An extract from LOVE WITHOUT END, JESUS SPEAKS by Glenda Green. pp 155-163
Glenda is in a personal conversation with Jesus here.
While I no longer subscribe to the concept of "god" being a parent/father/mother, nor of a specific gender, nor do I adhere to mySelf as "a child of God", I found this article/extract contained profound information assisting the understanding of the sacred heart space.
For… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 30, 2009 at 2:04am —
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It's all been the greatest love story ever lived and it is only getting greater! This perceived illusion of fear-based living of duality and separation, is based on the greatest Love imaginable. We each chose it. We each lived it. That has got to be a perfect love story! That is Love.
I emailed a friend earlier with some details of the life of a dear soul who crossed over some time back and in sharing his "story" I… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 29, 2009 at 6:30am —
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As we move deeper into the greatest universal consciousness shift ever presented us, one can feel more and more the purification of the temple housing One's SoulSelf.
In so doing, transforming the personality residues is a priority and alone is where I wish to be to do so for I propose to work from the bottom up and not from the top down. My understanding behind this is that a house is built from the foundations up and not from the roof down… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 29, 2009 at 3:23am —
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On the rhythm of the tide the waves roll to shore and return to the ocean endlessly and limitlessly. They come and they go or do they?.
The clouds move across the sky, floating on the currents, shape-shifting themselves, repatterning themselves - forever changing. They come and they go or do they?.
On sweet zephyr breezes or stormy gales, the herring gulls fly, wings flapping in practise flight then gliding along the top of currents… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 27, 2009 at 11:37pm —
With the new moon in cancer yesterday brought in was the energy of nurturance....Self tending, Self caring, Self support, Self love and so on.
In such a space one feels safe and secure, trusting all is being cared for and feeling the universal support of all of life.
What better way to be in these times of personality transformation currently evidencing itself everywhere on the planet. In the solitude of Self's own sacred space there one finds… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 27, 2009 at 6:52am —
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As One ensouls Self to the deepest depths, comes with it is more conscious awareness of detachment and there becomes even more so, a deeper experience of Being "IN the world and not OF the world". OneSelf, just listening.
More so now is the expression of the Silent Watcher, the Observer Being more fully expressed from the deep inner stillness, watching, Being OneSelf and, just listening.
In this place of existence, consciousness is, expansion… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 26, 2009 at 1:00am —
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I have for some weeks felt the need to become totally with mySelf once again to experience who IAM at a much deeper level with as few outside influences as I can maintain, for I know that full Self Reliance is now, for me, the way to be to my move into full Self-Mastery.
A time of being with mySelf Alone, as All One, as All There Is, seeking an ever deeper connection with who IAM as sovereign creator and author of my life.
The fullest merging of… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 25, 2009 at 6:30am —
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Since the beginning of July I have felt ever so tired once again and sleeping hours on end, up for two or three then back in bed once again. Feeling strange is not the word for it, but then in this transition any feeling that is not the old "norm" is the new valid "norm". It just takes a bit of plugging into.
My recent "going it alone" once again after months being in group/collective mode has been a wise move as I have experienced MySelf like… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 25, 2009 at 3:42am —
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In process of undefining ourSelves, releasing old energies of all aspects of identity is one of the most challenging and perhaps one of the most important to consider is the mother principle.
All of 3D life is birthed through this, the mother principle. We have lived in the parent/child construct for eons and yet in this construct we must realise too that every father has a mother! Too we grace the title of mother on the earth, we have… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 24, 2009 at 10:18am —
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We journey in Life and find our way through trial and error till we come to a point of conscious awareness when we realise that we are the creators of our experience and whether we like it of not we see that the experience we are currently having is of our own making.
With the current shift in consciousness being experienced and looking at the New Life we are each creating, the Unknown is becoming The Known One as Self… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 24, 2009 at 12:45am —
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The beauty of the storm is how one negotiates it, how one perceives it.
We can rise to the ocassion and be calm and see the beauty and joy of the opportunity of moving through such with calmness and serenity or we can get into it and react from it! For most it is still a bit of both, me included!
As I look out my window today at the huge seas and surging waves crashing on the rocks in Bay ny Carrickey where I live I observe the wonder… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 23, 2009 at 5:42am —
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We've long been on a journey to nowhere.
I was listening to the beautiful song called PILGRIM by Enya this morning and the following words "grabbed" me for deeper exploration:
One way leads to diamonds,
one way leads to gold,
another leads you only
to everything you're told.
In your heart you wonder
which of these is true;
the road that leads to nowhere,
the road that leads to you.
We… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 22, 2009 at 5:17am —
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Living in the dark is like a magical mystery tour....a walk in the park on a moonlit night.
Sometimes the park could be an open field of ripe barley ready for harvest upon which the moon shines its silver light on gold and all seems perfect platinum. At other times the park maybe a graveyard upon which the moon's rays creates shadows perhaps disturbing one's soul just a little! And at other times it maybe a playground with… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 22, 2009 at 5:14am —
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Long ago I remembered my physical immortality option and set out to relive it.
Death is an option. It is not inevitable. Death is a belief system we have each bought into over the eons on the reincarnation treadmill. The only way to get off this treadmill is to die to it in order to be rebirthed into eternal, immortal, infinite and everlasting life, for death is always a pre-requisite to birth!
Death is a subject which is, in the… Continue
Added by Elizabeth Feisst on August 22, 2009 at 5:11am —
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