This is a highly recommended course of online study by Richard H. Robbins author of the book: GLOBAL PROBLEMS AND THE CULTURE OF CAPITALISM.
Professor Robbins in this study course explores the past 400 - 600 years of a culture and society, originating for the most part in Europe and dedicated to the idea of consumption as the ultimate source of well-being as it has spread to all parts of the globe. In many ways it is the most successful culture and society the world has ever seen, its technology, wealth, and power, monuments to its success, but accompanying its expansion have been problems--growing social and economic inequality, environmental destruction, mass starvation and social unrest. Most members of this society and culture perceive these problems as distant from themselves or as challenges for them to meet. However there is the possibility that these problems, which threaten to negate everything this culture has accomplished, are intrinsic to the culture itself. That is the possibility that Robbins explores in his book and in this course.
Recommended reading along with this course is: THE STORY OF STUFF by Annie Leonard
An excerpt from The STORY OF STUFF reads:
"We have a problem with Stuff - with just 5% of the world's population, we're consuming 30% of the world's resources and creating 30% of the world's waste. If everyone consumed at U.S. rates, we would need 3 - 5 planets to meet our needs."
As just one small example, Leonard shows that we must extract 98 tons of material from the earth in order to create 1 ton of paper. When looked at from this perspective, it is quite obvious that something must change.