Architects of a New Dawn

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Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Anyone here go to GATE convention on Saturday?

Started by Carlo Ami Feb 7, 2013.

Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 3, 2009 at 11:48am
Dear Mary Rose, I just wanted to say that I feel for you as you go through your personal chapter with your friend who has been diagnosed with bi-polar. This is heart-wrenching! Maybe, just maybe, Dorinne could help?
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 3, 2009 at 11:46am
Dorinne, I really resonate with your work and I truly can't wait to read your new book. I hope it gets published very soon! Mary Rose, I do feel that the body heals itself at the cellular level, and the light therapy, Qigong, music before surgery, and all of the modalities you mentioned are very valuable. And at this we know if a body needs just one or a combination of all of these modalities? It is all alot to absorb and digest. I am sure the average person does not have the time or even the interest. So, if we are to create something that will be of significant benefit...we've got to answer the question of whether more than one modality is always needed for a body to heal. Then we've got to narrow it down to get the information out in a most entertaining way that people will be attracted to want to view it, learn about, and use it. I think that too much information just causes people to shut down. There is a basic golden rule for trial lawyers when trying to present a complex case to a jury without having them fall asleep: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Perhaps this same rule applies when trying to present many complex theories of healing?
Comment by Dorinne Davis on September 3, 2009 at 7:57am
Hi all, I am away right now and will return next week. I will respond to this wonderful discussion if possible while away but if not, definitely next week.
Comment by mary rose on September 2, 2009 at 11:23pm
Ed, want to comment more on what you have written, but first want to comment on Dorinne's post.

Dorinne, you wrote in part:

If a person is an addict, they are 'out of balance' with their core frequencies and their addiction fills in the gap or blends their frequencies into a more harmonious body. Only they become dependent on that need. I prefer to help the body learn how to do without that need. I have only lightly touched on my process but my approach brings each person back to a level from which they can self-heal and/or begin to learn or develop at a more foundational level.

What i am understanding from this is that your approach heals at the cellular level -- actually transforming the DNA. But Holodynamics does this as well. Actually in Holodyanamics all the counselor does is "walk into consciousness" with the person in need of healing and aid them in conducting their own healing.process, and it is all done verbally. I also ran across a therapist in Texas who uses light therapy. How he does this is to shine a different color light into the person's eyes. And from what i have gathered from this information combined with Holodynamics and Valerie Hunt's information on wave lengths and colors, is that different challenges may require different wavelengths to create the healing. EFT accomplishes the same thing by tapping on acupuncture points in the body. Cellular biologist Bruce Lipton works with PSYCH-K therapist Rob Williams who is quite successful in helping people transform their lives. And the part of the program that Bruce does is to explain what is happening at the cellular level that causes the transformation to take place. Bruce is also the author of "The Biology of Belief - The Science of How Thoughts Control Life". What appears is that "intent" forms a very large role in healing. Another facet of this is using "neurophones" as invented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan to balance brain waves, and the AM Wave used by the Institute of HeartMath. Also, Constance Demby should be in this group as well because she designs her own instruments and demonstrates different sounds with them.

Now the Solfeggio Scale may be something a little different, but is still in the realm of "energy healing" as are all of the above modalities since sound is energy. I've really getting into Horowitz's stuff and, in particular, "Walking on Water," because it is a very small book that contains a lot of information. And although he calls the 528 note by different names, e.g., LIFEWAVE, etc. what i am getting is that it really the "music of life" and takes place at the moment of conception. And again going back to Bruce Lipton's work, at the moment of conception, the seed or the egg is surrounded by the electromagnetic field. So a very, very powerful tool to use for trans-formation.

So what i am visualizing here is a documentary that goes into how healing takes place at the cellular level. And doing an interview with Bruce Lipton on this along with Gregg Braden, Leonard Horowitz, Patrick Flanagan, and Howard Martin of the Institute of Heart Math, and Dorinne. The other person who does the light healing -- can't recall his name right now -- should be included as well. Then we would want to bring in some conventional healers along with representatives of the AA program for alcohol and addiction, so we can bring about recognition as to how the shift in healing modalities is taking place.

And then we somehow shift into music as a healing modality, but one which also has a great deal of potential to create a chaos pattern in the body which almost certainly would lead into depression in a performer who constantly was into that rhythm as would anyone who listened to it constantly. So then we have Carlos, and Kate, and other great musicians of all types playing different types of music so people get a feel for what is healing and what is not, and what the effect on the body/mind is from listening to different types.

One of the things i was reading in Horowitz book was that it was OK to listen to a type of music that creates a chaos pattern in the body/mind field as long as healing music was played at the end of the listening period so that a coherence pattern was re-established.

Another person i'm thinking of here is Dr. Alice Cash because she has designed earphones and written special music for people going into surgery. Another thought is to have a section on how beneficial it would be to have healing music playing in places of work, in schools, in hospitals, etc., etc., etc. to just releave the stress of everyday living in the modern world. And as well in the home.

And to make something that can be presented on television, in the domes, and on DVDs for home viewing. And then we need to get the DVDs into educational facilities.

There is a vibration frequency associated with everything we do whether its the food we eat, the words we use, the exercise we do, the people we associate with, whether we garden or watch passive sports entertainment or actively participate. And if we want a healthy and peaceful environment and population then more people need to become aware of this and learn how to manage their energy in such a way as to be in balance all of the time.

And this brings us to the point of Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga as ways to manage our "chi" or "prana" as it is sometimes called. The Chinese have studied this for 3,000 years. Qigong is a very, very powerful healing modality.

And we have so much talent in this group - Amazing things are happening.

with love and appreciation to everyone

I'm also thinking how we might do a sit-com around this some way and get the message across.
Comment by Ed Lantz on September 2, 2009 at 8:02pm
By the way, welcome Dorinne! You're our 100th member!
Comment by Ed Lantz on September 2, 2009 at 8:00pm
Great discussion and information on sound healing!

My personal interest is how to embed these healing modalities into mainstream media. That's what Harmony Channel tried to do, though it apparently lacked "entertainment value" since not enough people watched it for us to compete with other cable channels such as Fear Net.

This experience brought me back to dome theaters which amplify the audio/visual experience through full visual and auditory immersion, making visual/music compositions much more powerful. Still, there needs to be a hook, something that captures the imagination, invokes an emotional response or activates the spirit in a way that people consider entertaining.

What is entertainment? What makes something entertaining? Does entertainment have to be emotionally provocative? Can healing visuals and sounds be embedded in entertaining media? Or is something that is highly entertaining a healing experience in itself? I would love to hear people's thoughts on this.
Comment by Dorinne Davis on September 2, 2009 at 6:02pm
I hear what everyone is writing and I wish I had more time to share what I have put together with you. However, to our very core, we are vibrating entities, therefore emanating and receiving sound frequencies. In order to feel balanced, thereby maintaining our wellness, we need to harmonize our body's sound frequencies. This can easily be done with sound-based therapies. Then to maintain the balance, I use the concept established with my Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect to connect with our inner self. An addict, someone depressed, someone with emotional, physical or spiritual issues, or someone with wellness challenges can all be helped. With vibrational sound, we can break down emotional barriers, we can search for ways to help the person function better, or we can balance the connections with others (and more). If a person is an addict, they are 'out of balance' with their core frequencies and their addiction fills in the gap or blends their frequencies into a more harmonious body. Only they become dependent on that need. I prefer to help the body learn how to do without that need. I have only lightly touched on my process but my approach brings each person back to a level from which they can self-heal and/or begin to learn or develop at a more foundational level.
Comment by mary rose on September 2, 2009 at 10:19am
George, from my experience in working with addicts, i perceive them to be those who have largely lost contact with their heart and have become 'talking heads'. And, as Colleen pointed out in another message, that most of us have been wounded in some way and suffer to some extent or other from the pathology of dissociation.

In his book: "Transforming Human Culture: Social Evolution and the Planetary Crisis, Jay Earley, Ph.D. points out that we have become a highly addictive society. But addiction is, as i have written previously an "add-on" with an underlying cause being the real source of the challenge.

But, in getting back to your comment, George, while someone may eventually reconnect with their heart if left to their own devices, some type of intervention process coupled with therapeutic dialog may hasten the process. And, there are any number of processes available today from Holodynamics by V. Vernon Woolf, in which i have been trained, to Focusing by Eugene Gendler, to that being proposed here by Dorinne Davis. All of which have value.

My personal opinion as to what is needed at this time, given the magnitude of the challenge, is a modality that can reach masses of people in the shortest period of time and on a mass scale. . And my feelings are that music coupled with light and exercise has the potential to accomplish this if the product we produce is structured appropriately. And i will later go into why i feel exercise is a critical element in the process.

If i seem to be focused on drugs and alcohol at the present time, please forgive me. I have just had, and am still experiencing a very traumatic time with someone who has become very dear to me, and is suffering from bi-polar disease. But who has become a victim of both the system and ignorance, and is now in a rehab center which both he and i know will do him little good because it treats for drug addiction and alcoholism and never reaches the level of the underlying disease -- the cause itself. And, although i am involved on a personal level with this person due to cirucumstances, he represents the millions of people in our society today who are caught in this double bind of ignorance and greed.

And so what i want and what i am demanding is that as respons-I-ble people who are part of the Oneness, we do something about this. And, we do it NOW.

And being perfectly honest --- i am frankly tired of the things that go on and on simply because they make money for the few, but keep us from resolving issues that have answers which can be readily applied but are not accomplished simply because they are not money-makers, but are things readily available to each of us if we know where to look for them.

with love and appreciation to every one. I am still holding the field for the fullest potential to unfold in this event in the best interests of all concerned.
Comment by Dorinne Davis on September 1, 2009 at 4:59pm
Hi Colleen. Thanks for the welcome. Without giving too much away until my book is published, no, the talking to yourself is not the way that we 'self-heal', except perhaps within our emotional self at times. What I can share is already in print. In 2004, I presented to the Acoustical Society of America what is now known as The Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect, which are two laws demonstrating that the output of the ear and the output of the voice have a 100% correlation between the identified irregular frequencies. My work has evolved from scientific foundations but explore the metaphysical responses that reach us through physical, emotional and spiritual levels. I have had the unique opportunity to blend 3 fields--audiology, education and sound therapies--to create a brand new field. My work to date has been with sound-based therapies which use the vibrational energy of sound through special equipment, specific programs, modified music, and/or specific tones or beat but the need for which is identified by appropriate testing. My new work moves into the field of sound healing and bridges the gap between sound healing and sound-based therapy, and will provide all of us with a way to reach our core main issue of need. I've got to get the book published soon, because my work needs to get out there.
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on September 1, 2009 at 3:34pm
Dorinne! Hello and welcome! :) Thank you for sharing the essence of your breakthrough of using what the body tells us it needs through sound and then to reintroduce this sound back to the body so that self-healing occurs. As I am pondering this, my brain keeps saying "ah ha" and "hmmm" and "yes!" And, ok, maybe I even said it out loud, qualifying me as talking to myself, but I think your breakthrough is brilliant. And if I was just "talking to myself," as it were, wouldn't this be the missing link...just like you wrote to actually prove that yes, we do listen to our Higher Selves, and they can heal us? Is this connecting with, or merging with, your Higher Self, and having your Higher Self do the healing it needs to do on its own Self? But, what you are doing is taking it from the level of reading about it theoretically in books or seeing the subtle message in movie or video, like The Secret, for example, or even possibly hiring a team of angels to do this clearing for you when you have no idea what they are doing behind the scenes, to actually using one's own Sound to heal one's Self. It's brilliant! Love and joy, Colleen
P.S. I know I am jumping ahead here.....but I will ask anyway....Do we keep the same voice imprint throughout all of our incarnations?

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