Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

July 2010 Blog Posts (133)

What we Believe

What Strength the power of Believe is

I believe in the Love that endures through all time

Born of the First Breath that was a gift held

In the Promise of God’s light on Earth

Forgotten through the Maze that allows life to dream

And yet always the Breath brings with it gift

The Remembrance of Spirit

In each awakening we still search for this Power

We see love Carry us and lay us on the steps of its promises

And Love leads us to… Continue

Added by cindy paulos on July 16, 2010 at 10:00am — No Comments

How Well Do You Cope with Change?

There are two types of change to be aware of—the type you desire and the type you don’t. Do you feel you manage yourself well enough through these?

Do You Want Your Life to Be Different?

If you desire change in some area of your life, the first thing that must change is whatever in you prevents or delays your desired outcome. Inevitably, your desired outcome is to feel the way you wish to feel about whatever it is that has your attention.

What are some ways you… Continue

Added by Joyce Shafer on July 16, 2010 at 6:20am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to set aside work for a while. Don't worry, we will oversee your responsibilities to their completion."

Angel wisdom shares that playfulness, gaiety, and laughter will lift your energy so that you'll come back with a renewed perspective and heightened energy.

Is your soul crying out for some fun? Feelings of fatigue,… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on July 16, 2010 at 5:36am — No Comments

Tonight, Ann Taylor Returns!!!

Ann Taylor, founder of Inner Healing, Inc., is an internationally-known energy healer and teacher. Her work by phone is as effective as her work in person. Ann's profound gift is to facilitate your healing on a genetic, cellular, emotional, mental, spiritual, and past life level. Her work eliminates belief systems that no longer serve you and imprints ones that do. The results are more health, wealth, and happiness in…


Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on July 15, 2010 at 5:36pm — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 07/15/2010 Vague Roulette

Vague roulette with diamond shapes green landscapes bouncing bones weigh in
Celestial toss rolls win or loss in big tops dark parade and casino’s dim charades
A gala crowd sizzles out loud laughing to the depths of manias distant delusions
Cacophony’s blend in unpredictable trends as its wheel measures out its illusion


Added by David Hauser on July 15, 2010 at 7:49am — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"Your desire for being your truth, trust, and passion has triggered change in all aspects of life"

Right now there is much dissension within the hearts of those who are on a path not of their choosing. While this might have worked okay at one time, the energy on your planet is such that if it doesn't feel right or your… Continue

Added by Sharon Taphorn on July 15, 2010 at 7:47am — No Comments

The last thing we need is another "tea party" type movement demonizing Barack Obama!

Be careful what you wish for - can you even imagine what would happen if the neocons took back over? Think before you act!

Like Mother Teresa, I would never join an "anti-war" movement but will join a pro-peace movement! In this case, anti-obama vs. pro-solution!

Every problem has a spiritual solution. Anger never solved anything. Jimmy Buffet, my old sailing buddy in the late 70's put on a grand concert on the Alabama…


Added by Ron Alexander on July 14, 2010 at 8:26pm — 5 Comments

Please Read... the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News & Communication Network Is Calling Out To The World... Please Take Action With Us...

Hello... Christopher Here with the Florida Webcasting Network & the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News & Communication Network...
Thank You All For Taking The Time To Read This ... Not only do we need all of Florida and the Gulf States to come together in a place of communication, unity, understanding and action.... We Need The World... This is a Global Disaster in the Making... If you have kept up on the progress of the Oil on the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster…

Added by Digital Publishing Entertainment on July 14, 2010 at 8:10pm — No Comments

Will The Oil Disaster Bring Down The Obama Administration?

By Dr. Tom Termotto

Barack Obama's Katrina, Only Much, Much Worse!
The BP Gulf Oil Spill represents a stunning failure of government. Nay, that assessment is too kind. It is coming to be known as a truly defining moment in American history. A moment when it became apparent to all who have eyes to see, and ears…

Added by Digital Publishing Entertainment on July 14, 2010 at 8:09pm — No Comments

Angel Wisdom by Sharon Taphorn


"See the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt always"

Open your heart to compassion, this allows you to access the wisdom within that recognizes the Divine in every creature and situation. Look past any seeming errors, mistakes or misunderstandings and see only the love within each person…


Added by Sharon Taphorn on July 14, 2010 at 11:53am — No Comments

365 Days of Poetry 07/14/2010 Lightning Bugs

Capturing feeling in a jar like lightning bugs we run in the yard in the dark
We bask in the rays of a full moon as I hurry to cull every giggle for a lark
Suddenly all these emotions glow unrestraint gleaming dearly in our eyes
Our snickers turn to chuckles rolling on the ground all our feeling start to fly


Added by David Hauser on July 14, 2010 at 11:44am — No Comments

We can only Be with God

We can only be with God

And in this Moment

We can only be With God

All Becomes this very moment

Of the Absolute Experience

of the Essence of the Source

So Great

So Loving

so beyond any Words

This earthly Existence a mere reflection

Of the One Breath of Perfection

Here in the Light of the Universe

Here is the Reason Beyond reason

The Truth and the Folly of Holding

On to any explanation but this… Continue

Added by cindy paulos on July 14, 2010 at 9:51am — No Comments

What is Kin's domain?

An ecovillage of Kin's domains is a settlement based on family owned land where each family owns one hectare of land to be kept in the family for generations.

One hectare with woods, fruit trees, garden and a small pond can provide the family with all of life’s necessities.

By using long ignored methods of cultivating the earth and harvesting in the context of preserving the earth for future generations, this hectare of land will produce enough for the family’s use with… Continue

Added by Yuri Smirnov on July 14, 2010 at 1:01am — No Comments

P>S> A fun singing experience, try "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "Gilligan's Island". If you have all the words at hand the tune adds a flavor that people find deliciously fulfilling, lending new co…

P>S> A fun singing experience, try "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "Gilligan's Island". If you have all the words at hand the tune adds a flavor that people find deliciously fulfilling, lending new context to their meaning.


Added by Gregory Byron Goble on July 14, 2010 at 12:40am — No Comments

About Ringing Cedars of Russia book series.

Back in 1996 the first book of the series named "Anastasia" was published in Russia and that was the beginning of the new era of Space of Love on Earth co-creation and ecovillage movement. 10 books has been published since then and many of them has been translated into more than 20 languages.

The narrator of this amasing story is a Russian intrepreneur. On a river voyage to Siberia, he learns of a cedar whose wood has miraculous powers to… Continue

Added by Yuri Smirnov on July 14, 2010 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Space of Love Magazine - an alternative media source!

Dear Friends,

Please, visit our Space of Love Magazine - an alternative media source for all Space of Love co-creators!

In this transition time, it is your…

Added by Yuri Smirnov on July 14, 2010 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Tonight on OM Times Radio!!!

Tonight at 9PM Eastern, 8Central, 7Mountain and 6 Pacific...

Join Chris/Onefeather as he dialogues with Gina Hardy, Relationship Counselor & Educator. Have issues with relationships? Gena is the Lady with insight and information that will edify and enlighten! Call in and chat with Gena & Chris on an international program with Gina in the UK and Onefeather here in Wisconsin!…


Added by Chris Anderson/Onefeather on July 13, 2010 at 3:57pm — No Comments

Negative emotions

Negative emotions can be stilled through self awareness. Emotions strike without your conscious awareness When you feel it, it is already too late! Your mind has begun comparing and the process immediately highlights your failures.The sense of failure triggers anger, which is redirected as anger towards some innocent victim. Most people justify such ill will as a fairness issue. But you can still an emotion, when you become aware of its symptom.Become aware of the onset of the “Not fair!”… Continue

Added by Cierra on July 13, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

In the Realm of Angels

In the Realms of Angels

In the realms of Angelic beings

The numbers of the Ones doing the Work

Of God are Legion

The Realm is limitless

And the Call for Intercession is Constant

The Angels of the Lord have given their existence

To the aid and protection of those who work

For the Good of humankind.

All works are done with Joy and with great Compassion

For there is a clear understanding of each souls Journey

And indeed many souls… Continue

Added by cindy paulos on July 13, 2010 at 10:14am — No Comments


... shared by Tracey



Ascension is basically a change in the focus of consciousness. It is the natural, on-going evolutionary process of all Creation. As eternal, spiritual beings, we were created by The Creator to expand through experience. When we choose to incarnate in the dense, physical, third dimension, we descend. We come to Earth again and again in order to experience, learn, and master… Continue

Added by Cierra on July 13, 2010 at 10:11am — No Comments

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