 at 9:30pm
The ending of delusions and illusions is what the shift in consiousness of 2012 is all about. The world itself will not end but the world as we know it and believe to be will and depending on what you are seeking, hold in your higher consciousness and the level of your soul will determine whether you start to let go of this earthly 3d experience and move on to another "earth" or choose to ascend into a higher density along with the earth and restore paradise back to the earth. I believe the choosing to let go through whatever means will result in a reduction of the world population by about 700,000,000 in the next few years and by 2030 more like 70% of the current population will chose to not call earth home. A good book that i recommend to all is Earth Changes and 2012 by Sal Rachelle. Namaste, WindDancer
Comment by EARA JORDON on November 5, 2009 at 5:06pm
Hey, Cary, I'm still here, finishing up much, and as I promised, I'll get the screenplay to you soon. You may goto the small website for the project:
UPLINK 2012.the countdown:

Talking to you soon, and Best, EARA
Comment by Cary on November 5, 2009 at 1:34pm
Saying to myself.... Its only a movie.... Its only a movie.... I may have to take flying lessons.

Thanks for the clip Joan.... I wonder how many people will join this group after they see the movie?
Comment by HARRY LOCO on October 4, 2009 at 11:08am
Comment by HARRY LOCO on October 4, 2009 at 11:08am
Dont worry listen to 2012 the song .........................

Comment by Cary on October 4, 2009 at 9:12am
Welcome to the group Nancy and thank you for your comment. I love all the diverse views and insight of the possibilities that 2012 may bring. Your approach is truly what the world needs and together we can all make a difference in what the future holds for all of us :)
Comment by nancy martin on October 3, 2009 at 7:40pm
The Maya tell us that 2012 is a time of transition-not finale.It can mean the opening of your hearts and minds like never before in recorded history.Raise your awareness, focus on One Love, respect Mama Earth, Love One Another and keep the faith Brother.Love is the strongest power.

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