Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Transformative Media & Entertainment


Transformative Media & Entertainment

Music, visuals and storytelling can not only entertain, but uplift, heal and transform! Join with other content creators in sharing your past, present and future transformative media projects and ideas including films, videos, networks and events.

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Anyone here go to GATE convention on Saturday?

Started by Carlo Ami Feb 7, 2013.

Transformational Media using Digital Domes 2 Replies

Started by Ed Lantz. Last reply by Ed Lantz Jul 7, 2012.

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Comment by mary rose on September 1, 2009 at 4:23am
Colleen, i believe your mission statement is a good place to start, but would like more input from others in the group. You wrote:

"We, the Architects of a New Dawn, fully embrace and celebrate that heaven on earth is a distinct possibility and, in consciousness, it already exists. Our mission as Architects of a New Dawn is to illuminate and accelerate this understanding so that it is collectively embraced by mainstream reality and becomes the new way of living. In this sense, we are cultural, media, and scientific New Dawn Architects on a sacred mission, calling forth multiple forms in every discipline to achieve our mission."

Where the challenge, for me anyway, appears to lay within the realm of " intended audience". I think i have written this previously, but statistics show that almost 30% of the population of the U.S. is legally mentally ill. Then when coupled with the fact that fully 40% of the world's production of illegal drugs are consumed here in the U.S. with only 5% of the world's population, the question arises as to how many are left capable of making informed and intelligent decisions? although i am not unaware that discriminate use of certain drugs may also be an eye-opening and/or healing experience. Whatever, the question still remains as to what can be done in order to reach an audience sufficient to make a difference? Since we, as individuals tend to see others through our own lens, the tendency is to perceive that everyone has the same capabilities and desires as we do. However the more realistic view may be that the majority would rather watch sports entertainment than have a mind-altering experience of Oneness. .

The other question this brings up for me is whether or not the use of subliminal programming as is being used by the competition would be included? We live in a very complex world today where the answers may not be as simple as they appear on the surface. But, whatever we do here as a group, i feel, should be very transparent.

Another question arises again as to distribution -- what is the most effective way to reach the intended audience? Is it via the domes, by TV, through DVDs, or? And then, perhaps as we begin to address some of these questions and others that i am not aware of, perhaps the idea for "content" will just pop through.

Something that was truly impactful for me with regard to sound healing, was reading about Gregg Braden's experience as he and his wife watched the disappearance of a large malignant tumor on a woman's bladder, somewhere in Asia, via a sonigram, as three priests chanted beside her for several minutes. And the thought that occurs to me as i write this is whether or not it is possible, given the technology we have available today, to replicate on another level, this experience of healing by sound, and disseminate it to a mass audience with varied interests.

I am also curious as to the result of Len Horowitz' 528 concert held this past June. He is a member of AOAND, and i wonder if it would be possible to get him involved with this group or at least get some input from him.

Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on August 31, 2009 at 7:28pm
That is a beautiful vision, Denise.
Comment by DENISE ANNE SATI on August 31, 2009 at 11:45am
Latest "Victorious Visionary Video". Peaceful, Color & Light Healing art, designed to evoke One Light ontological, inner dimensional, DNA etched blueprint of centered, radiant, One Light Cosmic Reality.
"Radiant Mirrors"
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on August 31, 2009 at 11:20am
It is very joyful to be in the company of such astute, kind, and evolved souls! I am going to purchase Transcendental Physics tomorrow, because I believe that the single most critical point of knowledge that we can get across to humanity right now is that we are all connected, and therefore, as Jeff discusses, to harm any living thing is to harm the All, including one's self. Once one fully realizes and accepts this truth, then it becomes impossible to harm another or to live in any way that is not in harmony with nature...not because of a set of imposed rules, but because the heart knows as truth and that there is no other way to live.

I suggest we get organized to create an epic work of monumental impact on humanity for positive, permanent change by adopting a mission statement, a project to complete, and a list of tasks and people to work on them. Mary Rose made this excellent suggestion about getting organized earlier.

One suggestion for the mission statement is:

"We, the Architects of a New Dawn, fully embrace and celebrate that heaven on earth is a distinct possibility and, in consciousness, it already exists. Our mission as Architects of a New Dawn is to illuminate and accelerate this understanding so that it is collectively embraced by mainstream reality and becomes the new way of living. In this sense, we are cultural, media, and scientific New Dawn Architects on a sacred mission, calling forth multiple forms in every discipline to achieve our mission."

Next would be a major project. I suggest this project be to permanently instill the belief that everything is connected, and the only way to live is with absolute commitment to the highest good of All. It seems we first have to convince those non-believers how this could be so. If the book, Transcendental Physics proves this beyond a doubt, then perhaps that should be the backbone, and have the creativity flow from there.

So if that is the project, then the next task is to create the product. Shall it be a movie or a planetarium show that is widely accessible, affordable and available? I think either one would be great.

Next, form the committees and get the groups to work on them together. Mary Rose has put together a list of suggestions earlier in this group's postings - Creative Team, Production Team, Marketing/PR; Funding, etc.

Brooks, could you please share what HoloGenesis and HoloCosmos is and does? It sounds absolutely fascinating. Thank you all. I look forward to your input about the mission statement and the project! What do you think? Love and joy, Colleen
Comment by mary rose on August 31, 2009 at 10:12am
Stephanie, thank you for your comment. And Brooks it is very exciting that you offer " HoloGenesis and HoloCosmos technology, visual creativity and social media design to such an undertaking." My mind is reeling with the unlimited potential for producing a product which can dramatically alter the course of humanity, taking it from the "death-defining" path we are on today into that of "life-enhancement" as we undertake this task as a collective consciousness.

Thanks also to George for his enlightening comments on the structure of music. I would like to add to this that music acts upon the human body/mind field as if it were a musical instrument itself responding to "tuning" just as will one violin in a room where there is another violin reverberate when the string of one is plucked. In the human body, the heart begins to resonate with the beat of the music. For instance, drumming is used to unite people in thought as in drumming circles. As the drum beats the heart will soon follow the beat of the drum until everyone's heart is beating in unison. But, the potential is there for the heart to beat in either a chaos pattern or a coherence pattern with the coherence pattern being within the 417 to 500 hz scale and upward into the 1100 range where the energy is reflected as "the pure white light".

For more information on coherence and chaos patterns in the human body/mind field may i suggest: "Infinite Mind - Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness" written as a document of her research into this area by Valerie V. Hunt, Ph.D. Dr. Hunt holds advanced degrees in both psychology and physiological science from Columbia University. She has spent 25 years in the study of the subtle energy vibrations of the human body/mind field, and was the first to discover a "human field" chaos pattern with it. She was also the first to discover vibration patterns in pain, disease and illness, and in emotional and spiritual stress. Dr. Hunt has also found scientific evidence of individualized field signature and subtle energetic happenings between people and within groups. Dr. Hunt was recently awarded a research grant to develop an "aura" meter which can be used in a physicians office to detect disease in the aura field before it invades body tissue. The ability to do this came out of NASA research and accompanied their need to read and record information on astronauts in their space travels. In her research, Dr. Hunt frequently worked with the assistance of the well known energy healer Barbara Brennan who has the ability to see the aura field with the naked eye. As Dr Hunt recorded the hertz reading Brennan would call out the color associated with it. Much of the work was conducted in a "mu" room which was sealed to prevent other subtle energy vibrations from entering.

The body has two subtle energy fields: that of the alternating current and the other being the electromagnetic energy field that underlies all of life. Research by award-winning cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals that at the instant of conception by an egg or seed it is surrounded by the electromagnetic energy field.

In his book: "Electromagetism and The Sacred, Dr. Lawrence Fagg, a nuclear physicist and theologian and graduate of the Catholic University expresses his belief that God is "radiant light". From what i have discovered in further research as a "journalistic investigator" is that the subtle energy vibrations of the human body interact in such a way as to produce human consciousness, and that these interactions are what we entitle "spirit" and are in essence our emotions.

Several years ago, Lynne McTaggart, another investigative journalist published the ground-breaking book: "The Field" which was the first to explore the energy field of the human body/mind and detail the associate biological actions taking place there. McTaggart the further explored and detailed what we consider to be "paranormal" activities and their relationship to this field which some scientists also refer to as the "Zero Point Field".

Another book providing insights into "the field" is that of John Chilton Pearce: "The Biology of Transcendence - A Blueprint for the Human Spirit". In this writing, Pearce records his research into the field as he records how the heart is connected to the energy field of the Earth and the Universe itself. And, an agency conducting considerable research into this area is the Institute of HeartMath. And certainly anything we do here should include this Institute as their research is considerable. I shall be advising Sarah Childre, current President of the Institute, of the discussion taking place here. And as well will be keeping Bruce Cryer, President of the for-profit sector of the Institute advised. For more information on the Institute: Hopefully, this dialogue will result in more interaction between the Institute and AOAND.
Comment by Brooks Cole on August 30, 2009 at 5:45pm
Brilliant! I think a the creation of a collaborative multimedia experience, collectively created by members of this group and our many immensely talented and conscious friends and allies, would be a thrilling and invaluable exploration. HoloGenesis and HoloCosmos would be thrilled to contribute technology, visual creativity and social media design to such an undertaking...
Comment by stephanie sutton on August 30, 2009 at 4:53pm
Well, I am speechless - well, perhaps I should say - "without sound" but then prepare for my gasp......I mean GASP! Breath! The Sound of the Self without Self! This is the best dialogue I've heard since Atlantis. Thank you, Maryrose and Jeff and Ed and Colleen......and did I say, Colleen? Amazing input. Incredible insight......Dedicated Souls All Of You. The Harmony of the Spheres is Singing High Praises to this CALL>>> We ALL know how ProFound the Sound of the Future Will and Can Be>>>>Our Newly Arising Future Depends on Our Understanding......not WithStanding the Pyramids as Our Golden Rule. We have So Much Power to Implement Now, the Sacred Sound that Allowed Us to Be Here in the First Place. May We Ommmmm our Way into the Ether and let the 5th Dimensional Frequencies do what they do best! I am Humbled By the Assembly of Ancient Souls Activating the very Power of Primordial Truth that is rummbling in our Inner Ear! Can WE HEAR? Yes We CAN>>> Using the I AM>>>>> Your SiSTAR* Steph . . . . . .
Comment by Jeff Hutner on August 30, 2009 at 8:04am
As the editor/publisher of New Paradigm Digest, one of my passions is discovering and sharing new paradigms and their authors. Of course, we are all multiple forms of a connected consciousness co-creating the new paradigm all the time.

I am presently reading a fascinating visionary book, Transcendental Physics by Edward R. Close, Ph.D. In it, we are taken on a journey that leads to the scientific proof that consciousness precedes matter or that God exists, however you might want to express it. It reaches this conclusion by outlining the concepts, empirical evidence, and logic that lead to a new paradigm providing a natural framework for further investigation of a reality composed of matter, energy and consciousness.

Quantum physics and its interpreters have offered many theories but this book presents the proof. It might be one of the most important books ever published since it could mean the end of scientific materialism and duality, and the celebration of a connected world in which we cannot hurt one another because the other is recognized and respected as us and we will not pollute any longer because we recognize the earth as us. (Many of us do already and the embodiment of this powerful model while not yet mainstream, is certainly moving in this direction.) Reminds me of the Pogo comic in which Pogo says, "I have met the enemy and he is us."

When oneness is fully embraced and celebrated as a given, heaven on earth is a distinct possibility and, of course, in consciousness, it already exists. Our job as architects of a new dawn is to illuminate and accelerate this understanding so it is collectively grocked. In this sense, we are cultural, media, and scientific trance breakers on a sacred mission. I have wondered for years what the positive filmic equivalent of the atomic bomb might look like and perhaps this may be one form of that idea at a time when multiple forms in every discipline are being called forth.

Perhaps a collaborative multimedia experience based on Dr. Close's discovery might prove a worthwhile project for this group. For more on his book, work, DVD and Powerpoint, visit

May the force (consciousness) continue to express itself through and as us in the most brilliant, compassionate, and co-creative ways.
Comment by mary rose on August 30, 2009 at 7:18am
What is happening here is really incredible -- but then i do believe that we have all been here and done this before in another lifetime, and are back again to take this to another level of consciousness.

Coleen, thank you for extending your hand in friendship and i do accept. Horowitz and Puleo's book does contain information on the 3 - 6 - 9 versus the 8 as you indicate in your message. And they too go into the family of 13, etc.

Someone else who very much deserves to have his name associated here and his research considered is Dr. Patrick Flanagan.
Patrick is the inventor of the neurophone and has also done extensive research on water which adds yet another dimension to this discussion. And Len Horowitz again brings this into view in his book: "Walking on Water - Astonishing revelations in the magnificence, mechanics and meaning of life."

But here, again, another name comes into view: that of the well known: Dr. Masaru Emoto with his photographs of water crystals after both written and spoken words have been proven capable of changing the molecular structure of water.

More later, and again with love and appreciation to everyone gathered here.
Comment by Colleen O'Rourke on August 30, 2009 at 2:31am
Many blessings, Ed and Jeff. We are here to assist humanity. I love you.

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