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Comment by mary rose on September 14, 2009 at 3:55pm
I don't know if this will help or not, but nuclear physicist, Lawrence Fagg in his "Electromagnetism and the Sacred" reveals four forces of the universe left over after the Big Bang as being: 1) the electromagnetic field, 2) gravity, 3) the weak force, 4) the strong force. Then i was reading just the other day in Valerie Hunt's book, that there are two main electrical forces related to the human body: the electromagnetic field and the regular alternating electrical current that we use to power appliances -- and what i am thinking is this is the "strong force" referred to by Fagg. And that the weak force is the zero point energy field that is present within everything.

There is a possibility that i am wrong, but since the human body is now seen as a computer, it appears that it would be the alternating current in the body that needs "grounding" in order for the body to be fully balanced and in peak operating condition.

In "The Biology of Transcendence" Joseph Chilton Pearce reports that when the heart in good physical condition beats the electricity produced is sufficient to power a small light bulb.

Pearce also writes that "Electromagnetism is a term covering the entire gamut of most energy known today, from power waves that may give rise to atomic-molecular action to radio waves; microwaves; and infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light waves; from X-rays to gamma rays." He goes on to say: "A heart cell is unique not only in its pulsation, but more in that it produces a strong electromagnetic signal that radiates out beyond that cell" and it becomes apparent that not only does a cell's energy "entangle" with another cell's energy, but two body/mind fields coming close to one another also entangle, since the body's energy field as evidenced by the aura extends as much as 7 - 15 feet from the body.

In his book: "The Dance of Life - Transform Your World Now" Dr. V. Vernon Woolf, calls this the BOT or "being of togetherness" saying that when two or more energy fields entangle they create what is called a "collective consciousness" that creates a "mind field of its own".as people within the group adopt "identifiers" such as codes of conduct, uniformity in dress, signifying gestures, etc. Couples, families, military organizations, countries, schools, and clubs are all examples of entangled energy fields. In the animal, fish, bird and insect world, flocks, coveys, and swarms are examples of entangled mind fields as well and are referred to as "swarm intelligence".

Two of the foremost most researchers in the fields of energy that i have discovered and write in layman's terms which can be easily understood are; Joseph Chilton Pearce in "The Biology of Transcendence" and Valerie V. Hunt - "Infinite Mind - Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness." And between these two i believe Dr. Hunt to be the most experienced in this field of research as she spent well over 30 years in hands-on research, conducting tests and teaching at Columbia then at two other major universities UCLA being one of them. Using NASA technology as the basis for it, Hunt was recently awarded a grant of several million dollars in order to design an "aura meter" which could be used in the office of physicians to detect dis-ease before it invaded the body tissue. While conducting her research at Columbia, Dr. Hunt used what is called a "mu" room which isolates certain fields of energy from one another. Hunt also used measuring instruments that she and her team designed, finding that regular (hardwired instruments powered by electricity) did not pick up the entire millivoltage signal of the energy field.

I have posted this before, but here again is the Summary of Auric Color Frequencies that surround the human body from head to foot. Actually the aura extends out from the body in what appears to be "wings" and i have since wondered if this is where the idea of "angels" emanates from.

Low blue (muscle ) 200 Hz
Green 300
Yellow 400
Red 500
Orange 600
High Blue 700
Violet 800
Creme 1,000
White 1,100

In assessing the colors, Dr. Hunt worked with well known Energy Healer Barbra Brennen who has the ability to see aura colors. While Hunt did the instrument measuring and recorded the readings in hertz, Brennan called out the colors as she saw them surrounding the body. Over time, it was noted that the same pattern repeated itself over and over.

The pure white radiance is evidence of the "Christ" or "Kristed" Consciousness that lies within each of us, and which i interpret to be as a result of the perfect entrainment of the right and left hemispheres of the brain connected with the heart brain. This pattern results in what is referred to as the "holographic brain/mind field. It has been found in other studies that those who reflect the pure white radiance in their aura are highly spiritually evolved beings.

Hertz readings and accompanying colors which read further down on the scale, reflect disease or "incoherency" patterns in the body. Incoherency may also be described as "chaos".



And what we know from Bruce Lipton's research is that the electromagnetic field is present in each of us or in any living thing as soon as conception takes place and this "force" then surrounds the egg or the seed and this field continues to grow as the fetus within it matures.
Comment by MARYSOL GONZALEZ STERLING on September 14, 2009 at 3:30pm
Hi Patrick,
can it be the leylines and the planetary grid? and the hypothalamus connected to it creating the biofield?. That would fit with the information that I have. It is the transcellular grid surrounding the hypothalamus, it is a pyramid like transformer in the center of the cranium, between the pineal gateway and the Pituitary and in this area there are two exits and two entrances of energy, around the sphenoid bone, parietal, temporal fissure and if transforms some kind for electromagnetic charge that brings up the voltage of mother earth Gaia planetary grid and it makes possible for us to live on this planet. There are biofields for the plants and the animals and the mineral kingdom. It is the electromagnetic field that stabilizes life on Earth. The hypothalamus is a transformer of the voltage of the planet to our personal needs to be able to live in this planet. We should be able to meassure something soon, as it is changing a lot now, with the strange behaviour of our SUN.
This is my research with the Fundacion SOLIRIS,(soleris foundation), and you maybe have some proof of this energy that the hypothalamus is connected to. We should talk more.
Thank you so much.
love, love
If you give me more details maybe I can find out more about it, I can ask someone that knows more about this hypothalamus and transcellular grid.
Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 14, 2009 at 2:01pm
Ed, I agree that language is most important. Each science has its own language. Negative ions charge the biofield, but the measured biofield is not electrostatic. When I mention the measurement of the biofield, I am specifically stating the effect the biofield has on the conductance of an insulator. The change we observed were detectable through grounded Farday cage shields. Whatever the biofield is, it affects the conductance of organic insulators, like the base material of PC boards., or wood, or varnish. The bifield does affect charge distribution from a Kirlian/Tesla discharge, but is not in itself and electrical discharge but can affect ellectrical discharge. The greater the biofield, the greater the conductivity of an organic insulator in its vicinity. We can measure changes, but what is the original biofield? I don't know.
Comment by MARYSOL GONZALEZ STERLING on September 14, 2009 at 10:35am
Hello again,
There are other electical currents of the humanbeings that we do not know about. Or do we know something already? We also have to take into account that Medicine is 70 years behind, not taking into account physics and quantum physics. But not even physics is capable of describing a bio-psychic entity like humans. So we are really nowhere yet to know what is going on. We keep trying and we need to do as much as we can. But maybe it is true that something is going to happen soon without us doing anything... Just a change of frequency in the planetary grid, influences a change of the hypothalamus and it is all related to the sun grid, and we are seeing much change in all the planets of the solar system and also of the SUN... I believe if things go slowly crecendo and the sun completely acts in a different way than known to the scientists, and humans start to heal just like that. Then the big egos of the world will fall and we might be able to start doing something new, we are all getting ready to act and now it is all very confussing. We are in the middle of two worlds, hoping it will not be too drastic to get to where we know we have to arrive.
Thank you for all your comments,
love, love
Comment by Ed Lantz on September 14, 2009 at 8:59am
Patrick, I've noticed that folks often use the terms bio-energy and electrical energy in ways that are interchangable. The 300 volts per meter that you speak of is electrostatic charge, correct? I can measure that. Electricity follows fairly predictable principles. Bio-energy is something altogether different, correct? (though the two can interact as you point out)

When I lectured on Kirlian photography in the 70's people would ask if these emanations from the fingertips were the human aura. I explained that they were seeing a "corona discharge" which is an ionization wave traveling near the speed of light induced by an artificially created 40,000 volt field. The same corona would appear around inanimate metal objects and power lines. I explained that Kirlian photography is more akin to imaging the invisible man by throwing paint onto him. We were not seeing the aura that psychics see, but are perhaps imaging pathways of least resistance or probability fields that reveal a layer of what might be called the aura when we accelerate the natural electromagnetic field around the body.

Does this fit with your understanding of bio-energy versus electrical energy? Your thoughts here are appreciated.

My interest in all this is languaging. If we are producing media that takes care to not alienate scientists then it will achieve more widespread acceptance (and therefore widen our influence in our efforts to awaken the masses). So many of my scientist friends see parapsychology as woo-woo, but there really are some interesting phenomena here that can be obscured when we overreach and make wild claims or mix up our terminology with physicists' terms.

Is there a reference book you can suggest that has really good languaging for these things?
Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 14, 2009 at 7:45am
When speaking of insulation and grounding, of conductors and non-conductors; we have to speak of degree. When we deal with high voltage, all insulators are 'leaky'; that is they conduct electrons to some degree. Years ago, we discovered that the human bio-energy field increases the conductance of organic insulators, and made a simple "life energy" meter based on tat fact. A simple detector made of an insulator and a battery and a sensitive electrometer (Kiethly 600B) was able to detected every chakra in the human body, chart the frequencies and energy level. In this case, we were measuring pico amps (billionths of an amp) flowing through the non-conductor. Such devices were then copied by my friend Walter Stark in Switzerland (1970's) and sold as bio-energy meters. When Yoga fire breath was performed in the vicinity of the device, the conductivity changed by many orders of magnitude, by a million times. So, even when we wear tennis shoes, there is minute grounding. The ionosphere above us reaches from 300 volts per meter at dea level to millions of volts at high altitudes. However, nothing can compete with walking barefoot on the Earth. We found that some structures increase bio-energy, i.e. pyramids. Whereas other structures decrease it. Things are not quite so simple or back and white.
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 13, 2009 at 8:10pm
"To find yourself, think for yourself." Socrates.

Hmm, MR, in between the beginning and the end where you say we disagree, if you read back over what I've said, we really do not at all. We are using different terminology to describe the same basic concepts. I agree with what you are saying about Tesla, the elite, remote viewing, etc., etc. I understand that rubber is grounding. For example, the safest place to be when lightning strikes is in your car, riding on where "the rubber meets the road." I, too, am a voracious reader...usually reading two books at a time and hundreds of articles/posts on various sites. I agree with you in the sense that we are about to become much more aware of the truth in all aspects, but I so far, have found, that the more I read, and the more I learn, the less I know. In other words, "it" is infinite. And so are you. There are many more levels once you get past this one. I had an incredible dream about this where I was "led" to a window frame suspended in space and "told" to look out...what I saw were infinite pure white planet earths, that went on infinitely as in a beveled mirror. That is not the only way I know that, but this is not the proper place and/or the proper audience.

In no way whatsoever do I believe that my sneakers prevent me from grounding energy with the Earth, lol...I don't care how many studies you throw at me. You are simply not "getting" what I am saying because you seem to be attached to achieving control for your own sake, rather than truly cooperating and sharing in love for the good of the collective. Too many "controllers" is much worse than too many chefs in the kitchen. Have you ever thought of becoming a lawyer? Lawyers are not trained to be co-operative, but combative, argumentative and defensive...and to document everything. Humanity will, or already has, passed through the portal etherically, which is about to manifest in the physical, but it was because at least 51% of us were of an extremely co-operative and loving nature. I'm thinking about leaving this group because I am, quite frankly, wasting my energy responding to your endless citations and debates and even your claim, to my ears, that you will soon be the ruler of the world because a few more books will allow you to prove everything. Your words irritate and agitate me. I find your ego to be enormous. That is a true shame, but it is a snapshot of the real world, and it also shows me that I have much more work to do. Many blessings, along with love and joy.
Comment by Chris Duers on September 13, 2009 at 6:54pm
There's been a lot of good work and writing around the human function of breathing - I think it all fits in here...
Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 13, 2009 at 3:46pm
Marysol. It is good to connect again. I do admire your work in FT voice analysis. The missing frequencies are what it is all about. I do think that making Golden Ratio chords can balance all the frequencies. Our Fibonacci Neurophone produces billions of frequencies all related to each other by the Golden Ratio. The body selects the sound 'food' it needs to come into perfet harmony.

Mary Rose, on shoes all we have to do is start a shoe factory that uses conductive plastic for the soles. Such plastic is readily available. It would be a God-send to have grounded shoes that connect us to the Earth. I do have a connection that could do that. We need all the help we can get.
Comment by mary rose on September 13, 2009 at 3:24pm
Hi Coleen, just a couple brief comments on your comments. First of all congrats on walking as you do. I walk about 3/4 of a mile almost every day.
With regard to the shoe soles, it is the plastic soled shoes through which the Earth's energy does not pentrate, as well as cement that has not been well seasoned. That the earth's energy enters the body in this manner through the barefeet (or hands) has been determined by measuring the body's energy field when barefoot, in different types of shoes, and on cement and the readings compared. If i recall correctly and i don't have time to look this up and verify it, the human body resonates at about 60 hertz when grounded -- when not grounded it resonates around 120 hz or more which is decidedly outside of the natural range and creates a chaos pattern in the body/mind field.

No, i have not read the "Highly Sensitive Person" but what i have read is Lynne McTaggart's book "The Intention Experiment" which documents the research of quite a few of the leading scientists today in the field of human consciousness. All of these experiments were set up very carefully and were repeated numerous times. One of these experiments reveals that the cells know a few seconds before the brain gets the message. However, with regard to spinal energy, which the Chinese call Kundalini energy, it is a "standing wave" which appears to produce a more power than other states. Valerie V. Hunt of Columbia University where she studied energy vibrations for over 30 years, writes about this in her book: "Infinite Mind - Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness".

Another experiment that was conducted by the U.S. military, among others, produced information now being used to train people in remote viewing. What is necessary is to get someone into the theta state of mind, which one enters into just before falling to sleep, and then train that person in maintaining that state without falling asleep. Remove viewing demonstrates that our ability to see beyond our immediate plane is unlimited which is why Valerie Hunt titled her book "Infinite Mind." The theta state is also where "deprogramming" of the subconscious mind takes place, and it appears that unless this state is achieved any attempts are reprogramming are futile. What was once considered to be "para-normal" is more and more falling into what is considered "normal" as very meticulous research is conducted by scientists from around the world by well recognized and documented scientists in their respective fields. A scientist's work is generally recognized by what scientific journal publishes their work.

Where i do believe truth is evident is in our own biology and that of the Universe which is what both Stephen Hawking and The Dalai Lama are saying in their books 'The Universe in a Nutshell"and "The Universe in An Atom". Everything that is known since time began is evident in our personal biology or in the cosmos.. And that of the universe is now able to be fully revealed as new instrumentation becomes available with enough magnifying power, e.g., telescopes, or with regard to ability to measure the subtle energy vibrations that make up the human body, e.g., MRI, sonigrams, etc.

The Akashic Field, also referred to as the Zero Point Field is now thought to exist in the "plenum" of the universe -- that is in what was once thought to be a vacuum but has now been found to be teeming with energy. Energy which Tesla was able to harness, but which the government (read elite) took from him and has utilized for its own purposes rather than using it to enhance life on earth.

One of the reasons i like to read so many books is to compare them -- and i may read four or five at one time in order to gain the whole perspective and ensure that the information is accurate and can be verified by more than one source. So, i disagree with you that we cannot know everything Coleen. We are fast approaching that bar. .


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