Architects of a New Dawn

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Time to make a bucket list?

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On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

In this day and age of rapid paced media, I find myself faced with a barrage of doomsday scenarios correlating to the year 2012. If it isn't comets crashing into the planet, the earth shifting on its axis, tidal waves, nuclear war, particle accelerators creating black holes, pandemics, planet X and a morbid assortment of mega disasters, its dire predictions from the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus,
Edgar Cayce, the bible, astrologers, and various religious leaders all telling us to prepare for the end. And have you noticed in recent years how many survival shows are being produced? Survivor Man, Man vs Wild, Survivor, and The Colony just to name a few. Are we being prepared for whats to come? Does our government know something we don't know?

In the year 2009, with the clock ticking ever closer to 2012 I am confused. Are we all on death row and blindly hoping all the signs and predictions are wrong?

These days I feel much like a man who has been diagnosed with cancer and been given less than 3 years to live...I don't know whether to start compiling my bucket list and travel and take one last look at our world, start stocking up on survival supplies, build a safe room or just cross my fingers and believe this Earth will be granted some sort of divine global remission.

I started this topic because I don't believe I am alone in feeling confused about our impending future. With that being said, what do you believe? How will you prepare? Will you prepare?

On December 21, 2012 - where will you be?

Discussion Forum

prevention 1 Reply

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Lorenzo Abbiati Jan 27, 2011.

Rainbow Bridges 3 Replies

Started by Ron Tocknell. Last reply by giovanna marino Oct 24, 2010.

Dreams 8 Replies

Started by Cary. Last reply by New Dawn Dec 12, 2009.

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Comment by Holly on August 30, 2009 at 4:27pm
Youre right Ron ,, the Church feels that all women are to be punished for the sin of one.. either that or they have a sick fetish for slapping little girls. I vote for snake stomping instead.
And Xtar .. I dont know what is going on either.. this is the 2012 discussion group..
could you get us all back on track? :)
Comment by Cary on August 30, 2009 at 8:59am
Welcome to the group xtar... I think you'll fit right in as we all are trying to figure out the questions and possibilities of 2012.
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 30, 2009 at 6:44am
I may have got this wrong, but I believe it is in ritualistic retribution for the sins of Eve... which implies that God didn't punish Eve enough. Pain and suffering for the heinous sin of eating an fruit (there's no documentary evidence that it was an apple... it could have been a banana) was far too lenient.

Perhaps all males should be given strenuous asks to complete on confirmation to make up for the fact that Adam got away with just toiling all his days for sharing Eve's sin.

What about the snake that started all the trouble in the first place? He was commanded to crawl on his belly all his days...Hmmmmm! Now you or I may find that a bit of a challenge... but a snake?

This is possibly why all snakes appear to be smiling.
Comment by Holly on August 29, 2009 at 8:20pm
You're so right Ron. And Joan.. LOL The Bishop hits (slaps) all the girls when they are confirmed.. its part of the ritual. In his sermon on confirmation day the Bishop always told the same old story about confirming and slapping a girl named Mary Jane who slapped him back lol
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 29, 2009 at 3:15pm
It's ironic that our culture has broken the commandment about idolatry by making the Bible just that; an idol. We swear on the Bible in court as if it is a Holy Fetish but the object itself is just a book.

It's the wisdom it contains that has potential power. That power can only be realised when it is read and understood.
Comment by Holly on August 29, 2009 at 3:00pm
I can identify with your confusion Joan.. organized religion is a confusing thing.. thats why when asked what my religion is .. I say my religion is Kindness.

I was raised Episcopalian and was constantly thrown out of Sunday school and made to sit in the hall because of my inquisitive nature. I would exasperate my teachers with questions like "what about the dinosaurs?" And "If the ten commandments say Thou shall not kill, why are there Christian soldiers?"
They gave me the same answer for my hundreds of questions - A good Christian does not question.
When I was confirmed at the age of 12 after many many hours of study and answering questions, my reward (being a girl) was being slapped by the bishop across the face in which I turned my cheek to be slapped again. Why don't they slap the boys?
Why do so many Christians pick and choose from the Bible the verses or stories that fit their needs. If they took the Bible literally as the profess, then they shouldn't support war or killing. The Bible has so many versions and each version is a little different in its wording and meaning.
Some people use the Bible like a contract of law instead of the beautiful book that it is.. for example, someone once told me "I could go out and gun down and kill 100 people and because Ive taken Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I will still go to Heaven." he followed this with an evil laugh.

Like you said Joan .. What would Jesus Do? I don't think he would be doing THAT! lol
If I had to choose the teachings of Jesus, the Essene version makes the most sense to me. Its filled with kindness, looking to nature to be close to God.
Here are a few verses taken from the Sevenfold Peace and it fits so well with what Architects of A New Dawn is striving for..
And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up into a mountain, and his disciples came unto him, and all those who hungered for his words. And seeing them gathered, he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

"Peace I bring to thee, my children,

The Sevenfold Peace

Of the Earthly Mother

And the Heavenly Father.

Peace I bring to thy body,

Guided by the Angel of Power; Peace I bring to thy heart,

Guided by the Angel of Love; Peace I bring to thy mind,

Guided by the Angel of Wisdom. Through the Angels of

Power, Love and Wisdom,

Thou shalt travel the Seven Paths

Of the Infinite Garden,

And thy body, thy heart and thy mind

Shall join in Oneness
Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 29, 2009 at 1:20pm
"He slapped my face really hard and went off in a huff" That must have hurt you as a child. But I can't help thinking about the confusion he must have been going through that he could only respond in such a way. I'm glad he baptized your son. He may not have realised the significance of that consciously and maybe at the time you didn't either (but maybe you did). It was an act of repair, wasn't it?
Comment by Holly on August 29, 2009 at 11:30am
I once told a very religious man that was also a hunter, that according to the dead sea scrolls and study of Jesus and the Essenes, Jesus was said to be a vegetarian. Instead of the man saying- "oh really or tell me more" he made the declaration that I was going to hell. *blink* But I guess he is much wiser than I because he told me the Earth is only six thousand years old too. :)
Comment by Holly on August 29, 2009 at 10:56am
I want to apologize to the group for doing the very things I hate .. like labeling people and name calling, that was totally wrong. I was watching Ted Kennedy's funeral all morning and the testimonials of his life's devotion to helping the oppressed and poor clearly defined the line between good and evil in my mind and I started venting.
In pointing out what I believed to be the failures of others brought about my own failure in practicing tolerance and kindness. I hope I haven't offended anyone in their right to having their own beliefs and opinions.
Comment by Cary on August 29, 2009 at 9:43am
No worries.... I gave Holly a xanax, put on HGTV and hid her soapbox.

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