Architects of a New Dawn

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Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Anyone here go to GATE convention on Saturday?

Started by Carlo Ami Feb 7, 2013.

Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by mary rose on September 10, 2009 at 2:36pm
Coleen, I so much agree with your thoughts on people who are mentally ill. They generally get shut down from some early childhood (or past life) trauma. And, i see this brilliance in the person i am concerned about. What i want to do if we can locate him is help him with the healing he is not able to obtain from the conventional system. Then i want to help him set up a Foundation for research and education on bi-polar disorder. Having been there and done that with the conventional system so many times, his insights are key to helping others avoid the same circumstances. Then, as well as getting the Foundation set up, want to design a program which will replace the present government programs now in place, with ones that work. And, i have spoken with Dr. V. Vernon Woolf, my long-time mentor who has agreed to work with me on this. And, as well, feel that the "neurophones" designed by Patrick Flanagan will provide a great deal of relief from the nervous tension and hyperactivity that besets many of those who are bi-polar.

This step is important to the Hearts of Fire Project for which I am a spokesperson. It is estimated that about 30% of those who are chronically homeless suffer from bipolar disorder or some other form of mental illness. And many of those who are currently losing homes and jobs will suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and need help as well. So, the sooner we can get this Foundation set up and new programs into play the better it will be for all of society since those who suffer from these diseases can be quite disruptive to the public at large. Right now, my friend has disappeared from sight and we are awaiting his reappearance.

By the way, i was homeless for about a year back in the late 1980's early 1990's in the recession/depression of that time. Not because i suffered from any dis-ease, but because i was a single real estate broker unable to make it through this time. I had a six-figure income, lived in a six-bedroom 4-bath home complete with pool, in one of the plushiest areas of town. And, I had six-months income on the bank at the beginning of the downturn, but was unable to make it through this time.

The main reason i do what i do today is because i wanted to know, after experiencing one of these downturns once before, what in the hell goes on in this country that causes people to work so hard all of their lives and then lose everything in one fell swoop. So, I have been researching this question since that time. And I do have a story to tell. But this story is also coming out from different sources at this time. Len Horowitz happens to be one as he traces his Hebraic roots back to the time of David. I urge you all to read his work, especially "Walk on Water" since it is short, but "The Healing Codes of the Biological Apocalypse" is important as well -- it is much longer and much more detailed, for those who have not as yet caught on to what is happening in our world today.

IMHO, practicing prevention and keeping ourselves in peak health today is a prime requisite. The life you save may be your own.
Comment by stephanie sutton on September 10, 2009 at 7:44am
One little girl with amazing capabilities . . . . s t r e t c h h h h h y o u r M I N D
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 9, 2009 at 10:24pm
Google: Arcturians
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 9, 2009 at 10:23pm
My un-scientific thoughts on mental illness:

Mental illness is caused by brilliance being shut down/and or snuffed out by those who believe they are in power.

Let us never let this happen. Shine On!
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 9, 2009 at 10:19pm
No judgements, no one is better than another. We all have our contributions to make. No princesses. No queens. All are equal. Amen.
Love and joy, Colleen
P.S. ... M.R. Did Louise Hay use science when she healed herself of cancer? It's been a very long time since I read her book...1987 to be exact. Esteem. What is esteem? Respect? Regard? This comes from quiet reflectiveness. And careful discernment. I will read up on Pat and Constance, but not because of Queen Mary's command.
Comment by mary rose on September 9, 2009 at 7:59pm
As i sit here reading Patrick's work, i realize how very fortunate those of us on this list are, because we are on the very cutting edge of the "future dawning" in all of its glory. And, i don't want to overlook Dorinne's work either because all of it is important. I'm also thinking of Constance Demby's music as well as it emanates from instruments she creates herself

But i do hold both Pat's and Constance's work in a little higher esteem simply because of the power to heal large numbers of people at one time. And, as a collective consciousness we are very much a society in need of deep healing.

While i fully expect more amazing things to come out of the collective conscious of this group, since all groups take on their own identity, if no more than this emerges a considerable contribution to humanity has been made.

Patrick, you are truly a remarkable person and i am so honored to be a friend of both you and Stephanie. Your personal contributions to humanity Patrick, are stunning in scope and so numerous. The world is a much better place with you in it, yet you walk the path of deep humility and mindfulness with so much kindness in your heart a heart filled with love and compassion for others. May peace and abundance be with you always.

with much love, appreciation and lots of hugs to everyone, may we remember this special moment for a very long time as the Transformative Media and Entertainment Group, as we treasure the gifts that lay within each of us. And may we help one another unfold these treasures and bestow them upon a world in need of healing, and in so doing, heal ourselves thricefold. m r . .
. .
Comment by stephanie sutton on September 9, 2009 at 4:12pm
OK - Here goes . . . . Pat's piece of the Golden Mean for the group known as Transformative Media & Entertainment. Let me know if there's a better way to place this within the forum. Thanks, Stephanie

Golden Ratio Sound as a Healing Modality

In the mid 1960’s, I researched different geometric structures as healing chambers. After experimenting with various shapes based on the Platonic Solids, I built models of the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and made many interesting observations which eventually were published in my first book, Pyramid Power which was self published at the end of 1972.

Within two years, pyramid mania was sweeping the world. Articles appeared in media throughout the world. People were soon building pyramid homes, meditating in pyramids and building other geometrical structures because these structures had powerful effects on people, plants and things placed in- side the structures.

Using various testing modalities, we found that a chamber built to the same shape as the Great Pyramid affected a great many animate and inanimate objects that were placed for a time in the pyramid shape.

Water lost its surface tension and tasted better, wines and other spirits treated in the pyramid tasted better and were energizing to the consumer. When experienced meditators meditated inside the pyramid their brain signals were not only stronger, but the signals became coherent. Cats that slept in pyramid bed chambers became vegetarians and no longer paid attention to birds or mice as predators. Tobacco products treated in pyramids had improved flavor and were no longer harsh on mucous membranes. The South Government Hospital in Columbo, Sri Lanka, discovered that when patients were given acupuncture treatment in a pyramid that the treatments lasted four to eight times longer than when the patients were treated in the ordinary cubical rooms.

Pyramid Power rapidly became an international best seller and the popularity of pyramids continues to this day (2009). The question always is what is the source of the pyramid power effect?

In the 1970’s and 80’s, I traveled to Egypt 34 times and spent over 3 ½ years total time investigating the pyramids and temples of Egypt. My conclusions are that the effects demonstrated are due to a form of acoustic resonant coherence, a fractal resonance based on the Golden Ratio, the master fractal pattern found throughout all creation.

Many of our reader’s are somewhat familiar with the Golden Ratio partially due to the movie and book entitled: The DaVinci Code. It is not my purpose here to develop the meaning of the Golden Ratio, there are many wonderful dissertations of the Golden Ratio if one Google’s the Golden Ratio.

The Golden Ratio is the basis of the natural fractal design of the Universe. From Spiral Galaxies to the Hydrogen atom, the golden ratio is found in perfection linking to microcosm to the structure of the known universe. It is the basis of the mathematics of perfection or "perfect harmony." No disharmony can exist within its field. As above, so below, as below so above.

When sounds or waves of different frequencies come together, some of the waves destroy each other and some waves combine constructively. Discord occurs when waves interfere and harmony occurs when waves reinforce. Some sounds that are harmonious at their base frequencies are discordant on higher over tones. Waves that are related to each other by the Golden Ratio (GR) are harmonious at all overtones and under tones. It is said that the GR is the boundary between chaos and order. It is the perfect edge of the wave that surfs the boundaries of all universes.

The temple makers of the Ancient world understood these things. The GR was around and being used by mystical architects long before Fibonacci of Pisa and Leonardo DaVinci. Every ancient healing temple I have visited was constricted according to deep knowledge of acoustic resonances based on the Golden Ratio.

The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is one of the prime examples of the frozen fountain of Galactic Harmony ever constructed. We see these ratios in all the ancient temples. In our 2009 world, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent all over the world to explore the effect of Pyramid Power.

Properly constructed Golden Ratio structures exhibit profound phenomena in the physical world. Thirty seven years of Pyramid Research has convinced me that all ancient temples were build for their acoustic properties. Especially in order to isolate acoustic frequencies that are spatially and temporally coherent.

Temporal (time) coherence and Spatial (space) coherence can only occur when waveforms and frequencies are related to each other by the Golden Ratio. All such waves are in perfect harmony, adding and multiplying to infinity without discord. In the realm of light, the light from a laser is coherent because of the waves and overtones of light are both temporally and spatially coherent. The beauty of and power of laser light is because the components that make of the beam are related by the GR.

In the Universe, background noise of all energy events in the cosmos generates what is know as white noise or 1/f noise. White noise is the static between radio stations and consists of every frequency and wavelength of energy from zero to infinity. It is the noise of creation or chaos. Some of these frequencies interfere with each other destructively and some add and multiply constructively. The golden ratio is the only mathematical path from chaos to perfect order or fractality. It is the only frequency continuum in which waves will combine fractally in perfect harmony. The waves that are disharmonious cancel each other out and are destroyed.

Recent mathematical discoveries and scientific publications have shown that the golden ratio is found exactly in the orbits and energy of electrons and protons starting with the hydrogen bond and extending to every single element and compound in inorganic and organic chemistry. (see:

The interior of pyramids constructed to various golden ratio proportions are fractal resonant chambers that will only support multiple frequencies that are fractal to the golden ratio.

In the late 1970’s, I decided to create sounds that were spatially and temporally coherent to the golden ratio. The journey has been a long one and is certainly not finished but the results have been no less exciting than the discovery of pyramid power.

One of the simplest ways of creating a fractal coherent sound field is to add and multiply sound frequencies that are related to each other by the golden ratio.

One way is to mix sound frequencies that are related by the Fibonacci sequence of numbers. 0, 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 Hz ad infinitum. The next frequency to be added is the sum of the last two. A simple 3 frequency golden ratio chord would be, for example 89 Hz + 144 Hz + 233 Hz. The amplitude of each higher frequency is reduced in power by 0.618 because power increases with frequency. Note: golden ratio is approximately: 1.6180339. If one wanted to be exact, you would have to multiply each frequency by the golden ratio to arrive at the next frequency. So, while frequency of each note is increased by 1.618, the amplitude would be reduced by 1/1.618 = 0.618 or approximately 61.8%.

Simple golden ratio chords have very powerful effects on environments, plant growth, feelings of bliss, changing of certain characteristics of water and other materials. We get effects very similar to the way things are altered in a pyramid structure.

The various pyramids and sacred chambers of the ancients are all designed to resonate with gold ratio chords in order to focus the cosmic sound of creation, the OM of the Universe into initiates and sacred objects placed within those chambers. If our architects utilized the same math in the creation of our homes, temples, and businesses the perfect order and harmony could transform the consciousness of all sentient beings in perfect harmony with nature.

When these golden ratio chords are played in a room for a while and then switched off, the environment stores the energy and plays the chords back in- to the space itself when source sound if turned off. I have a few of these chords available and would like to put them up on line so others can play with them. We have made chords of as many as 21 notes and the sound is like a celestial choir. The possibilities are infinite.

Because all hydrogen bonding is directly related to the golden ratio, use of golden ratio resonances can be used to energize and balance environments that have been made discordant by the ignorance of these phenomena.

I made a three note chord using 125 Hz as the base frequency for Earth Dance two years ago mixing the three note chord with a recording of people OMing in the Great Pyramid. The mix was 7 minutes long and was played simultaneously at EarthDance festivals around the world. In Hawaii the sound was played through underwater loudspeakers. At the precise period that the sounds were played, the Princeton Engineering Anomalous Research Labs detection instruments showed changes in the vacuum matrix that were far greater than the anomalies detected on September 11th, 2001 (9/11). In Hawaii, two minutes after the sound started, 400+ dolphins surrounded the boat and jumped over the floating speakers.

About ten years ago, I gave one of the three note chords to a clinic that worked with Autistic Children. In a classroom of children that were hyperactive and disconnected, the three note chord was played for 15 minutes. The children settled down and relaxed for several hours after the sound was removed.

Wifi, cell phones, microwave transmissions, electronic circuits in our environment are stronger than the natural; universal OM. By building GR resonant chambers, and or transmitting GR chords into a given environment, we can restore fractality and harmony.

I invite others to join me in this Quest.

Patrick Flanagan,
Phi Sciences
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 8, 2009 at 2:40pm
Hi Dorinne,
I would be very interested in helping you get your work into film. I am going to talk to Ed and Tien here, and see if either one is interested in working on this project. I'd be willing to work with you on the writing of the script and all the details for production. I will give you a call later this week on it.
Love and joy,
Comment by Dorinne Davis on September 8, 2009 at 9:27am
Hello all. I envy you the time that you can spend discussing these various topics. I can only really spend once a week as there is too much going on. I have read the discussion over the last few days and am pleased to see so many supportive connections.

I appreciate your comments about how to get my book out there. I totally agree that Hay House is the publisher to use but I don't have a contact there. Anyone who can help with getting me a connection there will be helpful. My agent isn't working quickly so I can bypass him if I get an 'in' at a special publisher. The idea of putting together our work into TV or film is exciting. The media that today's populace goes to first is visual. Listening or reading about new topics must be quick and simple and what I am presenting is so new and different that it is only when I present in person or on video that people understand my proceess. I am always told 'It makes sense!".

As for my work, I work with 'sound' for the individual, not music, not hearing, not groups of people. To me, sound is vibration. Everything in the universe vibrates. We only see our physical entity as a body because of the patterns of the vibrating cells within our physical self. Where there is vibration, there is frequency and where there is frequency, there is sound. Each one of us has our own cellular vibrational patterns. Each cell gives out and takes in sound. If each cell does this, imagine your body comprised of many different instruments each playing their own sound or song. I discuss this as our own "Signature Symphony of Sound" (R) When the instruments are not in tune, the symphony is dyschordant and we function in this manner. My job is to find out how to tune you up. The tune up is not always easy because there may be breakdowns at the spritual, emotional, and/or physical level. And today I have to be concerned about the etheric level. I am only able to accomplish the gradual 'tune up' with sound-based therapies, something I discuss in my third book "Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy". What I didn't have in place for that book was the full connections between the voice, the ear, and the brain that I put together in my upcoming book. Once this process is in place, then I also introduce a way to self-heal with a technique I designed called Ototoning, based upon what your body says it needs to self-heal. My Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect demonstrates that not only does the voice produce what the ear hears but the ear emits the same stressed frequencies as the voice, and when the one is modified, the other is also changed. Of course, this is only one sentence of a long concept but thats as simple as I can state it right now. My work is individualized. Music is more generalized. One can feel great when music is played in large groups and we can feel energized but we work at the group level for that. I work at the single person level and often at the single frequency level. I think the group level can be a good place to start but the final piece must be individualized. Because my work is individualized, I say I do not work with diagnoses, symptoms or disorders. I simply repattern the vibrational energy patterns of the person so that their body can begin to self-heal. I have helped those with autism, ADHD, learning disabilities,developmental challenges, as well as those with health and wellness challenges. There are no age restrictions either. I work with babies in utero through people's time to pass into their next life. We are created as a sound entity and remain a sound entity. Everything we ingest, get exposed to, or come in contact with have their own frequencies. We either absorb these frequencies, blend with them, or expel them in order to function. This concept is a new paradigm for our existence and this blog is an excellent way to share. We are forming how our current and future generations of people will function.

In closing, let me remind you that I discuss 'sound', not hearing, and sound stimulates all of our senses. I call the ear now, our global sensory processor, not just a hearing mechanism. Please think of sound moving forward as vibration creating a frequency response that our brain picks up even if it is outside of our hearing abilities. The quantum movements or vibrations are 'heard' at the brain and we respond to them.

I look forward to hearing your responses to this narrative, although I can't give too much of my next book away. I'll check back when I can.
In Harmony,
Dorinne Davis
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 6, 2009 at 12:04pm
Hello Bob! I am so happy to make your acquaintance and to read your shining thoughts! Thank you for adding your brilliant suggestion about including homeless people's thoughts on projects we create! I very recently read about a smart woman who had an excellent job for years in California and a lovely $1500 per month cottage that she rented. When she got laid off, as this is happening rampantly in our country now, she had to move into a little trailer she had inherited from her father upon his passing. She started buying the $5 coffee cards from Starbucks, where she could sit there dressed in her work clothes, sip coffee and blog on the internet. "Homeless but Not Hopeless" was her motto. She ended up meeting her boyfriend, and also getting a part-time magazine internship, which hopefully will lead her to another great job.

Thank you for Be-ing of Love, thank you for your support of the dome multi-media healing presentations, and thank you for your ideas on including the homeless! I posted two discussions on new projects above, and any comments or ideas you might have would be wonderfully appreciated. Love and joy, Colleen

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