Architects of a New Dawn

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Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Anyone here go to GATE convention on Saturday?

Started by Carlo Ami Feb 7, 2013.

Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by Carlo Ami on June 24, 2010 at 12:49pm
I really esonate with what Mary Rose has expressed. Would like to address Ed's questions below:
Shame and guilt are not the weapons of love. What is being called for in transformative media content and approach are simple tools and entertainment that encourage the viewer to appreciate their own power and our collective power.
Much of the "wake up" stuff in the internet media is basically adding to the problem reather than helping to alleviate it. You listen to a yeller with a megaphone--like Alex Jones, God bless him, and all you are doing is amping up fear.
The "bad" guys are our teachers. They are helping us to wake up and exprience/live our own essence of deep loving power.
Part of what transformative media is challenged to do is to help us re-vision ourselves outside the imaginary constraint of ego. The other challenges for effective media:
--Educate by entertaining
--Reveal truth without stirring up fear (so empower first)
--Inspire people to keep the loving vision in consciousness
--Inspire each other to look within for the most powerful of answers to the most important of questions.
Sure, it can be a fine line between educating and stirring up fear. As long as we are looking at our current individual or collective exprience with fear and a sense of powerlessness, we remain stuck. Powerful media can help us to awaken. While it CAN inspire us, what we are learning is that the shift is an individual responsibility, something nobody can do for us. What we CAN do is inspire each other and encourage each other to remember our loving power.
Comment by mary rose on June 24, 2010 at 12:15pm
I'd like to add something else here -- i have become very interested reforming prisons as another sector of social systems redesign. What we see in this system is that it is designed strictly as a form of punishment here in the U.S. But in Norway, they have designed a system based on rehabilitation. And whereas here in the U.S., the recidivism rate approaches 80 - 90%, the rate in Norway is about 10 - 20%. So, looking at things from a different perspective can dramatically change the outcome.

Another issue i have been working on is mental illness and substance abuse relative to jail and prison incarceration. And one of the things that i keep coming back to is that we do not have a substance abuse problem, we have a pain problem. And the source of our pain is as concluded above, "our modern lifestyle." So, to create a "war on drugs" is a totally ineffective way of dealing with the problem. What people are doing with drugs is "self-medicating" anyway they can. And, when one considers that 26.2% of our population here in the U.S., is considered to be legally insane, and that with only .05% of the world's population we use 40% of its illegal drug production and goodness only knows how much of the legal pharmaceutical drug production, the magnitude of the problem begins to emerge and it is one hell of a problem.

And, let me add another little tidbit here. In a May 2009 report from Columbia University entitled: Shovel Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Local, Federal and State Agencies, the report reveals that pharmaceutical drugs are considered to be more dangerous than the illegal drugs coming into the country. This report also reveals that out of every dollar spent to reduce substance abuse, only 4 cents goes toward prevention and fully 96 cents is spent on administrative costs -- meaning that 96 cents is going to support "the war on drugs."

And, just a quick note about wars in general, what we are discovering is that while the wars are fought on some pretense or other, the real reason is due to the profit that is made and goes to support the military-industrial complex. Wars also makes a tremendous amount of profit for the corporations who manufacture supplies for both sides in the wars. And, the major corporations today are controlled by 13 families referred to as the "elite." These families consisting of approximately 415 people sit on the board of directors of all of the major corporations in interlocking directorates and intermarry in order to maintain control. And, they also control more than 51% of the world's wealth. They rule through the Federal Reserve System, the Bilderberger Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, and a like organization in London. They also control via financial organizations such as Goldman Sachs, as well as oil companies like Standard Oil and BP.

One of the major systems we need to redesign is the educational system. Brought in from Prussia at mid-point during the Industrial Revolution by the Rothchilds and the Rockefellars, it was necessary to "dumb-down" the general population so as to create a "robot-like" workforce capable of working on the assembly line doing "rote" tasks where there was no room for thinking creatively. Out of this system rose "manufactured consent" as the political process became monetized and created the "best government that money can buy."

So, it becomes evident that the educational system, the monetary system, and government are prime candidates for social system redesign . All of these, coupled with the agriculture system are considered to be "crazy makers" and contribute considerably to substance abuse, mental illness and a prison system. By the way over half of those in prisons are mentally ill.

But if we are to transform our systems, we must first transform enough individuals to accomplish this task. As we have just seen here the greatest challenge we have today is how to address the pain associated with our modern social structure. And what we find is that the pain is greatly associated with the *stress* of living in our modern society. And the latest research related to stress, again based on Dr. Bruce Lipton's findings in cell research are: 1) known and unknown images in the sub-conscious mind, 2) false belief systems, and 3) destructive cellular memories, all of which reside in the sub-conscious mind.

And, what we know today is that "energy healing" is the fastest way to accomplish trans-formation using the theta field. Energy healing is facilitated via Zero Point Energy (also called the Akashic Field) found within connective tissue and the microtubules in the cells of the human body field (the sub-conscious mind) which can be transmitted using the power of the human mind to create the thought -- either positive or negative -- that can supply power to this field. What we need to learn to do is to always create positive thought. However, as i say this we do need both the negative and the positive to create the swing of the "wild pendulum" that stimulate growth.
Comment by mary rose on June 24, 2010 at 11:22am
Ed, I very much agree with Christopher re: sources vs. symptoms. I recently had lunch with cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, winner of the 2009 GOI Peace Award and author of "The Biology of Belief - The Science of How Thoughts Control Life" and "Spontaneous Evolution." The GOI award was given to him for his work in "epi-genetics" meaning control above the level of the genes. What scientific research is now revealing is that it is not our genes that control who we are, it is our environment -- or, more accurately, our perception of our environment. And, since a large portion of our environment today is made up of our social systems what we recognize is that if we change our social systems, especially the monetary system which is the driver of the other sub-systems, and design them so they work for us instead of against us, then the people within them will respond to this stimulus and change.

What we currently have are too many artificial systems created by means of technology and these systems are unfulfilling to the human psyche -- they have, in essence, caused us to "lose our soul." In the beginning of our social evolution certain basic qualities were inherent, e.g., natural living, community, vitality, equality, and belonging. However, as we began to evolve and design systems that gave us greater power in the world to protect ourselves from the forces of nature, these artificially created systems soon began to suppress the basic (feminine) qualities and create a highly unbalanced system which has caused a tremendous loss to our health and wholeness. So, our mission at this time is to look at these systems and rebalance them in such a way as to enable us to move into the future in health and wellness.

An excellent resource on this is: "Transforming Human Culture: Social Evolution and the Planetary Crisis" written by Dr. Jay Earley, as part of the "Introduction to Suny Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought."

It is interesting to note that as part of this introduction, David Ray Griffen, writes that while "modernism" was once something regarded as the *norm* and toward which all history has been aiming -- forcibly if necessary -- it is instead increasingly seen as an aberration."

So, here we see "modernity" itself as being a source of the problem. And the solution then is to bring about integration of, in this instance, the basic feminine qualities and the emergent masculine qualities (technology, social systems design, rationality, etc.) so they restore balance to the system.
Comment by Ed Lantz on June 24, 2010 at 6:06am
Christopher writes: "I urge you to seek the sources and not merely the symptoms..."

So I'll put this question out to the group: How can we use media, arts and entertainment to shift consciousness (and as a result, our actions) towards greater sustainability and less environmental impact? Should we create media and art that::

1) Shames humans with the negative impacts of this tragedy.
2) Blames or exposes the corporations and government authorities that got us into this mess.
3) Demonstrates alternative energy technologies or other solutions that can replace oil and gas.
4) Fosters a deeper love and appreciation for the planet.
5) All of the above.

I don't have all the answers, but I do see value in this inquiry. Conscious creatives recognize the power of their craft to inspire, uplift, transform and possibly, alter the course of history.

Let's discuss.
Comment by Ed Lantz on June 24, 2010 at 6:03am
Thanks Stephanie. Interesting info on the Gulf!
Comment by stephanie sutton on June 23, 2010 at 4:57pm
Hats off to Ed and Crew that created a most needed next step in Art/Science Edutainment!
Here's something I want to share with Arch'New'Dawn -
Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on June 22, 2010 at 11:58pm

John... It is at critical mass... The well head is off... the pipe is compromised, There are fisures pumping oil out in many places which is where the 20 mile oil slicks are coming from... Acid rain is killing crops, weeds and trees in Mississippi, People are getting very sick... The Corexit
sub surface oil has made into the conveyor and there are local media reports of the toxic soop off the Carolinas and Georgia and on and on... Please go to our network and join and check out what scientists, biologists and others are saying and reporting... Also, please let the people of the Gulf Coast States know that they are not alone... Thanks John and many blessings... Christopher
Comment by John Gil on June 22, 2010 at 11:39pm
Christopher, your passion and pragmatics are heard. The delays are very difficult to discern indeed.

I have noted that nearly all of the world's disasters, including a range of manmade technologies, are impacting global oxygen content from the deforestation of South America, the continuity of burning fossil fuels, HAARP (40-50 years of nuclear explosions in the ionosphere) which blocks a percentage of light that reaches the surface, compact fluorescent bulbs, GMO seeds and artificial food additives. The methane from the Gulf further contributes and chemtrails are sustaining this phenomena....the list goes on.

Though toxins are generally localized and can be managed over time, the impact upon oxygen is the common thread and a global modification event will occur if it reaches a critical mass. This is the alleged story of the mythical Atlantis that a once great global culture was destroyed by the misuse of it's own devices thus impacting irreparably the ecosystem of the entire planet.

Though it's my belief that Mother Nature does not require our assistance, She will keep things in balance ether way so we have the choice to nurture and allow this task to be harmonious or to provoke a reboot by the continued greed and negligence and imbalance that governs material philosophies.

I urge you to seek the sources and not merely the symptoms in your pursuit of awareness and solutions. Politicians solve symptomatic issues for profit though if the source is quelled, the solution sustains....

"What good is a used up world and how could it be worth havin'?" - Sting
Comment by Digital Publishing Entertainment on June 22, 2010 at 10:50pm

The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...



The Gulf Oil Disaster, The Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History... Please Read & Please Help...
We The People Of The United States Of America and The World Must Come Together On Our Common Grounds... We Can Not... No We MUST Not allow the Corporations do the harm to our world and to all living things... They do not care about us, our lively hoods, our health, the Ecosystems or anything else but MONEY! BP, Trans Ocean, Halliburton, The Government and The MEDIA are all in this together. They are not telling us, "We The People Of The U.S. & Planet Earth"
The Devastating Effect Of The Deadly Toxin COREXIT 9500 Oil Dispersant... It is a solvent which is 5 times more deadly then the raw crude with it's Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane and other toxic chemicals derived from Raw Crude Oil. They have not acted fast enough, They have turned away assistance from many countries, groups and organizations which have better ways and more experience with similar situations... While the Prez Plays Golf and has Date Night with Mrs. Prez... Our Gulf Of Mexico and from reports, The Atlantic Ocean and soon...Europe... Are being TOXIFYED! Killing all living things... Our Ecosystem, Food Source, Our Oxygen... And So Much More! Seize BP!, Put the Negligent Criminals In Jail... And lets Get To Really Fixing The Problem...
PLEASE NOTE...They are not telling us all about the Health Hazards from their mess... We are all in Danger... Corexit is 5 times more carcinogenic then raw crude... Benzene &  Hydrogen Sulfide are also highly carcinogenic... 5 to 7 years from now, all who come in contact or even just breath in the air born particulates of these and the many other toxins will be developing Lymphoma, Respirtory Issues  and many other major health issues...
Want to know the TRUTH! The Florida Webcasting Network has dedicated our Florida Network completely to informing Florida, the Gulf Coast States and the America's Eastern Seaboard of the Health Issues and News which you will not see on the bought and paid for Mainstream Media... Go To: and join the FYI Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... It's FREE and a place where the Gulf Coast States and the World can come together to communicate... Take Action... And Learn The Truths... Please Join as They Are The Few... And We Are The Many! Divided, We Do Not Stand A Chance... Together, They Do Not Stand A Chance...
We at the Florida Webcasting Network are reaching out to the world during THE BIGGEST GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER IN HUMAN HISTORY... Help Us Help You... Become a FYI Reporter and Blog, Forum, Share Videos, Pictures, Audios, News Reports and So Much More... We Are The New Media For, By and About The People and Businesses Of Florida and Planet Earth... Please Go To and join... Thank You All... It Is OUR Earth... And They Are Destroying It and Us! We Must Take Action, Reel In Our Public Servants (Government) and Demand That They Handle This Situation Now... There are many alternatives which are environmentally Friendly and More Effective... TAKE ACTION!
   We at the Florida Webcasting Network have seen and heard by the Many People and Businesses of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that there is not enough true information regarding How We Can Help, The Health Hazards, The Environmental Impact Now and in the Long Term, The Effects Of Corexit 9500-Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methane and more , How The Submerged (Hidden) Oil has already made it around the tip of Florida (Its In The Gulf Stream Conveyor) and that there are Legitimate Sightings By The Politicians and Local Affiliate Media of Palm Beach County as well as Georgia and South Carolina...  They are underplaying the extreme life threatening Situation... Our Lives, The Lives of The Sea Life, Land Animals and Mother Earth... They Have Hit The Juggler Of Mother Earth with their GREED, CARELESSNESS, NEGLENCE, LAW BREAKING AND OVER ALL DISREGARD FOR LIFE AS A WHOLE... 
   We are in the process of creating the FREE Gulf Oil  Disaster Safety and Information Guide called, "Be Safe, Smart and Prepared". The Books will be distributed by the Florida Kiwanis, Key Clubs, the Jaycees and by the Advertiser/Sponsors throughout Florida and each of the other states which they all have agreed upon. The E-Book will be available online on the FYI Network's Gulf Oil Disaster Network as a FREE PDF Download....
The 1st Book will be the Florida Edition and then we will be starting up Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama... AND... Due to the fact that the Corexit Oil is heading up the Gulf Conveyor... We will be creating area specific books for each state... We have communicated to hundreds upon hundreds of people, businesses, groups and organizations in Florida and this Terrible Event has cause an Economic Disaster... Tourism is OVER... Local Businesses are hurting... We at the Florida Webcasting Network are calling out to all of our Brothers and Sisters Worldwide to help us to help the People of the Gulf Coast States and the U.S. Eastern Seaboard  with the so very important lifesaving information... Please Join The Gulf Oil Disaster News and Communication Network... Please Donate To The Social/News Network To Keep It Up And Running... Please contact us and Purchase/Donate an Ad Spot In The Florida Book So We... Together... can Inform, Educate and Save Lives...
We at the Florida webcasting Networks have been offering Free Content to the World for Years with the help of the Florida Businesses Advertising... and we have never asked for anything in return accept for you all to enjoy the Live Events, Live Radio Shows, The Global Music and so much more.... Please Excuse me for this plea... But We Need Your Help and we need it now.... Time Is Of The Essence... Lives Depend On Your Desire To Help... Please Help Us To Help Florida and the Gulf Coast and Atlantic States... If you all are like most people and are asking yourself What Can I Do To Help?" ... Here Is your Answer...
Please Go To and Join and donate to the oil network.... Please contact Christopher Uhland, Ceo, Owner and Visionary... The Florida Webcasting Network at : or Call: 305-451-2473... Purchase a Sponsor Ad In The Book or just Flat out give from your heart to help us help all being effected by One of the Biggest Economic, Environmental & Health Disasters In Human History.... Thank You and Many Blessings...
Christopher "Starman, The FYI Guy, The DigiDude" Uhland
Comment by Ed Lantz on June 22, 2010 at 2:41am
The SOA 2010 symposium ( went over very well in LA. Bella Gaia played to a packed house in the Vortex Dome. Constance Demby opened for Kenji Williams with her incredible Space Bass (she is playing in LA this weekend

This introductory video set the tone for the conference. It was produced by Felipe P. Soares of Siren Media (

Kate and I are off to Egypt for a planetarium conference and some R&R. Feels like a honeymoon after the wedding...

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